Chapter 121 The star map is integrated into the whole body, the tomb of the king of heaven, and the origin of the star

While the brilliance flickered, the card gradually condensed.

Chu Xiao looked around, his gaze condensed slightly.

I saw

In the process of the card condensing, the star map on the ground was slightly dim.

He showed a thoughtful look, thoughtful.

After a period of time

The cards are completely condensed!

This card is full of dark blue brilliance, it is a blue card!

Chu Xiao’s eyes fell on the top.

I saw

At the top of the card, a few large characters flashed unexpectedly.

“Burn Card (Star Map)”

And below

It is a picture, it is this star map on the ground.

“Burn card!”

Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

You know, for a long time, he has a burning card that he originally obtained and never used it.


In the Star Burial Mountain, a burning card appeared again, and he took the initiative to burn the star map into it!

This star map on the ground has limited effect on the ordinary Warrior.

For Chu Xiao, a Warrior who practices star harvesting, the mystery can fully assist him in practicing star harvesting and increase his comprehension of star harvesting!


Mind turning around.

Chu Xiao said silently in his heart: “Use the star map to burn the card.”

at this moment!

Welcome in front of the card and melt into oneself.

A series of profound mysteries lingered into Chu Xiao’s body, and the information was glorious in his heart, vaguely, Chu Xiao felt that his comprehension of the star-picking method had improved a little.

In a blink of an eye.

The card fusion is complete.

Chu Xiao exhaled a long breath, his mind moved slightly.

at this moment!

With him as the center, a different scene spreads and rises!

star map!

That is the star map of the Star in the sky!

In this Burial Star Mountain, there was an extremely mysterious scene!

On the ground screen, the Star flashed on the star chart.

And in Chu Xiao’s body.

At this moment, the star map expanded and spread, and it finally stopped when it spread to the same size as the entire Buried Star Mountain.

Looking around, the two star maps are symmetrical, and each star overlaps without the slightest difference.

During the movement of the star map, in the Chu Xiao Lingxu, the star-picking method began to operate on its own and became more and more active.

Chu Xiao quietly perceives the mystery, and his eyes light up slightly.

This star chart is useful for practicing the method of harvesting stars, otherwise it would not be here in the first place, which would allow him to gain a lot.

And now

Burn the card by fusion.

Chu Lei is equivalent to bringing this star map with him!

When he practised the method of picking stars, he only needs to show his mystery and spread the star map to obtain its blessings.

When the thought in his mind turned, Chu Xiao’s spirit came out, and he probed the vast star map, and said to himself: “For now, this star map is only useful for this.”

“But if the Dao Domain is completely recovered and returned to the Three Thousand Dao Domain, when the Warrior can really come into contact with the Star, this star map may be able to play an extremely special role.”

“It seems that the level of the card is ultimately attributable to itself.”

“Although this burning card is only blue grade, the value of burning this precious star map to me is probably far more than the blue card.”

“When I first came to the Burial Star Mountain, I had such a harvest

“I don’t know, is this star map the mystery of Buried Star Mountain itself, or is it left by the “king of Uranus”?”

Thoughts turn around.

Chu Xiao’s mind moved slightly, and his star map closed.

His spirits spread out, and he carefully explored his surroundings.

Under the exploration of divine consciousness, all things are revealed!

With the blessing of Divine Soul Crystal, Chu Xiao’s Divine Soul power is extremely terrifying, and the power of Divine Mind is amazing.

Now, after careful investigation, I quickly noticed the strangeness!

That is a certain Star on this star map!

The moment Divine Mind probed there, Chu Xiao keenly noticed the anomaly, and even felt a slight palpitation in his heart!

That is where the identity of the son of luck comes into play.

Now that he condenses his spiritual mind, supplemented by the identity of the son of luck, this opportunity of the Southern Dao realm, I am afraid that he can’t avoid his exploration at all.

Without hesitation, Chu Xiao stepped into the air and flew away.

Look around.

I saw

The Star that gave Chu Xiao a strange feeling was like a main star, surrounded by stars.

Chu Lei’s eyes were slightly squinted, and under the operation of the star-picking method, in his hand, a series of stars flashed and emerged. superior!

at this moment

The star chart trembles!

The main star suddenly shattered and disappeared from the star chart.


In the vibrating sound, something is rising below the star map!

Chu Xiao’s eyes focused.

I saw

What has risen from under the star map is exactly a stone tomb!

The stone tomb looks simpler. There is a stele in front of the stone tomb, made of jade.

“This ”

“Could it be the tomb of the King of Heaven?”

Chu Xiao frowned slightly: “The tomb is hidden in the star map. This star map must be related to the King of Heaven. Why is the tomb so simple for such a character?”

He was a little puzzled.

The star map is mysterious and extraordinary, and the strong man who can leave such a god, in his opinion, even if the body falls, the tomb should not be so simple.

Mind moving slightly.

at this time.

On the wordless jade stele, stars suddenly flashed!

The stars floated up and hung in front of Chu Xiao, wanting to melt into it!

This is the miraculous jade stele, delivering a message!

Perceiving that these stars are harmless, Chu Xiao never stopped it.

The stars melted into the body, Chu Xiao’s eyes were slightly closed, and a message of information was in Cai’s heart.

After half a quarter of an hour.

Chu Lei’s eyes opened and landed on the stone tomb, with a clear and enlightened expression on his face.

He already knew the identity of the “king of Uranus”.

This “king of Uranus” is completely different from the identities he initially guessed.


It is not Terran Warrior!

This King of Stars is just an extraordinary star-seeking beast!

“No wonder you need to use the blood of the star-seeking beast to enter this place.

“Because this is the tomb left by a star-seeking beast.

Chu Xiao’s eyes are micro, and his gaze falls on the stone tablet, with a hint of emotion on his face.

According to the message conveyed by the jade stele, he and the “king of Uranus” also have some connections.


If it is an ordinary method, even if you enter this Burial Star Mountain and discover where the tomb of the King of Heaven is located, it will not be able to lead out the tomb of the King of Heaven!

This origin is the method of picking stars!

The Star Seekers clan is extremely mysterious, but the Cultivation Base realm improves extremely slowly.


This “king of heaven” has another chance!

Its ancestors were a beast pet that followed the immeasurable Sacred Land, the star-catcher in the past!

The great emperor of the Star Cultivator cultivated the Sun Floating Star Cultivation Method, the power of the Star, and the mysterious beasts such as the Star Seekers. Naturally, it was perfect for him.

The ancestors followed the legendary emperor to practice, and his younger generation naturally gained shade and was able to retain the inheritance.


After the catastrophe, it was in the clan of Star Seekers, and was also the king of the upper clan, calling itself the King of Stars!

at the same time

Because the Emperor of the Star Cultivation practiced the Star Cultivation Method, its blood line was passed down, and it was also connected with the Star Cultivation Method. Because of this, Chu Xiao used the Star Cultivation Method to condense the stars and can open the Tomb of the King of the Stars.

Chu Xiao’s gaze fell on the star chart below, and he had clearly understood everything.

When he entered this place, he was influenced by the star chart, and his mastery of the star-picking method greatly increased.

that is because

In the past years, before the Great Shattered, the Star Picker had himself mastered himself, and the star-seeking beast that followed him was a supplement, and drew a vast star map!


It is the corner of the star map that stayed here.It was the star picker who felt the help of the star beast for himself, and specially re-engraved a corner of the star map to reward this vein!

“The chance card containing the information of the Tomb of the King of Heaven is a blue card.”

“It seems that the formation of such a chance card is mainly affected by the main body of chance.”

“This King of the Stars, the clan king of the Star Seekers, although he has inherited from his ancestors, he still has a miracle, but after all, he is not as good as his ancestors.”

“If it is the tomb of its ancestors, if this place is not just a corner of this re-enacted star map, but a truly complete star map, then I am afraid that only orange or even higher-level chance cards can contain this information.”

Thoughts turn around.

Chu Xiao looked at the tomb and sighed slightly.

“If it were in ancient times, the life of the Star Seekers clan would have been much better. It would have to be appreciated by the Great Star Picker, and it would be protected by the infinite Sacred Land.”

“At that time, the Warriors in the ancient times did not have such a big demand for such a mysterious beast.


“A big bust has changed too many things.

“The appearance of the fourth-order Wuxing makes the star-seeking beast almost extinct.”

“In the Great Disruption, the inheritance is almost cut off, and the immeasurable Sacred Land at that time is also huge, and there is no intention to protect a family of strange beasts.”

His eyes narrowed.

For the human Warrior after the Great Destruction, that predecessor is called a hero.

Originally created the fourth stage of Wuxing, so that the warrior after the Great Disappearance is not inferior to the ancient times, this is the dawn of the era of disillusionment in that chaotic era!

At that time, cultivation was difficult, and it took all the hard work to step into the four changes of the king, but found that the combat power was very different from the records left in the ancient times. This blow to a Warrior was absolutely extremely huge. of.

The appearance of Wuxing’s fourth-order made up for all this.

But for the Star Seekers clan, this is a catastrophe.

It is strange in itself, but it has become their disaster.

Thoughts turn.

Chu Xiao no longer thinks about it.

In the final analysis, it all originated from that big bust.

at this time.


The wordless jade tablet suddenly trembled.

Chu Xiao’s gaze fell on top, his gaze condensed slightly.

I saw

In the tremor, cracks appeared on the jade stele!

In a blink of an eye, the jade stele was broken into several segments, accompanied by the breaking sound.

Within the jade stele

Various objects fall out!

A gem!

A jade slip!

And what catches Chu Xiao the most is

Among the jade steles, a living thing fell out!

Its body is extremely small, but the size of its fingers, it seems to be sleeping and breathing smoothly. It has been sealed in this jade stele for an unknown period of time, but it has no abnormalities.

Divine Sense came out, sensing the breath it exudes, Chu Xiao’s heart moved slightly.

The breath that exudes from this living creature

When he stepped into Star Burial Mountain, the blood of the star-seeking beast he used was very similar!


It turned out to be a star-seeking beast!

“Could it be that this is the bloodline left by the King of Heaven, the clan king of the Star Seeker Clan?”

Chu Xiao’s thoughts flashed.

This star-seeking beast is not known because of its age, or it is just like this. It is extremely petite, but the size of its fingers, the body is star-shaped, it has no hands, feet, mouth or nose, but it has a pair of eyes, and now it is tightly closed and sleeping.

Chu Xiao looked at it and thought of more in his heart.

“Although the King of Stars appeared after the Great Disappearance, its ancestors followed the Emperor of Star Cultivation in the past years.”

“Didn’t it say?”

“The blood of this little guy originated from the star-seeking beast that followed the emperor’s practice in the ancient times?”

at this time.

The small star-seeking beast seemed to have left from the jade stele, its body trembling slightly, slowly opened its eyes and regained consciousness.

It is petite, but it can be clearly seen with Chu Xiao’s eyesight.

Its eyes are extremely energetic, and there are stars flashing in them. Now that they are opened, they slowly float up, seemingly ignorantly looking around, and finally their gaze is fixed on Chu Xiao.

… Ask for flowers-

Without the slightest hesitation, this star-seeking beast fluttered, showing kindness, and flew slowly towards Chu Xiao.

It flew halfway.



At Chu Xiao’s wrist, Xiao Jin Jiao stood in the air, stopped in front of it, and looked at it with curious eyes.

Chu Xiao practiced the method of picking stars and was blessed by the power of the star. This little golden water bird has been following Chu Xiao’s side, and has just been invaded by the power of the star, becoming more and more mysterious.

Now the brilliance of the whole body flashed and stopped in front of the star seeker.

When the star seeker goes to the left, it goes to the left.

When the star seeker goes to the right, it goes to the right.

It seems to be frolicking.

Chu Xiao shook his head and said, “Don’t stop it.”

The dragon is a fierce beast, but this golden dragon is a golden carp dragon, and it is contaminated in the place of inheritance. After staying in the secluded pond for a long time, it is completely invisible.

Hear Chu Xiao’s voice.

Jin Jiao looked at the Star Seeker with curious eyes, but cleverly stepped away.

The small star-seeker seemed to be flying for the first time, and it was still a little swayed. Finally, it swayed close to Chu Xiao and stuck it on his arm.

At the moment it touches.

Chu Xiao’s gaze narrowed.

The moment this star-seeking beast touched him, he actually felt that the Star, which was condensed from the power of the star-picking technique, was a little more active in the Lingxu.

“This star-seeking beast can actually affect the practice of star harvesting?’

He looked at the star-seeking beast on his arm, and said to himself: “The star-seeking beast that can follow the star picker is so amazing, it is naturally different from the ordinary star-seeking beast.”

“This little guy has the blood of his ancestors. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that it will have an impact on the star harvesting method.

He reached out his hand, and the spiritual power was stirring, the jade slip, the orb was suspended in the air, hanging in front of him.

That gem is the inheritance gem, and its inheritance is recorded in it.


While jade slip

It’s not a martial arts jade slip, but a jade slip like burning information.

Chu Xiao deliberately explored and melted into the jade slip, flipping through the information.

After a long time.

Chu Xiao let out a long breath.

Jin Jiao has returned to his wrist, and now he is curiously looking at the star hunting beast that is constantly rubbing Chu Xiao’s arm.

Just as Chu Xiao guessed.

This star seeker!

It is indeed the bloodline of the Star Seeker Beast that followed the Star Catch Emperor in the ancient times!

This vein is different from the ordinary star-seekers because of following the practice of the Great Emperor of the Star Reaching. It is for this reason that it can bless the method of the Star Reaching.

Follow the records in the jade slip.

This little guy was sealed up when he was just born, and he is very young now.

If it can grow up, it can also provide various assistance to Warriors who practice the star harvesting method, and it will not only affect the practice!

And the reason for storage

It was extremely bleak.

After the great collapse, the emergence of Wuxing’s fourth-order became a catastrophe for the star-seeking beast.

The star-seeking beast is extraordinary, but its combat power is average. This star-seeking king, inherited by his ancestors, is different from the ordinary star-seeking beast, but in the end, there is only one, and it doesn’t help.

The proliferation of the star-seeking beasts is extremely slow, and the bloodline of the star king is even more special. It is the star-seeking beast beside Chu Xiao at this time that heirs are not born until the time limit is approaching.

If this star-seeking beast can learn the method of inheritance and grow up, then self-protection is not a problem.


At that time, the King of Uranus was nearing the limit, and there was no time to support it to grow up. After final consideration, it chose to seal up its offspring and keep it in its tomb.

Only the Warrior who practiced the star-picking method can touch the jade monument and wake up this little star-seeking beast from its containment.

It obviously considered a lot.

Being able to cultivate the Star Reaching Technique means that he is a true Tianjiao-level character of Boundless Sacred Land. The Star Seeker is beneficial to Warriors who practice the Star Reaching Technique. Such a character can naturally protect and hold its offspring.

On the arm.

With the appearance of the jade slip orb, the star-seeking beast seemed to feel something, and looked at the orb with a hint of desire.

But it retracted its gaze and looked at Chu Xiao’s arm, showing nostalgia again.

This is because it has a special bloodline, so it is naturally close to Chu Xiao who practices the star-picking method.

Chu Xiao smiled kindly, then raised his arm lightly, and said, “Go.”

This star-seeking beast could not be spoken, but it seemed to understand Chu Xiao’s words, shaking its body and falling on the orb.

at this moment

The orb brilliance flashes!

What is recorded in this orb is the inheritance of its line. Now the star-seeking beast is falling on the top to obtain the inheritance.

Chu Xiao watched this scene, but thought of more in his heart.

“The birth of chance cards seems to follow some principles, all of which are useful to me.”

“The Heavenly Cave God Fruit in the Azure Emperor’s Secret Realm

“This chance card for the Tomb of the King of the Stars was obtained when I first set foot on the path of cultivation. I did not expect that the contents of the Tomb of the King of Stars had such a deep connection with me.

“The connection is really mysterious.”

“Then what will happen to the Sixth True Dragon Nest recorded in the Chance Card that I obtained from the place where the Sage Master Qingming Underworld inherits?”

He was lost in thought.

The whole body of the star-seeking beast was covered with precious pearl brilliance.

I don’t know how long has passed

It faintly increased in size, swaying its body and returning to Chu Xiao’s arm.

It rubbed Chu Xiao, and then there were stars shining from the whole body, melting into Chu Xiao’s body.

at this moment.

The messages were overwhelmed.

Chu Xiao felt it quietly, and raised his brow slightly.

“this is ”

“The inheritance technique obtained by the Star Seeker from the inheritance orb?’

“I can actually practice?”

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