Chapter 1026 The time has come, the edge of a breakthrough!


After Chu Xiao opened his eyes, his hair was flying at this moment.

Not only that, the aura on the body is stronger than before!

Under this circumstance, such things shocked them.

At this time, even they didn’t know what to say.

The current situation also makes them wonder how to solve it.

But they all know that Chu Xiao is really awake now.

And it has completely recovered.

If this is the case, there is no need to worry about that much anymore.

It’s just that they can all see that Chu Xiao has really become stronger.

In that case, there seems to be nothing to say.

This is the situation at this time, don’t think about other things so much.

Anyway, this is the situation now, and there is really nothing to think about.

In any case, they were taken aback by this matter.

Because Chu Xiao is already much stronger than before!

Suddenly, this matter became a little complicated.

And they don’t know what to think now.

Or maybe I don’t know what to say.

Because now Chu Xiao can be seen opening his eyes.

It’s just that everyone was very acquainted and didn’t say anything.

Because at this time, Chu Xiao’s eyes were somewhat muddy.

It seems that he has not fully recovered his sanity.

After they saw this, of course they stopped thinking about other things.

At this time, I will definitely be very careful.

I don’t need to think about it for the time being.

In fact, they don’t know what the situation is, and they can’t explain it clearly.

But according to this situation, it may be a good thing for them.

In addition to this, it may also be a good thing for Chu Xiao.

Then of course it is impossible for them to say anything at this time.

They are also relatively quiet at this time.

Then they don’t know exactly what changes will happen next.

It’s just that you can clearly feel that Chu Xiao’s aura is stronger than before.

Chu Xiao is stronger than before.

Whether it’s the breath or the power of qi and blood, it’s all like this.

This incident, when I felt it before, really scared them.

Fortunately, they had been shocked before, and now they reacted quickly.

Since Chu Xiao was awake, of course, it was the best thing.

Maybe they can wait for the next thing.

In addition to this, you can also discuss what should be done.

Everyone is looking at Chu Xiao fiercely at this moment.

Because they can all tell that Chu Xiao has really become stronger.

They can clearly feel this without disguising it.

I didn’t expect that Chu Xiao would have gained such a big gain in the battle with Bai Ze.

After they learned about this, they all felt a little weird.

It’s just that I don’t think about it so much now, this matter is still acceptable.

It’s just that they don’t know exactly what the situation will be next.

It’s like this at this time, they are all suffering.

After all, I have been waiting here for a long time and have experienced many things.

Now that Chu Xiao finally woke up, this was of course the best thing.

In that way, they can do other things.

No need to stay here every day.

In fact, they were really bored during this period of time.

If it is airtight, something wrong may really happen.

There is nothing to say about the situation at this time.

Now that Chu Xiao is awake, this must be the best thing.

They were all very worried at first, but at this time, it seems that they can relax.

There is some confusion in Chu Xiao’s eyes, but they don’t worry about anything.

Because it was like this when they just woke up before.

Moreover, Chu Xiao slept for so long, which must be normal.

So I don’t think so much about what happened in the end.

After all, they just have to wait, and don’t have to do more.

The way things are like this can be put aside at all times.

The others really don’t need to think about it, and don’t have to do it.

“Chu Xiao wakes up now, can we find out now, too,”?”

Ouyang Jian said with a cheerful smile at this time, and pointed to Storm Eye.

Because they came here because of this.

In that case, it must be continued next.

Otherwise, it might be a little unpleasant to wait a while.

The situation at this time must be to see what everyone will say.

Chu Lei should also need a buffer, so I don’t care about it for now.

Since there is nothing serious now, it is not a problem.

In fact, you can relax at this time, so you don’t have to think about it for the time being.

“.. This is inevitable, but we have to wait until Chu Xiao wakes up completely, or he wakes up, and then sees what he wants.”

After Song Zhiyi thought about it for a while, he also said something seriously.

He thought it was like this.

Because they can survive now, all thanks to Chu Xiao.

So what happens next, of course, depends on what Chu Xiao will do.

After all, it is just like this, which is the most reasonable.

He didn’t think there were any other problems.

This is the situation at this time, and there is no need to think about the rest of the matter.

I won’t have any other problems.

Apart from this, there is no need to consider other things for the time being.

I had already said very clearly, and then I looked at Chu (Li Nuo’s) Xiao.

At this time, Chu Xiao also looked better than before, with a little more clarity in his eyes.

It may take some time before you can fully wake up.

“Indeed, we can still stand here, all relying on him, so let’s wait for him to make sure, we don’t want to discuss so much.”

Qiao Ling also smiled and said at this time, she didn’t have much thoughts.

The other ones, of course, don’t need to be considered.

“His body, he is, this is on the verge of breaking through!”

But at the next moment, Shang Ruyi’s voice came out of the bar!

When several people around heard this sentence, they were also taken aback.

They just felt that Chu Xiao seemed to be stronger than before.

But after hearing this sentence, I felt it carefully, and then his face changed in an instant, all of them looked at Chu Xiao who hadn’t fully awakened in shock!

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