Chapter 1362 There is no resistance!

Hearing Shang Ruyi saying this, Chu Xiao and Qiao Ling were relieved. In this case, it seems that there is nothing wrong with them. Shang Ruyi said: “I still need to recover my physical strength now. I found this tree demon. Poison can make people feel very tired.

Although Shang Ruyi had removed the tree monster poison, she felt very tired and wanted to lie down and sleep awhile. However, this was an abnormal thing. After they were cultivated, they usually seldom slept.

Moreover, they almost didn’t feel sleepy, but today Shang Ruyi actually felt tired and sleepy. This is a very strange thing. It can only be attributed to the tree demon poison just now, which is caused by the tree demon poison.

Chu Xiao gave Shang Ruyi the pill that he had just given to Qiao Ling, and said: “This is a pill that can restore 840 stamina. You should recover first. We are not in a hurry. We will talk about it when you recover.”

Chu Xiao is already thinking about how to catch a tree monster, so that he has no resistance, catch it with his hands, and then used it for research by himself. After all, the tree monster’s mouth can also squirt tree monster poison.

Therefore, it is necessary for this tree monster to have no resistance to grab it as a research item. Yes, Chu Xiao has already regarded these tree monsters as research items. After all, these tree monsters are not good things.

Chu Xiao doesn’t have much energy to treat them as human beings. If people are used for research, it may be told by many people. However, the tree monster is not human, so Chu Xiao has no psychological burden. Just want to research quickly.

Chu Xiao then asked Shang Ruyi: “Do you know of any way that the tree monster can resist no resistance?” Chu Xiao thought, Shang Ruyi knows more about the tree monster than these people, so he should know it.

Shang Ruyi said: “I don’t know much about dryads, but there is indeed a way to make them unresistible. However, this method is only useful for one dryad. If there are too many dryads, there will be no used.”

This method was also told to her by Shang Ruyi’s master. At that time, her master told her a lot about dryads, so I also said this method. However, (bbbi) there were a lot of dryads just now, so, This method doesn’t work either.

When Chu Xiao heard these words, he was delighted in his heart. He wanted this method. He didn’t need to deal with all the tree monsters. He only had to catch one, and then use this method to make him have no resistance. It was just right. Shang Ruyi knows this method.

“I just want this method,” Chu Xiao thought for a while, and told Shang Ruyi what he wanted to do. “Because I look at their ways of controlling energy of these monsters is very strange, so I want to study it.”

Suddenly, Chu Xiao thought of something, and then said: “I need to catch a live one. Only in this way can I better study this tree monster. I just catch one who is unconscious, and the conscious one will not be obedient.”

Shang Ruyi has no good feelings about these tree monsters who hurt Qiao Ling and herself just now. Therefore, Chu Xiao’s research is also very supportive, because Shang Ruyi also hopes that these tree monsters can be punished.

“Well, Big Brother Chu wants to study, and this tree demon needs no resistance. It must be alive. Otherwise, you can just grab one and kill it. My method will not kill these tree monsters. of.”

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