Chapter 1204 Exists like a fairyland!

Several people successfully escaped from the group of deer demons, and the increase in mana temporarily blew away the ghosts in several people’s hearts, and even their steps were much easier.

As she walked, Qiao Ling said with joy to Chu Xiao: “Brother Chu, thank you.”

Shang Ruyi also agreed on the side: “Yes, Brother Chu, thanks to you, my Cultivation Base has improved so fast.”

Seeing these two women thank him so solemnly, it made Chu Xiao feel a little embarrassed.

Chu Xiao stretched out his hand and scratched his head. On weekdays, his face was always tense as a young man. At this moment, he finally showed a young man’s look, and even showed a shy smile.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a matter of effort. What’s more, the matter of practicing, it is the word of opportunity.

When Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling heard him say this, they felt more “seventy-three” in their hearts, which meant that their liking for him increased again.

Chu Xiao didn’t take all the credit to his body, and even moved out the saying of chance.

Although the opportunity to practice is indispensable, without Chu Xiao’s shot, I am afraid that the two would have died under this opportunity a long time ago.

However, in order to avoid Chu Xiao’s uncomfortableness, Qiao Ling and Shang Ruyi quickly changed the subject.

Qiao Ling was originally an extremely lively character. When Chu Xiao said this, she raised her face and asked, “Brother Chu, do you think I will encounter other opportunities?”

She looked at Chu Xiao with a pair of twinkling eyes, a little ruddy face with baby fat with a longing look, and a peach-like little mouth that was rosy and bright, so cute, Chu Xiao was even a little distracted.

After all, a cultivator is full of infinite desire to become stronger, let alone a rare fool like Qiao Ling.

However, don’t underestimate Chu Xiao’s self-control. He turned his head to the direction of the river a little uncomfortably.

Chu Xiao’s eyes were scorching, looking at the river not far away, “Don’t worry, there are many opportunities waiting for us in this dungeon.”

Indeed, since they entered this dungeon, they did not know how many dangers they had encountered, but every time they were shot by Chu Xiao, everyone was able to escape smoothly.

And more opportunities, does it indicate that there are more dangers on the road ahead?

But what if there are more dangers?

Chu Xiao are just young people with high spirits, and their hearts are full of pride.

No matter how dangerous there is in front of this, they will also want to break through.

The three of them walked along the river while talking some interesting things.

I saw that the river channel in front of me was getting narrower and narrower, and there were fewer and fewer moongrass along the river channel. There were even some willow trees planted with three or two star points on the river bank.

The green silk edge of the willow tree hangs down softly, and the winding river is printed, which makes people feel familiar.

The three of them had some doubts in their hearts, and knew that there were countless traps hidden in this dungeon, so they stopped talking, lightened their steps, and walked carefully along the river.

I don’t know how long they have been walking, but a few people just feel that there are more and more willow trees along the river, even to the point that there is a single tree in three steps, and a row of willow trees stand along the river bank.

Qiao Ling was surprised, “I don’t know how this willow tree survived on the bank of this gloomy Yin River?”

However, she hadn’t waited until she asked her doubts in her heart, only to hear Chu Xiao’s low voice.

“Look there!”

Monk Ruyi followed Chu Xiao’s gaze, and saw that beside the mist-shrouded river channel in front, there seemed to be a wider water area, and in the middle of that water area, two indistinctly appeared. Group figure.

At this moment, the three of them are still far away from the black shadow, and they can’t see the specific shape of the two black shadows at all.They can only distinguish the two black shadows that are as tall as the shadows. The upper part and the lower part are both high. Very slender, only the middle part is raised high.

Chu Xiao narrowed his eyes and carefully identified it, as if it were two birds and beasts.

Several people were a little surprised, hiding their bodies behind the willow tree, and gradually approaching the two dark shadows.

After all, this is a dangerous underground city. After learning many lessons, several people are now acting more and more calmly.

The closer they got, the shapes of the two black shadows became clearer and clearer.

In a short while, the three of them had already seen the dark shadows in front of them clearly.

The black shadow that appeared in the river channel not far in front of the three of them turned out to be two cranes! What’s even more strange is that the two cranes were frolicking in the sinister river.

These two cranes are covered with snow-white feathers, staring at a piece of vermilion on top of their heads, standing high in the middle of the river.

A crane flickered, with black feathers on its wings, and two slender and long stomped steps back and forth in the gloomy river.

The other crane stretched its neck and looked around, standing upright.

There is even a water lily in the waters where these two cranes are located. The lotus leaf seemed to be a newborn, and the chubby wine fell on the water, which was inexplicably lovely.

The surface of the river is even occasionally dotted with these unopened water lilies, with white petals and light yellow stamens, still holding the pipa half-hidden, and extremely cute. Seeing this, Chu Xiao thought of Shang Ruyi’s beauty and cuteness inexplicably Face. .

Two cranes with slender necks, graceful postures, and slim, standing in this area of ​​water, under the hazy mist, people have the illusion of a fairyland.

If you don’t know that this is the location of the dungeon, everyone with such beautiful scenery is afraid that it is not in the dungeon but in the heavenly palace at this moment.

Upon seeing this, Shang Ruyi’s face was full of surprises, and he couldn’t help but exclaim:

“Unexpectedly, this dungeon still has such a fairyland-like existence.”

Seeing these scenes, Qiao Ling also felt a little regretful.

“In this dungeon, how come there are such immortal spirit beasts like cranes here?”

At this moment, Chu Xiao didn’t speak, he even stopped moving forward.

Only 1.8 saw him frowning, and said to the second woman:

“It’s so weird here, we’d better be careful”

Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling naturally understood the same reason, and the three of them stopped and stopped walking to the place where the crane was.

What’s more, they haven’t found Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue at the moment, so it shouldn’t cause more troubles.

That Shang Ruyi was a bit older, and stopped her gentle voice and said, “In that case, let’s go around here.

Qiao Ling also lowered her voice at this time, and her round eyes turned steadily, pointing in the other direction of the dense cloudy grass.

“There seems to be a small road there.”

Chu Xiao also had this plan. When the three of them combined, they prepared to cross the waters from the path on the other side of the river bank. .

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