Chapter 1203 Actual combat again and again!

Chu Xiao’s injury was too serious. Although he was blessed with top-level medicine and unique mental methods, his body recovered much faster, but after all, it was a terrifying skill like Demon Flame, and his internal injuries were not good at this moment.

Being blown by this yin wind, I actually felt a little dizzy and nauseous.

“That demon flame is really amazing!” Chu Xiao secretly said in his heart. He looked at his left arm that was burned by the demon flame. There was still a faint black energy on the entire arm. It was obvious that the demon energy was infiltrating his body. Not all have been removed yet.

“It’s not suitable to stay here for a long time, let’s go quickly!” Chu Xiao suppressed the physical discomfort and said towards Qiao Ling~Monk Ruyi.

The river is not wide, and the scene on the other side can be clearly seen.

I saw the gurgling Yin River on both sides of the river. It was not just that a single inch of grass was not growing on the coast of Huangquan. There was a kind of strange purple grass that covered the land on both sides densely.

“There are so many Yinyuegrass here.” Shang Ruyi was originally born in Yaowanggu. The first thing he did after he made a sound was to know all kinds of strange flowers and weeds in this world, and he could recognize them in the first place. It’s not surprising that this cloudy moon grass appears.

Qiao Ling asked curiously, “Sister Ruyi, what is so special about this Yinyuegrass?”

Chu Xiao had never heard of this Yinyue Grass, and he listened to the conversation between the two women with his ears up.

“According to ancient records, this cloudy moon grass was transformed by the undead of the demon race in this world to absorb that yin energy. Legend has it that this cloudy moon grass blooms on the night of the full moon, but it must be fully open. One hundred years later, if enough Yin Qi is absorbed, it will form a Yinyue Fruit.” Shang Ruyi Miaosen said.

“Ah, it turned out to be Yinyueguo!” Qiao Ling suddenly realized.

As a cultivator, how come you haven’t heard of the famous Yinyue Fruit in the Demon Realm? It is rumored that this Yinyue Fruit can improve the skill for nearly a hundred years.

“I didn’t expect it, that Yinyueguo turned out to be the fruit of this shameless little grass!” Qiao Ling looked at the Yinyuegrass by her feet with incredible eyes.

At this moment, the three of them are crossing this cloudy meadow along the river bank.

“Sister Qiao Ling, don’t underestimate this moongrass. If you think about it, if every moongrass can successfully bear a moonfruit for such a large area of ​​moongrass, how many years of skill is that.

Hearing Shang Ruyi’s words, Qiao Ling suddenly realized, “Oh my God, it feels terrifying to think about it!” A look of fear appeared on her face.

Seeing Qiao Ling’s funny expressions, Shang Ruyi couldn’t help but laughed, rubbing Qiao Ling’s head with his hands.

“Silly sister, if this Yinyue Grass can easily bear Yinyue Fruit, then there will be nothing wrong with other races in this world, I’m afraid it would have been dominated by the Demon Clan a long time ago.”

Chu Xiao also smiled, “Junior Sister Ruyi is right. If Yinyue Fruit is so easy to get, then those demonic cultivators will not be able to increase their strength by eating some of this Yinyue Fruit?”

Shang Ruyi nodded, “Yes, where is such an easy thing in the world.”

Her eyes fell on the endless purple moongrass in front of her, “This cloudy moongrass, if you don’t have enough yin energy, it will be very difficult to survive. I think this is why these cloudy moongrass I can survive here because of the yin in the river.”

Qiao Ling was a little fascinated by it, she didn’t dare to interrupt Shang Ruyi, she still looked at Shang Ruyi with curiosity.

Just listen to Na Shang Ruyi continuing to say, “Of course, it is not easy for this Yinyuegrass to bloom. You see it is so weak, anyone can step on it and bring it to the utter disaster.”

“It is almost impossible for such a small grass to survive for a hundred years and to ensure that it blooms every year.”

There was even a hint of pity on Shang Ruyi’s face.

“So, this Yinyue Fruit is so precious.

Qiao Ling asked a little bit puzzledly, “Sister Ruyi, if you want this wishful fruit, plant this cloudy moon grass in your own garden and take care of it for a hundred years, wouldn’t it be alright?”

Shang Ruyi was amused by Qiao Ling again, “Silly sister, if you are willing to spend a hundred years taking care of a grass, then why not earnestly cultivate spiritual power by yourself. What’s more, if you put your hope in such a plant On the little grass, there is the possibility of failure at any time.”

Qiao Ling finally sorted out the Yinyue Grass, and couldn’t help sighing, “I didn’t expect this dungeon to have such weird grasses.

The three of them walked along the winding river. They didn’t know how long they had gone, but they still didn’t find Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue.

…For flowers…………

In the middle of the river, a faint mist rose up, enveloping Chu Xiao and everyone in it. Fortunately, apart from a little yin, the mist had no other abnormalities.

This mist did not affect Chu Xiao and the others. After walking for a long time, Chu Xiao’s injuries were mostly healed under the urging of his cultivation technique.

He sighed deeply, and only felt that the internal forces in his body were converging from all around a little bit, forming a surging force in his body, rushing away from the regrets in his body that were soaked by the devilish energy.

As the tangerines on the body were rushed away a little bit, Chu Xiao actually felt that the more he walked forward, his body became lighter and lighter.

Not to mention Qiao Ling’s monk Ruyi, they have all recovered at this moment, and more importantly, they have gained experience in the battle against that Lu Erniang and Lu Lao San. It is obvious that the strength in their bodies has been restored. improved.


The practice of cultivator is generally divided into two types, one is internal cultivation, which is the purpose of improving through the continuous operation and strengthening of internal forces in the body.

The other is external cultivation, which relies on actual combat time and time again to accumulate experience and achieve the purpose of improvement.

And this internal cultivation and external cultivation complement each other. Only when the internal cultivation is strong can it actually fight against more advanced opponents and the strength can be improved faster.

And if a person is only strong in internal cultivation without any actual combat, then it is also impossible. If this is the case, it is impossible to resist any attack and cannot break through to the next stage.

The same is true of internal cultivation and external cultivation. Therefore, if you want to become a powerful cultivator, you must cultivate both internally and externally.

With the help of Chu Xiao, he had just absorbed the Black Bear Spirit’s Essence Pill, and the internal cultivation was greatly improved. After that, he met the Deer Demon Clan, and the external cultivation of these two women also absorbed a lot of experience, so even It was a slight injury, so with the gradual internal and external repairs like this, those injuries on the body would have healed a long time ago.

More importantly, under such a coincidence, the cultivation of internal and external cultivation can achieve the best results.

After Shang Ruyi’s injury was repaired, she obviously felt that her strength was further enhanced. After she felt this, she was a little ecstatic to find that her skills had improved again. Son.

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