Chapter 1404 Don’t want to disturb!

Can Ming nodded and said, “Unexpectedly, you humans have opened my eyes to me. The humans who came before made me think that you humans are very weak, and now I have seen the strong man in humans.” Very satisfied.

Before, there was always a voice in Can Ming’s mind, saying that he wanted to train himself, defeat humans, become stronger or something, but Can Ming was sure that he had never thought of the “Six One State” method like this before. He felt that Very inexplicable.

However, since the voice said this, Can Ming did what he did. Can Ming was a bit disdainful.

Can Ming felt that what the voice said was very simple, why keep saying it? He defeated the humans who came here, and he did not expect that humans would be so weak. Not only are they weak, they are also very ambitious. look down.

In Can Ming’s view, everything depends on whether he is worthy. Chu Xiao has this strength. Therefore, even if Can Ming can’t get the treasure back now, he still feels nothing. He thinks Chu Xiao and the others are worthy to get this treasure. They have this. strength.

However, there were some people before, who didn’t have this strength and wanted to get treasures. Can Ming simply looked down on them. If they knew a little bit of self-knowledge, Can Ming would not kill them. Unfortunately, they didn’t.

Can Ming has always thought that humans are that kind of stupid and weak people. As for the human who brought him here before, it is estimated that it is an extremely rare strong and intelligent human being, Can Ming has always thought this way.

Can Ming didn’t meet a few human beings, but these human beings completely accorded with Can Ming’s evaluation of human beings in his heart. Therefore, Can Ming always thought that what he thought was right, so he didn’t say anything.

Moreover, no one corrected these things for Can Ming. The Master Shang Ruyi had been injured when he came here before. He carved the things and left, and he had not even seen Can Ming’s face.

If Shang Ruyi’s master stayed, then Can Ming might get along with him peacefully. He didn’t want the treasure, but Shang Ruyi’s master intended to die, and no one could stop it.

When Shang Ruyi saw the Can Ming in front of him, he also had a feeling in his heart. If his master had met him, would he want to survive? After all, this Can Ming is very naive worried..

My master is also good at taking care of others. If my master is still alive, he is probably taking care of this Can Ming. This Can Ming still has a brain. My master will probably be uneasy. It is more complicated than human beings.

Moreover, Shang Ruyi’s master is very kind, so Shang Ruyi thinks so. She doesn’t know her master very well, just a little bit, but this is enough, enough that Shang Ruyi knows that he will stay.

However, the reality is that the master who is still ruyi has left, and she didn’t say anything at 5.6, and she still doesn’t disturb the peace of master. Master.

Can Ming said: “I lost, you go, I will show you a way. Although I have not left here, I still know the way. Everything on the other roads is too weak. You have no challenge at all.”

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