Chapter 1363 Restore state!

After speaking, Shang Ruyi nodded on Chu Xiao’s forehead, and Chu Xiao felt that there was a memory pouring into his head. In the memory, Shang Ruyi was talking to her master.

Shang Ruyi said, “Master, do you know how to defeat these tree monsters? They look like Damn it. If I meet, what should I do, and how do I unlock the tree monster poison? .”

Shang Ruyi’s master touched her head and said, “My disciple, are you so worried about seeing those things? You put your ears together, and the master quietly tells you that most people don’t know this thing.”

After a while, Chu Xiao opened his eyes and saw Shang Ruyi meditating, so he didn’t say anything. He already knew how to make these tree monsters helpless, Shang Ruyi~ Master said Very detailed.

Chu Xiao vaguely felt that Shang Ruyi’s Master might have something to do with the tree monster, but this is not something he should be concerned about now, because he now needs to catch a living tree monster to study it.

Chu Xiao is confident that he will go out to catch a living dryad. At his speed, he will never let these dryads find out, because if he finds out, it may make other dryads angry. After all, it is his own. similar.

If Chu Xiao knows that his own kind has been arrested, and then they are used as research materials, he will definitely be more angry. Therefore, Chu Xiao plans to avoid the eyes of some tree monsters and catch a tree monster sneakily.

Before, it was because of Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling that Chu Xiao did not show his maximum speed, because his maximum speed was too fast, Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling might be injured because of this.

After all, if Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling are not used to moving forward too fast, they might be unconscious or suffer internal injuries because they were running too fast. Chu Xiao still considers her.

Therefore, Chu Xiao did not use the maximum speed before, and Chu Xiao also maintained a distance from the monster, so that the monster could not catch up. Therefore, Chu Xiao was not so flustered, but rather calm.

Now, Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling felt a gust of wind blowing by their side, and then they opened their eyes and saw that Chu Xiao was not by their side. They knew that Chu Xiao was probably going to catch the tree monster.

…For flowers

In the next second, Chu Xiao grabbed the tree monster and appeared in front of them.The tree monster’s eyes turned white, but there are still life characteristics, indicating that the tree monster is still alive. Otherwise, whoever sees this tree monster will Be surprised.

After all, this tree monster looked like he was about to die. Chu Xiao didn’t care about that much, and then used his internal power to enter the tree monster’s body. Chu Xiao guessed what was inside the tree monster’s body.


Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling didn’t care what Chu Xiao was doing. They only needed to regain their physical strength. After a while, if those tree monsters came in, they would also have the power to fight. Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling wanted to recover to their peak.

After all, when they were fighting the tree monsters before, they just ran out of the cave of monsters. Although they had treated themselves a lot, their condition was not very good, so they were poisoned.

If they were at their peak, they would not be stumped by these tree monster poisons. These tree monster poisons would not be able to get close to them at all, let alone poisoned. That’s why Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling wanted to recover quickly. state. Son,

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