Chapter 1405 Have to be vigilant!

Chu Lei also agreed. Can Ming said that he was weak, and he couldn’t go anymore. They had just come out to practice, so they had to go towards high levels of difficulty, otherwise there would be no challenge to this experience.

Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling also agreed. They are now able to defeat Can Ming. Even if it is for Chu Xiao’s good, they should go to those places. This can be regarded as a chance for Chu Xiao to make progress. They agreed.

Chu Lei looked at the road he was pointing to. That road seemed to have a scent of fireworks. Chu Xiao knew that this was indeed the road they wanted, the higher the difficulty he wanted.

After all, being able to live here with a scent of fireworks means that this person is very powerful. You should know that ordinary monsters do not produce fireworks. They eat raw and live in groups will not be like this. Therefore, it may be very powerful. People.

Of course, it may also be some uncivilized people, and they are not sure what they can see in the past on this road, but they are not afraid, because they believe that as long as they have their own companions, they will not Scared.

After Can Ming finished speaking, he left here and returned to the underground. Before the people of Chu Xiao could say goodbye to him, he left. Several people of Chu Xiao walked this way. They also believed that Can Ming was not. Will lie to them.

They also see Can Ming’s character in their eyes, so they also understand that Can Ming can’t harm them. Can Ming definitely chose the difficulty. The difficulty is too big, so he will definitely not recommend it to them. of.

Because Can Ming said a sentence before, “You all seem to be heaven, I don’t want you to fall here, because it is a pity.” This sentence made them begin to trust Can Ming.

Because Can Ming is a Can Ming who cherishes his talents, they have hardly seen such a thing.

Chu Xiao and the others continued to move forward, and when they walked, they saw a house in front of them. Several people looked at each other and became vigilant. The presence of a house in this place is generally not a good sign, and they have to be vigilant.

When these houses were combined, it looked like a village with some cooking smoke coming out of it. In this way, Chu Xiao almost thought that the place they came was the village they had been in before.

This is indeed extremely confusing, because if Chu Xiao and the others are not vigilant, then they may be confused by these, they may walk in unsuspectingly, and they may be ambushed when they enter.

Chu Lei and the others were very vigilant. They looked at Zhou Guowei and confirmed that there was nothing, before continuing to move forward, walking in front of a signboard, and then stopped. After passing the signboard, they entered the village.

But 610 is. They are not sure. If they enter, there will be someone inside to ambush them. It’s better to be polite. Although they think this place is very friendly, they still can’t give up their vigilance. They know what it is.

If they give up their vigilance in this place, then they would have committed suicide. “Brother Chu, this place is so strange.” Qiao Ling couldn’t help it, and gave Chu Xiao a voice. She knew that if she spoke, she might be found out. NS.

Chu Xiao was thoughtful. In fact, he felt that they might have been discovered when they took this path. However, since these people have not come out, he can’t say anything, but now Qiao Ling feels strange. ,

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