Chapter 163 Qiongloufeng training ground, the holy master of the beginning, the secret of blood

Tiannan Daoyu has a reputation.

Time lapse

In addition, Outland Warrior came to Tiannan in person to visit here.


Under the extreme transformation of the Dao realm, the entire Dao realm is extraordinary, and it contains countless opportunities.

under these circumstances..

Headed by the three great emperors of the Dao domain, Sect Head Teacher, a powerful Dao domain, is called to make a decision after consultation.

If the creatures from the outer realm want to enter Tiannan, they must pay a certain price.

after all.

For example, there are opportunities in the Southern Dao domain today, so naturally you can’t afford foreign creatures in vain.


Even so.

The Warriors who are willing to pay the price to enter the outer realm of Tiannan Dao realm are still extremely numerous and countless.

Outside of Tiannan Road

From time to time, a vast number of vehicles come and step into the Tiannan Dao domain from the chaos.

The Warriors of the Tiannan Dao realm are rapidly deepening their understanding of the entire chaos and the outer realm of one side, and they are immersed in it.

Time goes by.

After the Tianjiao tea party, the Tiannan Dao domain, which once again spreads its reputation in the chaos, has already had the glorious scene of ancient times.

Unlimited Sacred Land.

On the peak of Qionglou.

Above the peak, in a strange place.

Qionglou Peak, originally the miraculous peak brought back by the great emperor Ruyi in the past when he wandered overseas, the peak resembled Qionglou, and it was extraordinary!

It was given to Chu Xiao and became Chu Xiao’s place of practice. It had all sorts of mysteries and could be given certain blessings during practice.

And in the realm of the recovery, the ultimate transformation

In this realm, in this vast world, there are mysterious places emerging everywhere, and at the same time, some places that are already mysterious have been significantly improved and become more extraordinary!

Qiongloufeng is obviously one of them!


The sky above Qionglou Peak turned into a mirror surface, reflecting the scenery of Qionglou, which contained all kinds of mysteries and extraordinary mysteriousness.

With the continuous improvement of Chu Xiao’s Cultivation Base, initially, the quiet room he used for his practice was obviously not enough to satisfy himself.


During this period of time, in Sacred Land, a master craftsman gathered at Qionglou Peak. Under the leadership of Chu Xiao, Qionglou Peak was used as the base to reshape a place of practice for him!

This place of cultivation is impressively above Qionglou Peak!

It is in the scene of Qionglou reflected in the sky above Qionglou Peak.

Looking from the outside world, if you don’t know the mysterious Warrior in it, I’m afraid you will only marvel at the miracle of the reflected Qionglou scene. place!

The whole place of cultivation, built with Qionglou Peak as the base of 980, supplemented by the magic of Sacred Land, combined with the breath of Chu Xiao, completely built for him!

As a direct disciple of Ruyi the Great, as a Taoist of this Fang Wuliang Sacred Land, Chu Xiao’s reputation in Wuliang Sacred Land is already very high, and now at the Tianjiao Tea Party, it is a blockbuster and showcasing demeanor.

This makes him even more powerful in Sacred Land, not to mention that he is a person of the same generation, even an elder in Sacred Land, if he meets him, he will salute him seriously!

This is not just because of his Daozi status, but also because of his strength!

After a master craftsman in Sacred Land knew that he was creating a place of cultivation for Daozi Chu Xiao, he did his best to create such a mysterious place!


In the land of practice.

A figure sat cross-legged.

Under him, there are golden lotuses surging, and while the brilliance is flashing, small golden lotuses are wandering around, blooming bright light, providing blessings for Chu Xiao!

And above him…

It is a more mysterious scene!

Looking around, the shadow of the sky above appeared!

It is Chu Xiao’s tenth cave sky, the fairy king cave sky!


The Immortal King Palace in the Immortal King Cave actually seemed to escape from the cave, suspended above Chu Xiao. Under the mysterious evolution, the aura from the Immortal King Hall surged and spread to the surrounding area. It was transformed into the existence of the chaos secret realm, which made Chu Xiao’s cultivation smoother!

Chu Xiao sat cross-legged on the throne, adjusting himself calmly!

a long time..

His breath stabilized, and the floating Immortal King Palace returned to the cave sky, slowly opening his eyes.

Since that day, after acquiring two caves in succession, he began to practice retreat to stabilize his realm.


His realm is completely stable, no longer a bit of frivolity, and at the same time… the control of his own cave has reached the extreme, and he is thoroughly familiar with his new methods!

His eyes flashed in his mind, and Chu Xiao’s spirit sank into the Lingxu, and landed on the side of the Immortal King’s Cave Sky.

“Based on the Secret Realm of Chaos, to open up the cave, there is no one before and no one afterwards.”

“Now I have succeeded in doing it, and the harvest I have brought is really amazing!”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

In the Secret Realm of Chaos, there is a natural chance, and there are gods and treasures born, and you carry the Secret Realm of Chaos with you, just like you are carrying a treasure house with you!

at the same time

The Secret Realm of Chaos is extraordinary, extremely special, and has a mysterious boost to practice.

And now

He opened up the Immortal King’s Cave Sky, and he can control the Immortal King’s Palace completely, and use the Immortal King’s Palace to evolve the chaotic mystery.

This is equivalent to carrying a place of practice that best matches oneself, and you can enter the deepest practice anytime, anywhere!

All kinds of strangeness, words are difficult to express.

Standing up from the practice seat, Chu Xiao looked around.

Look around

This place of practice is very mysterious, surrounded by a square water curtain, reflecting the view of Qionglou.

Between the waves of the water curtain, a soft music came out, washing the mind.

at this time

The amplitude of the turbulence of the surrounding water curtain quietly changed.

at the same time

There was a soft voice.

“His Royal Highness, the elder came to the peak and wants to see you.”

Hear the words.

Chu Xiao raised his brow slightly.

Great Elder!

Undoubtedly, in Wuliang Sacred Land, there is only one person who can be regarded as a great elder by a Sacred Land disciple!

Holy Lord of the Beginning, Li Xunxian!

He has personally experienced the Great Destruction, and has survived the Great Destruction to this day, and has played a great role in the continued glory of Boundless Sacred Land!

In Chu Xiao’s eyes.

This great elder is extremely mysterious, even surpassing the master who has not yet proven himself as an emperor in the past, and surpassing the Ruyi Holy Master at that time!

Old days

Since the Qing Emperor secret realm and his entourage returned, the great elder took Zhou Qin to practice.

Until today.

Chu Xiao heard that the other party had returned to Sacred Land, and had already met with the Star Cultivator, but hadn’t seen him for a long time.

“The great elder is looking for me, what will it be?”

There was a flash of thought in his mind.

Chu Xiao stepped lightly.

During this time, there were waves of ripples wafting in this place of cultivation, as if they were a thousand miles away, and he had already left the place of cultivation.

From the outside

I clearly saw that above Qionglou Peak, a figure was shuttled out of the mirror that reflected the scenery of Qionglou!

It was Chu Lei.

The moment Chu Lei appeared, he landed on the top of the peak and his eyes rolled.

I saw

Not far ahead, a graceful figure was waiting quietly.

The moment she saw Chu Xiao appear, her body bends, and she salutes earnestly, saying: “I have seen Your Highness Daozi.

It was Lu Yuxin!

In the old days, Chu Xiao met her in the Secret Realm of the Qing Emperor. Because of her own luck, she chose to invite her to Qiongloufeng to practice.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and Chu Xiao’s gaze fell on Lu Yuxin.

At first glance, I saw that Lu Yuxin was surrounded by golden clouds.

This is exactly how her luck appeared!

In the past, she met Chu Xiao and was rescued by Chu Xiao. At the invitation of Chu Xiao, her luck had undergone transformation. After the last step, she succeeded in becoming a sign of luck.


At a glance, Chu Xiao saw that the golden thread surging out of the golden cloud, merged into Chu Xiao’s golden crown of luck.

With luck, it is mysterious and extraordinary.

Lu Yuxin was blessed by Chu Xiao, and even came to Qiongloufeng to practice and became a figure in his “Taozi” family. Therefore, the two sides are connected with each other’s luck and have different improvements to each other.

Thoughts turned around.

The golden light in Chu Xiao’s eyes disappeared.

He perceives slightly.

There is no magic in his eyes, but in his line of sight, at this moment, behind (bbbh) Lu Yuxin, there are three phantoms in the sky faintly appearing!

In the Supreme Spirit Pond, the Supreme Bone and the Jiejian Divine Body shattered and merged around him, his bones, blood, and even his pupils already possessed divine powers.


Just looking at it casually, I saw the other party’s Cultivation Base.


Lu Yuxin has already opened up three cave heavens!

As an air transporter with an image of air transport, she recovered in the Dao realm, and the harvest after the ultimate transformation is obviously also very amazing, and the progress of cultivation is extremely fast.

Thoughts flashed in his heart, Chu Xiao said solemnly: “Where is the Great Elder?”

Lu Yuxin looked at Chu Xiao with respect, and said seriously, “His Royal Highness, the Great Elder is waiting for you in the Great Hall.”

Chu Xiao nodded slightly.

next moment

His figure has disappeared in place.

Looking at the place where Chu Xiao disappeared, Lu Yuxin showed a somewhat complicated expression.

“His Royal Highness Daozi’s strength is getting more and more terrifying.

“When I first saw His Royal Highness Daozi in the past, he was no more than the Cultivation Base of the Enlightenment Realm.”


“But I don’t know how far I have taken in the territory of Dongtian, and I even overpowered the Tianjiao from various domains at the Tianjiao tea party and became the first person.”

“His Royal Highness Daozi.

Lu Yuxin said in a low voice.


There was an extremely firm expression on her face.

“Lian Daozi, such a peerless arrogant, still works hard to cultivate and improve himself.”

“I can’t slack off either.

“It is an extremely rare opportunity for me to get the support of His Highness Daozi to come to this Qionglou Peak to practice.”

“I must seize the opportunity!

Thoughts turn around.

Lu Yuxin walked away quickly and returned to the practice place to practice.

On the peak of Qionglou.

In the Great Hall.

Chu Xiao’s figure flickered and appeared in the Great Hall.

Appeared for an instant.

A look fell on him!

Look around.

I saw a figure standing with his hands behind, now looking at him with peaceful eyes.

Holy Lord at the beginning.

Li Xunxian!

Chu Xiao’s face was solemn, and then he said in a deep voice: “Chu Xiao, I have met the great elder.”

At the beginning, the holy lord nodded slightly.


There was a hint of emotion on his face.

He looked at Chu Xiao, shook his head and sighed: “Since the end of the Azure Emperor Mystery Realm, this world has undergone transformation, and you have also undergone transformation.”

“If I read it right.”

“At this time, you have reached the Consummation Realm.”

“Only after successfully comprehending the meaning of life and death, one can step into a higher realm and become a strong person in the realm of life and death.

Chu Xiao nodded slightly.

At the beginning, the feeling of emotion on the face of the Holy Master was received. He looked at Chu Xiao, his face was solemn, and he said solemnly: “Chu Xiao, do you know the reason why I came to you on this trip?”

Chu Xiao shook his head, showing a thoughtful expression, shook his head and said, “Chu Xiao doesn’t know.

“I’m here to find you on this trip.”

“Because of ”

“Not long ago, I had explored in the Dao Realm, but my bloodline had changed!”

At the beginning, the Holy Lord’s eyes were slightly squinted, and he looked directly at Chu Xiao, with a faint vibration in his tone: “There are some things that you don’t know.”

Standing with his hand in his hand, he slowly said: “I am not a native of the Tiannan Dao domain, but the abandoned solitary man brought back in the chaos when the Great Star Catch Emperor traveled through the chaos before the great destruction.”

“My bloodline is extremely special. Since I came to Tiannan, my bloodline is the first time I feel a sense of movement!


“The Tiannan Dao realm has recovered and returned to the chaos. I originally had the plan to find my hometown.”

“Therefore, under the bloodline abnormality, I trace the origin and find the source of the abnormality.

“Unexpectedly, I finally found it in Sacred Land, and found it on the Ruyi Peak.”

Speaking of this, the Holy Master of the Beginning looked at Chu Xiao and said seriously: “I have asked your master.”

“On the day when my bloodline gave birth to an abnormal movement, it was exactly when you were practicing on the Ruyi Peak!”

“It seems that it is because of your practice that my bloodline has changed.

“That’s why I found my door.

In the beginning, the holy lord had always been calm and unwavering, with a hint of expectation faintly revealed, and said quickly: “” Chu Xiao, at that time, what kind of practice were you doing on the Ruyi Peak?

“Do you know the reason?”

Hear the words.

Chu Xiao showed his thoughts.


Thoughts flashed in his mind.

“The great elder has a special bloodline. Could it be that his longevity is due to bloodline?”

“Zhou Qin followed the great elder to cultivate, and seemed to have changed her bloodline. Could it be that she has the same bloodline as the great elder?”

The thoughts flashed in his mind.

Some doubts were all solved.

Recalling the process of his practice in the Ruyi Peak, he seemed to have a clear understanding.

at this moment.

In the slightest movement, behind Chu Xiao, a shadow of the sky appeared!

It is his tenth cave sky, the fairy king cave sky!

The moment the fairy king appeared in the sky!

At the beginning, the eyes of the holy master condensed!

at this moment!

In the Immortal King’s Cave, that strange and extraordinary Palace of the Immortal King suddenly bloomed with brilliance!

at the same time

Not far in front of Chu Xiao.

The breath is calm, simple and unwavering, the Holy Lord of the Beginning, the clothes are windless and automatic!

at this moment!

It seems that something is activated, something is touched, and an extremely terrifying aura rises from his body!

That aura rises into the sky, it seems that it is not controlled by the holy master of the beginning, and it spreads in all directions!

Chu Xiao looked at the face of the Holy Master in the early days, and saw that his face first showed a shocking color, and then seemed to give birth to a trace of enlightenment.

At this moment

In Boundless Sacred Land, there are a lot of divine minds coming to explore the situation here. .

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