Chapter 1025 The deficit is too great!


Looking at the head in front of him, Chu Xiao gasped heavily.

For him, this matter is really difficult to solve.

But it’s okay now, there are no major problems.

And this guy has already been dealt with by himself.

The previous last blow was already planned by myself for a long time.

Although Bai Ze has already been dealt with, he is also very weak at this time.

Because the last attack before, almost consumed all his power.

But it’s okay now, there is no other situation around.

If there are any other monsters, it is estimated that they will have to wait to die here.

Now that this situation has not happened, it is better for him.

Chu Xiao also felt a little collapsed at this moment.

Fortunately, there is no big problem.

And that guy was really taken care of.

It may also be the last distraction, or that moment.

It seems that he still has a certain strength, Chu Xiao smiled at this thought.

11 This matter is indeed too difficult, and it is also very troublesome for him.

If there were any problems before, you might have died here.

Nothing happened, it was really good for him.

At least not too troublesome.

This situation is still acceptable, and I don’t feel much about it.

But this time is really very weak.

He will definitely have to recover well next.

And now I can clearly feel that I am definitely free to move around here.

Apart from this, there is no other danger here.

The eye of the storm is right in front of him, but he hasn’t moved now.

After all, at this time, he has already consumed too much.

Although there are no injuries on his body, he has already consumed a lot and almost has lost money.

This body of oneself, can hold on to this time, thanks to one’s own physical strength.

Otherwise, he might have fallen down.

Fortunately, such a situation did not occur, otherwise such a thing would be dangerous.

So this time the trouble has been solved, he has completely thought about it, and he also knows this.

Bai Ze is really difficult to deal with, but he has been killed by himself, then this is enough.

So I didn’t think about other things, and at this time, I wouldn’t say anything.

Because under this situation, he has no strength anymore.

However, many changes have taken place at this time, and the violent snowstorm has returned to normal at this moment.

In addition to this, the surrounding situation has also improved a lot.

After seeing this, Chu Xiao showed a smile on his face

“They… should be able to recover by then.”

Afterwards, Chu Xiao’s eyes were all looking at the people behind him.

Now they are all ice sculptures.

After seeing this situation, Chu Xiao was also a little unsure.

Because he also did not guarantee that they were still alive.

If he is dead, there is no other way.

At that time, there was really no way he could help.

And it couldn’t stop Bai Ze.

That guy at that time was really too tough.

If you were not able to hold it back, you might have big problems.

Now that there is no such situation, it is still acceptable for me to become like this.

Because Bai Ze has been wiped out, this is the best news.

Apart from this, there is nothing else to think about.

It seemed to him that the matter now was completely resolved.

There is no trouble.

Maybe the battle here before has scared everyone around.

It should be within a short time that nothing else will come.

It looks like this, so I can rest assured.

No matter what, he can still accept the current situation.

Then there is no need to think about what else will happen.

If you think about it too much, this matter will become a little bad.

Maybe at that time, it will make your situation worse.

In fact, his consumption is really too great.

If anything else happened at this time, he really couldn’t cope with it.


That is to say, at this moment, Bai Ze’s body fell directly to the ground at this moment, and the ground was a sensation.

Chu Xiao saw this scene with a smile on his face.

He finally solved this big guy.

I have to say that this time is really too thrilling.

If it wasn’t for Bai Ze to be anxious in the end, maybe he really couldn’t tell.

It can be said that I finally endured this time.

And my guess is correct.

Whenever there is any mistake, it may not be the case now.

Maybe he is not standing here anymore.

Therefore, Chu Xiao sighed for such a thing.

Fortunately, I have persisted.

Otherwise, he might have fallen.

That did not happen, which is of course the best.

And there are no other circumstances, so you don’t have to think about it too much.

At this time, the matter was indeed quite good, at least nothing happened.

And there is nothing 587 found, other existence, even the breath is not felt.

In this way, Chu Xiao can really relax.

What’s more, he is still here in the eye of the storm.

In this way, there shouldn’t be too many problems.

He felt these things, and there was nothing special in the eyes of the storm.

So he doesn’t have much curiosity now.

In general, he just wants to recover his body.

Because if this continues, the situation at that time may be more dangerous.

It might also be bad.

Thinking of this, I didn’t think about other things.

Because this matter is still more troublesome.

He doesn’t know if other people will wake up, even if they are alive.

But now he has no time to take care of this matter.

Because they are all able to feel their own body, the deficit is too great, and they can’t hold on for long.

And I also knew that I had to recover the consumption in this body.

Otherwise, he might not even be able to stand up.

After sitting cross-legged, Chu Xiao glanced at the people again, hoping they were still alive.

Here, he may also fall into a deep sleep for a while.

Thinking of this, Chu Lei closed his eyes and started to fall asleep without thinking again.

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