Chapter 120 Enlightenment and picking stars on the stargazing chart, Daozi condenses divine consciousness (1)

Buried in Xingshan!

At the moment, Chu Xiao stepped into the door, passed the defensive formation of this place, stepped into the Burying Star Mountain, and came to the other side of the world.


He stopped here, looked around, and finally fell under him, with surprise in his eyes.

Look around

On the ground of this heaven and earth, there is no rock or wood. I don’t know what kind of magical material it is to build.

But at this moment, while Guanghua flashed, the ground slowly turned into a big screen!

The ground underneath turned into a big screen, and the night sky appeared above the big screen.At a glance, the sky filled with stars appeared above the sky, star after star dotted on the night sky, like the reflection of the stars in the night sky!

This is an extremely shocking scene.

The sky full of stars has been gathered on the reflection of the ground on a side of heaven and earth!

The Stars are extremely real, just like real existence, flashing and reflecting brilliance in the big screen, quietly, in the big screen, there are Stars disillusioned, collapsed and disappeared.

This can be called a stargazing picture!

Chu Xiao’s gaze was looking at the starry sky reflection on the ground, and between Ge Ran, he showed the color of comprehension.

Never hesitated.

Chu Lei immediately sat cross-legged, his eyes closed slightly, and he stepped into a state of cultivation at this moment!

The enlightened golden lotus surging quietly under her.

He has not performed any other methods, but only used the star-catching method!

Reaching the stars, with the power of Star, bless yourself!

The practice of this method is extremely difficult, and the difficulty of getting started is extremely high.

after all

A Warrior in the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm, who wants to shake the Star, is tantamount to criticizing the big tree!


After cultivating this star-harvesting technique, Chu Xiao’s mastery of this imperial technique has been deepened and improved continuously, but there has never been any great strides, just gradual progress.


At this moment, looking at the stargazing map, Chu Xiao had an epiphany.

Under the meditation practice, dribs of stars gleamed around Chu Xiao, and his spiritual ruins quietly emerged.

In the sky above the Lingxu, the Stars that have evolved from the power of the star picking method began to tremble slightly, gradually violently!

At this moment!

The star-catching method is fully operational.

In a crash!

There is a star shining from the sky, hanging into Chu Xiao’s physique, and the power of the Star blesses his own practice!

This is the first Star that Chu Xiao has shaken by picking the stars when he is getting started!

It is precisely because of this Star that he has cultivated the method of picking stars and completely ascended to the position of Dao Zi in Sacred Land!

And at this moment.

With this star map as a guide, Chu Xiao’s body trembled as the star picking species trembled, and in his perspective, a second Star appeared!

This is a huge, fiery red star. With only a slight perception, Chu Xiao can be sure that the mighty power contained in this star is stronger than his first star!

Without any hesitation!

Behind Chu Xiao, a virtual shadow of the cave sky appeared.

Longevity Cave Sky, Longyin Cave Sky, Divine Tribulation Cave Sky, Three Cave Skys Appear, Bless Oneself!

At the same time, the power of the Star inspired by the star-picking method turned into his own power to help him shake this new Star!

Under the action of all kinds of forces, the star-catching method is mysteriously displayed.In an instant, this fiery red star moved, and in a sudden, a star was attracted, reflecting from it, straight down the Tiannan Dao realm, straight down The Big Dipper, bury the star mountain straight down!

Only in an instant!

This Star is used by his star harvesting method, which can assist his own cultivation!

Compared with the previous entry, the long-term wrestling with the first Star is different!


It’s all because of Chu 950 Xiao himself, which is completely different from that at the time, a world of difference!

When he first practiced the method of picking stars, he was just the Cultivation Base of the Enlightenment Realm, and it was not long after the opening of the Lingxu.

And now

He is already in the cave world, and he has opened up three cave days!

Emperor blood, emperor seed, divine soul!

How powerful is the cave opened with these three gods!

He opened up three cave heavens, practiced five emperor methods, and awakened a new tribulation sword god body, and became the son of luck in this southern heaven!

Under the operation of the star picking method, the power of the first star is blessed, helping him to impose the second star!

All kinds of things, let him make the second Star very easy.

at this moment

Buried outside the Xingshan Mountain.

Because of the movement of Xingshan just buried, many Warriors gathered around.


In their sight, only a bright star fell from the sky and merged into the Buried Star Mountain!

Before waiting for them to be surprised and discover the source of this vision, they clearly saw that there was another fiery red star, which contained even more terrifying power, which fell from the sky and merged into the Buried Star Mountain!

For a time.

The surrounding Warriors shook one after another, carefully exploring the Buried Xingshan Mountain, hoping to find the mystery.

Buried outside the Xingshan Mountain, high in the sky.

The female disciple of Ziyun Sacred Land, named Yun Qingya, now looking at the two stars that disappeared after being buried in Xingxing Mountain, she spoke to Wu Zheng who was not far away and said seriously: “Brother, I heard that the Star Burial Mountain is always magical, and all the starlight dropped here will be absorbed by the Star Burial Mountain, so this mountain has the name of the Star Burial Mountain.”

“but ”

Her gaze looked at the two stars: “These two stars contain extremely terrifying power, and they don’t seem to be ordinary stars.”

Wu Feng nodded.

After all, he was born in Sacred Land, and there is another master of the Great Sacred Realm who treats him extremely well.


He looked at the two stars hanging down from the sky, and after pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice, “Junior Sister Yun, these two stars don’t look like a vision.”

He seemed to have a trace of enlightenment, and his expression changed slightly: “Why does this look like a powerful person with the fourth-order enlightenment star, who is cultivating with the power of Star?”

The moment the voice fell

His complexion changed again, as if he had guessed the truth, he whispered and vibrated: “No, the fourth-order Wuxing comprehends the natal star, there is only one natal star, how can it provoke the power of two stars with completely different powers?,

“This is a strong man with the royal star technique practicing here!’

“Retreat, let’s leave!

Wu Zheng made a decision almost immediately, and said in a deep voice: “Such a magical technique of the Royal Star is extremely mysterious, precious and extraordinary. The Warrior who cultivated in the Star Burial Mountain must have an extraordinary background. I am afraid it is very likely that he was born in Sacred Land. .”

“The power horror contained in these two stars shows that this strong man’s combat power is also extremely outstanding.”

“Stop here, if it interrupts his practice and causes conflicts, that’s not good.”

After that.

His figure flickered, and he was far away from the Burial Star Mountain in an instant.

Yun Qingya was still hesitant.


Right now!

In a crash.

From the sky, a third star has fallen!

The star was dark blue, containing extremely terrifying power, descending from the sky, melting into the Burying Star Mountain!

Perceiving the terrifying power contained in it, thinking of what Wu Zheng just said, Yun Qingya’s (bbbh) complexion changed slightly, and his figure flashed, and he had already rushed to Wu Zheng’s side.

Looking into the distance, the three stars are in different colors, falling from the sky and blending into the Buried Star Mountain.

With the integration of the power of Star, the Star Burial Mountain seemed to become more and more mysterious. Above the peak, there were stars shining brightly.

Wu Feng’s insight was extraordinary, he faintly saw the mystery on the Star Burial Mountain, and chose to retreat.


Few other Warriors who have come here have such vision.

As the stars fell, they only thought that Buried Xingshan’s miracle was revealed, and they were excited, speeding up the progress of the exploration.

In order to test it, Warrior attacked the power of the Star that descended from the sky with a treasure, and wanted to see if it could provoke anything.

far away..

Wu Zheng watched this scene from a distance.

His brows wrinkled slightly, and he said solemnly: “So rash, even if there is no strong person practicing here, if the power of the Star is caused to riot, he will be unavoidable.”

Beside him.

Yun Qingya looked at the terrifying power of the three Dao Xinghui, and whispered: “Brother, what kind of person can cultivate here that can actually arouse the power of the Three Dao Stars?”

Wu Zheng remained silent and did not answer.

There are so many mysterious methods in the world, he is only a hole in the heavens Warrior, if not for his good knowledge, I am afraid that the current situation of Buried Xingshan Mountain would not be able to withstand it.

But this is already his limit, how to make a guess.

at the same time.

Buried in the Star Mountain!

Inspired by the power of the second Star, Chu Xiao’s momentum soared!

At this moment

The star map below bloomed with dazzling brilliance, which had a faint influence on Chu Xiao.Under the trembling of the star-picking seed, in the soul, Chu Xiao perceives the location of the third star!

Shake the power of Star, borrow it to practice!

Chu Xiao did not hesitate, and showed his strength, ready to make the star-catching method go further!

And this time

When shaking the Star, Chu Xiao even felt that the faint power of heaven and earth blessed himself and was with him!

The identity of the son of Qiyun allows him to often receive all kinds of mysterious blessings when he is practicing in the Southern Dao realm of this day!

With the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, this time it became more and more smooth. Chu Xiao successfully shook the third star and obtained the blessing of the power of the star!

For a time

Let’s mention Chu Xiao’s aura again!

The star-picking method operates, and the power of the Star from the three stars blesses itself, melts in the body, melts in the spiritual ruins, and melts in the cave!

Because of the existence of divine things such as divine soul crystals, the speed of warming and consolidating is amazing. Now Chu Xiao has greatly improved the mastery of the star harvesting method, and the power of the three stars is warmed up at the same time, which brings a qualitative change. , Shen Jie Dong Tian’s warming and nurturing progress is increasing sharply!

Below him

The enlightened golden lotus is getting brighter and brighter.

On the way to spiritual practice.

Chu Xiao frowned slightly.

He clearly perceives that someone is attacking the power of the Star that he is motivating!

With his thoughts flashing, Chu Xiao instantly understood the reason.

It was nothing more than the vision of Buried Xingshan Mountain, which attracted other Warriors to temptation, and even attacked with treasures!

Bad people practice, this is a taboo!

Chu Xiao has the blessing of the golden lotus of enlightenment, always has a clear mind and is not afraid of this weak influence, but… does not mean that he can tolerate such behavior!

If his cultivation is in a critical period, then such a weak influence will also cause some loss to him!

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant’s nest!

at this moment.

His eyes were never opened, and the star harvesting method worked!

The method of picking stars can be practiced with the power of the star, and at the same time, the power of the star can be used as an attack!

Buried outside the Xingshan Mountain!

The man who had just performed the treasured attack was a man who opened up two caves, not from Sacred Land, but from a common Sect.


After the attack, he carefully observed Buried Xingshan, wanting to see through the mystery.


At this moment!

A warning sign suddenly rose in his heart!

See you!

At this moment, the starlight that fell from a high altitude, containing the power of the terrifying Star, no longer integrated into the Buried Star Mountain, but turned towards him!

at this moment!

The power of the Star struck across, and the man’s complexion changed drastically. He wanted to resist.


With his strength, how can he resist Star’s power?

The power of Star struck across his body in an instant, and in a sudden, his soul ruins, cave sky, all annihilated, and the whole body disappeared since then, as if it had never appeared before.

The power of the Star is terrifying, and now it’s changing, attracting the attention of countless Warriors around.

Now seeing this scene, one after another shuddered eyes.

“This Buried Xingshan Mountain, would take the initiative to attack people?”

“It’s dangerous here!

“Stay away.”

Right now!

Self buried in Xingshan.

Suddenly, a voice rang under the blessing of the power of Star, echoing all over the world, echoing for a long time.

“I am practicing here, if anyone would dare to disturb it.

“The consequences are like him!”

The voice falls!

The power of the power of the three stars was revealed and suddenly spread to the surroundings.

The faces of the Warriors gathered here changed.

“This miracle of Buried Xingshan Mountain turned out to be due to a Warrior practicing here?”

“Able to motivate the power of the Three Stars to bless practice, what kind of power would this be?”

“Senior, I don’t know if you are practicing here, so I will leave now.”

“excuse me!”

“I hope seniors don’t forgive me.

In the fantasy world, after all, the strong are respected!

The power of the Star showed its power, and for a while, the Warriors gathered here realized the crisis. Amidst the voices, a group of figures did not dare to stay longer, and left one after another.

There was a Warrior who knew the annihilated man, but at this time he also showed a sense of timidity. He didn’t dare to stay longer and left.

Although the chance is good, it must be obtained by fate!

What’s more, the power of the Star just now is terrifying. Perhaps the miracle of Burying the Star Mountain was caused by the practice of this “predecessor”, not by chance.

In a short moment.

There was no figure in this Buried Star Mountain!

A Warrior just discovered that this place was strange and came from the sky, but was dissuaded by others. After knowing the truth of this place, his heart was shocked and he did not dare to move forward again.

It is a big taboo to disturb people’s practice. If it really affects it, it will end without dying.

What kind of strong person would be able to motivate the power of the three Stars to practice? Such a person cannot easily be offended.

Buried Xingshan far in the sky.

Seeing that Warrior of the Cave Sky Realm, under the power of Star, he didn’t even make any resistance, and he was annihilated and dissipated. There is really a strong person practicing here!”

She looked at Wu Feng, but saw that Wu Feng’s face was a little weird.

“Brother, what’s the matter?”

Yun Qingya was puzzled.

Hear the words.

The expression of Wu Feng’s face changed, and finally a faintly complex meaning appeared.

“Junior Sister Yun, I think I know who the strong people are practicing here.”

“who is it?”

Yun Qingya showed a curious look, and said quickly: “Does the brother know this person, he is a senior who has made friends with the ancestors of the teacher?”

“Do not ”

Wu Zheng shook his head.

He recalled the voice just now, and said solemnly: “This person is the same generation as us.”

“I did know him, and had several bonds with him.


Yun Qingya’s face was trembling, and she looked towards Burying Xing Mountain. The power of the Three Stars with terrifying power could not be trusted: “Among my generations, someone has already reached this step?!”

“How can this be?

“Ordinary people, it’s really impossible.”

“Even if I hadn’t been familiar with his voice and knew his identity, I wouldn’t be sure.”

“but ”

“If it’s him, then these don’t seem to be surprising.”

Wu Zheng let out a deep breath, shook his head and sighed: “When the Blue Emperor was in the secret realm, he was still in the Spiritual Enlightenment realm with me, but now there is a gap between us.

He looked towards Buried Xingshan Mountain, and said in a deep voice: “If I had never guessed wrong, at this moment, it is Wuliang Sacred Land Daozi, Chu Xiao!”

“Chu Xiao Daozi?”

Yun Qingya’s beautiful eyes flashed: “It’s him?”

Buried in the Xingshan Mountain.

Below him, the stargazing chart flashed.

The power of the Three Dao Stars integrates into oneself and assists Chu Xiao in his practice.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Chu Xiao slowly opened his eyes.

At the moment you open your eyes!

In his eyes, the stars flashed, if anyone looked at it at this time, he would find that there was a river of stars in the depths of his eyes!

He exhaled a long breath, quietly feeling himself.

“The star-catching method makes great progress, and it is already able to impose the power of three Stars at the same time.

“Shen Jie Dong Tian Jing practiced this time, and the progress of warming and nourishing has greatly increased.

“Sure enough, all kinds of opportunities and epiphany are indispensable for practicing a journey.”

His gaze fell below him.

The stargazing picture below is still shining with a faint brilliance.

Because of this star map, his star picking method has been significantly improved.

The thoughts flashed in his mind.

Chu Xiao thought of more.

“Just with the power of the Three Stars of the Imperial Envoy, I have gained such a big improvement…

“In the future, as my Cultivation Base improves, my mastery of the star-catching method will improve. If I can actually burn in the star-catching method and make it to the point of thousands of stars, then at that time, I will have what terrifying power. ?

“Emperor Catch the Stars”

“This ancestor of the teacher has created such a terrifying method.”

“Among the seven ancient emperors, the two great emperors who have never fallen, will he be one of them?”

“The two ancestors of the great emperor who had to stay away from their homeland, what at this time, do they still exist in this world?”

“After the Dao realm has completely recovered and returned to the 3000 Dao realm, the Tiannan Dao realm will be able to accommodate the existence of the Great Emperor!

“At that time”

“If these two great ancestors are still alive in the world, will they return to their ancestral land?”

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my heart.

at this moment

Chu Xiao seemed to feel something, his mind moved slightly, and his mind sank into the spirit ruins.

Looking around…

I saw that in the center of the Lingxu, the phantom of the soul, who was practicing cross-legged, was blooming with brilliance at this moment.

at the same time

Within the Lingxu, the power of the Divine Tribulation Cave Heaven is urged, and the divine soul crystals in it can be faintly seen to rotate, and a soft divine soul power merges into Chu Xiao’s divine soul

The light of the soul and shadow is getting stronger and stronger


at this moment.

Chu Xiao’s mind was sinking into his soul, and he clearly felt that something was condensed and condensed.

That is divine mind!

Quietly, Chu Xiao’s spirit power accumulates divine consciousness.

He never opened his eyes.


However, there is a mysterious power that is undetectable by the naked eye, which rises from the soul and spreads around.

Although he had never opened his eyes, Chu Xiao seemed to be in the perspective of God under the exploration of his spiritual mind, and everything around him was in his eyes, very clear.

When he hadn’t condensed his divine mind, he could perceive a little with divine soul power, but it was far from clear now.

Spiritual condensed.

Chu Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and there was a trace of enlightenment in his heart.

“I opened up the cave sky with the crystallization of the soul, and the power of the soul increased greatly.”

“I just practiced the method of picking stars, and the method of divine soul imperial envoy shook the star, which is a kind of training for divine soul.

“With the blessing of the power of the Three Stars, the heavens of the Divine Tribulation Cave have been warmed and consolidated quickly, motivating the spirit crystals in it.”

“Ordinary Warrior, if you are condensing the spirit of mind, you need to feel your own soul first, and let the soul condensed in the Lingxu.

“But because of the meta-mystery technique, as early as the spiritual enlightenment realm, my soul had already condensed.

“Now that we are warming up step by step and consolidating and upgrading step by step, we have reached a limit. I don’t even need to take the initiative to condense, the divine mind will be automatically generated.”

“Divine Mind Generation, at this moment, am I equivalent to Divine Mind Realm Warrior?”

Thoughts turn around.

Chu Xiao smiled slightly and didn’t care.

Since the Shenwu Sage Master knew the truth about Wuxing’s fourth-order, he deliberately went to understand the spiritual realm of ancient times.

Divine Mind Realm, in ancient times, could not even be called a realm at all, it was just an auxiliary technique.

Warrior possesses divine consciousness, can explore the distance, can feel life and death with divine consciousness, and try to step into the realm of life and death.


After the Great Destruction, because of the emergence of Wuxing’s fourth-order, the role of divine consciousness has increased, so a realm has been established deliberately.


Although Chu Xiao is the Cultivation Base of the Cave Sky Realm, it is natural to condense his mind, so he has not paid much attention to it.

Her gaze swept across her body. At this moment, as Chu Xue’s thoughts moved slightly, her divine thoughts spread out and explored this world.

Although he has just condensed his divine consciousness, he has the blessing of divine soul crystals, his own divine soul power is amazing, and his divine consciousness is transmitted far away, and it easily covers the entire world of the buried star mountain!

Divine mind swept away.

Chu Xiao seemed to have discovered something, his eyes condensed, and he stepped into the air without hesitation.

His figure flicked across the star chart, and finally stopped at one place.

As far as I could see, I saw a faint starburst rising up around this stargazing chart, melding into a cluster.

He is very familiar with this scene

In the cohesion of Guanghua, one thing is slowly taking shape.

It is gathering cards!.

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