Chapter 164 The secret of the fairy clan, entrusted by the holy lord in the early days, without life

A lot of gods surging from all over Sacred Land, countless Sacred Land powerhouses were shocked by this sudden and terrifying aura.

For a time, the whole square Sacred Land vibrated.

Looking at this scene, Chu Xiao raised his brow slightly.

Infinite Sacred Land, the great elder, ~ the holy lord of the beginning, Li Xunxian.

Survive in the arrogance to this day.

As early as not knowing how many years ago, he was already in the most holy master realm.

Chu Xiao once saw the tianjiao powerhouse after the devastation, the wise saint master.

The Holy Lord of Mingxin is a peerless arrogant who appeared in the Tiannan Dao region after the great destruction.

And as early as that time, when the Mingxin Holy Master was expected to be the emperor since the new road, the Great Elder was already in the Holy Master Realm.

Now, Chu Xiao knows that the bloodline of the Great Elder is peculiar, which may be the reason for longevity.

These countless years have passed. In the beginning, the Holy Lord had no idea how long he had been consolidated in the Holy Master Realm.

In the eyes of Chu Xiao. He is the most mysterious person in the entire Tiannan Dao realm.

The strength is unfathomable and unfathomable.

But now, after the appearance of the Immortal King Palace, the aura of the Holy Lord in the early days was shocked by it and rose up.

Chu Xiao has a clear understanding from the expression of the Holy Master in the early days, and this aura is not even inspired by the Holy Master in the early days!

You must know that in the early days the Holy Lord had been consolidated for many years in the Holy Lord, and his strength was unfathomable.

With his realm of strength, there shouldn’t have been a scene where he couldn’t control his own momentum.

The scene in front of you is really shocking.


This may be exactly the bloodline abnormality mentioned by the Holy Master in the beginning!

Those divine minds came to explore, the eyes of the holy master in the beginning were micro, and then the sleeves were flicked.

While the brilliance flickered, a faint barrier rose from Qionglou Peak, blocking exploration.

In the beginning, the Holy Lord had great prestige in Boundless Sacred Land. Many powerful people in Sacred Land today may have been taught by him in the past.

Now, when the Holy Lord of the Beginning uses the means, the divine consciousness that has been explored one by one is immediately felt, and after knowing that it is the Holy Master of the primordial period, all of them have withdrawn their divine consciousness.

On the peak of Qionglou.

Above Chu Xiao, the fairy king palace in the shadow of the cave is blooming.

Guanghua reflected on the body of the Holy Lord in the early days, making his aura even more turbulent.

I don’t know how long it took, the brilliance of the Immortal King Palace gradually faded, and the aura of the Holy Lord’s body in the early days also became calm.

Chu Xiao’s gaze fell on the Holy Master of the Beginning.

Looking around, the eyes of the Holy Lord of the Beginning were slightly closed, as if he was perceiving something in detail.

His whole body is full of immortality, and there is a mysterious aura circulating.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiao confirmed some information.

Zhou Qin followed the Holy Master of the Beginning to practice, maybe. It is the practice of the extremely dangerous bloodline secret technique that has the bloodline that is as mysterious as the Holy Lord in the beginning.

After a long time, the Holy Lord of the Beginning opened his eyes and looked at Chu Xiao.

The brilliance flashed in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.


He opened his mouth to Chu Xiao and said, “Chu Xiao, your cave sky, the Fang Baodian, what is that?”

Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly, he groaned, and then said: “I have become the first person in the Tianjiao Tea Party, and I have obtained the qualification to enter the chaos secret realm.

“This Fang Treasure Hall is exactly the opportunity I got in the chaos secret realm. Based on it, I opened up this cave.

Chu Xiao paused.

Immediately afterwards.

He said solemnly: “This treasure hall is called the Immortal King Palace!”

“The Palace of the Immortal King?”

At the beginning, the face of the Holy Lord was solemn.

He showed a dazed expression, shook his head and sighed: “No wonder, no wonder”

“No wonder, it can cause my blood pulse to change.

He sighed with emotion, and then looked at Chu Xiao earnestly.

“The Palace of the Immortal King.

At the beginning, the Holy Master said silently, and then he said: “If I didn’t guess wrong, this palace is very likely to be the palace left by the most terrifying powerhouse of my clan how long ago!”

Hear the words.

A serious look appeared in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

He already knew that the bloodline of the Holy Lord in the beginning was peculiar.

But look now…

It seems that it’s not just blood.

In the early days, the holy lord was commensurate with the “family”, which means that it is thought-provoking.

In the beginning, the holy lord’s face was serious and his tone was long, as if he was reminiscing, and he said in a deep voice: “When I was a child, I was rescued by the Great Emperor of the Star, and he was brought back to Tiannan from the chaos.”

“Later ”

“Tiannan suffered a great calamity, and the domain war broke out.”

“Because of the Star Cultivator, I naturally didn’t need to participate in the battle of entering the domain at that time.”

“At the end of the domain war, the Tiannan Dao domain was damaged, and all the forces on one side were greatly affected.”

“Wuliang Sacred Land is among them.”

“In that era, Warrior practice was extremely difficult.”

In the early days, the holy lord looked at Chu Xiao and said slowly: “Maybe it is because of my own blood, but the impact is very little.”

“Therefore ”

“I just protected the Boundless Sacred Land, spent the most dangerous period of time, flourishing all the way, and even more glorious than ancient times.

“And in this…

“As I practiced along the way, the realm continued to rise. When I was in the holy realm, my mind would often produce pictures due to blood changes.”

“In those pictures, I learned some information from them.”

Speaking of which.

At the beginning, the Holy Lord had a slight meal.

Then, his tone was solemn, and he said solemnly: “My clan, in ancient times, was called an immortal!


Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.


Immortal King Palace!

Combined with the appearance of the Immortal King Hall, the blood of the holy master in the early days changed, and the aura involuntarily surged out, which can almost prove that the guess of the holy master in the early days is correct!

This fairy king palace.

It is very likely that it is the palace left by a terrifying powerhouse among the “fairies”!

The thoughts flashed in his mind.

Chu Xiao thought of more.

When he was in the Secret Realm of Chaos, he used to perform the Heavenly Treasure Technique and wanted to deduce the information of Fang Baodian.


In the end, it was only after deduction of “The Palace of the Immortal King”, the deduction was terminated due to huge consumption.

“Fairy clan, a clan with strange bloodlines and the secret of longevity?”


“How far has the powerhouse involved in the Immortal King Palace reached?”

Chu Xiao’s mind flashed.

After the realm has risen, the combat power has increased.

Chu Xiao didn’t give birth to pride at all.


In this boundless chaos, in this vast fantasy world, there are too many secrets and too much horror.

Only after his strength reaches a certain level can he contact him.

Not far in front of you.

After the narration of the Holy Lord in the early days, his gaze fell on Chu Xiao, on the Palace of the Fang Immortal King.

He showed a thoughtful expression, and finally said: “Chu Xiao, I have one thing, I want to ask you.”

Chu Lei headed slightly, and then said: “The elder, but it’s okay to say.

“The Tiannan Dao realm has recovered, and Sacred Land now has two great emperors, and I no longer need me.”


“I am going to leave the Tiannan Dao realm in these days, to travel through the chaos, to find more information about my clan, and to find the homeland of my clan.

In the early days, the Holy Lord stood with his hand in his hand, looked at Chu, and said: “You and I have met in the southern realm of this day.”


“You have another chance to obtain the Fang Immortal King Palace, and it is even more so that you can turn it into the foundation of your own cave.”

“maybe ”

“You and my clan have some intimate connections, involvement, and origins.”

“With this Palace of the Immortal King, perhaps, when you personally set foot in Chaos in the future, you will also have the opportunity to obtain information related to my clan.”

“If it was then”

“I hope you can tell me this information.”

In the beginning, the brilliance of the Holy Lord’s eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: “For me, my clan is also like a cloud of mist. I don’t know the specific information.”

“I hope that one day in the future, this mist can be completely resolved.”

Facing the gaze of the Holy Lord from the beginning.

Chu Xiao groaned.


He opened his mouth and said: “If I have the opportunity in the future to obtain information about the “Xianzu”, I will definitely inform the elder.

At the beginning, the Holy Lord smiled slightly.

He retracted his gaze and looked up towards the sky.

“I will leave tomorrow at the latest.

“Chu Lei.”

“Let’s see you tomorrow.

The moment the voice fell.

Silently, his figure has disappeared in the Great Hall of the meeting.

Looking at his disappearing back, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, Guanghua flickered slightly.

All the time

This immeasurable Sacred Land elder, in his eyes, is an extremely mysterious existence.

He even once suspected that the great elder of the immeasurable Sacred Land was able to continue to this day because of the practice of a divine law in the inheritance of Sacred Land.

And today

All these doubts have finally been answered!

The opponent’s arrogance can survive to this day, not by foreign objects, but by his own blood!

“Fairy Clan”

Chu Xiao’s divine spirit penetrated into the Immortal King Palace, feeling the message: “This clan, how far has it been in the past, can it possess the secret of longevity?”

“Longevity and longevity have always been a great problem that plagues Warriors, but this race is born with the ability to live forever.”

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed.

“The great elder has already achieved the Holy Master Realm and became the most powerful person in the Tiannan Dao realm before I don’t know how long.”

“He can say that after the devastation, he has witnessed generations of powerhouses in the Tiannan Dao domain.”

“It stands to reason that no one can exceed the accumulation in the Holy Master Realm.”

“but ”

“After the Dao realm was revived, there was a strong man at the top of the Holy Lord Realm, who spurred the emperor out of the way and tried to prove the emperor.”

“Master is a testimony to the success of the emperor and the achievement of the great emperor.

“However, the great elder has no tendency to prove the emperor at all, and he has never inspired the emperor’s path.”

“Because he himself is not going to try to prove the emperor now, or

“Is it because of blood?”

“Such a divine bloodline with the secret of longevity must be mysterious and extraordinary. Could it have affected what?”

After letting out a breath, Chu Xiao pressed all these thoughts to the bottom of his heart and stopped thinking about it.

The color of determination rose in his eyes, and he muttered to himself in his heart: “This retreat has completely stabilized his realm!”

“In that case”

“There is no need to stay too much in the cave sky.”

“Now that the Dao Realm is resurrected, there is no need to practice the fourth level of Wuxing, and you can directly step into the four changes of Dengwang.”

“The first stage of the four changes of the king is the stage of life and death.”

Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed.

The realm of life and death, the realm above the cave sky!

Warrior in the cave world, if you want to break through to life and death, you need to understand the meaning of life and death, and understand life and death!

Warriors in this realm have a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and death, and after reaching the top, they can even be reborn with blood in a true sense, without fear of life and death!

Using the meaning of life and death as an attack is even more terrifying!

Looking at the Tiannan Dao domain.

If we say that contemporary Tianjiao figures, most of them are now in the territory of Dongtian.


The realm of life and death can already be called a strong person in the true sense!

To know.

In Boundless Sacred Land, the extremely outstanding life-and-death powerhouse can already board an elder and become an elder in Sacred Land!

“When I first stepped into the path of practice, the strong man in the life and death realm, to me, seemed like a mountain that could not cross domains.

“But nowadays”

“My self is already about to come into contact with this realm.”

“Even, with my means, at this moment, it is possible to easily contend against a strong man of life and death.

“Next, we will move towards a higher realm!”

Thoughts turn around.

Chu Xiao’s face was slightly solemn.

He has always had a perfect plan for his path of practice.

He had already made a detailed plan long before the retreat to consolidate the realm.


After leaving the customs, it is natural to execute the plan!

Warrior of life and death, feel the meaning of life and death!

The meaning of life and death is mysterious and extraordinary, and it is extremely difficult to realize it out of thin air.


Within the heavens and the earth, there is a mysterious place, which contains life and death!

Warriors who want to break through to the realm of life and death may encounter danger from them, but there are opportunities in the crisis, and perhaps they can use the magic to realize life and death in one fell swoop, and break through to the realm of life and death.

Before the retreat, Chu Xiao had already confirmed the destination.


His face was slightly solemn, his whole body surged, and the shadow of the cave appeared!

Seventh cave sky, chasing the stars to the cave sky!

Li Na appeared in the star-seeking cave, Chu Xiao’s mind moved slightly, and in the cave, the star-seeking chart trembled.

Stars tremble!

At this moment.

From the sky, stars fell straight down, covering Chu Xiao’s body!

Xing Dun Baoshu urged!

Old days

At the Tianjiao Tea Party, Chu Xiao once used Xing Dun Baoshu to pass the test of Tianjiao arena and go straight to the center.

And the real effect of Star Dungeons is not only that!

The most important role of the Star Escape Art is to travel long distances!

The star-seeking map trembles!

According to the location Chu Xiao knew through Sacred Land, the stars enveloped his body, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The moment he disappeared.

Infinite Sacred Land.

On the Ruyi Peak.

In the practice ground, a figure sitting cross-legged slowly opened his eyes.

Ruyi the Great.

“Have you left already.,”

She whispered a little, a faint smile appeared on her face, her eyes closed, and she continued to practice.

at the same time

Looking at the star peak.

At this moment, it is still day, but looking at the star peak, there is no big sun, but only the sky full of Star!

The Emperor of Star Reacher stepped forward in the Star with his hands under his shoulder, and stopped suddenly, as if he was feeling something.

After knowing about the fourth-order of Wuxing Star, Emperor Star Cultivator carefully studied it, looking for a perfect solution!


Attach great importance to this Tiannan Dao realm!


Nor would he even abandon his star-picking realm when Dao Domain was resurrected!


He naturally didn’t want to see that Warrior, who was born in Tiannan Daoyu, a contemporary powerhouse, had such a big hidden danger.

At this moment

He seemed to feel something, his movements stopped, his eyes lowered slightly.

“Based on the star-seeking map, has Wen cultivated such a treasure?”

After sighing in a low voice, his mind sank into the sky star again, exploring the mystery.

Xing Dun Baoshu urged.

Xinghui embraces Chu Xiao and shuttles forward!

The star-seeking map blooms with soft brilliance.

In a short period of time, Chu Xiao has traveled an unfamiliar distance, and has already moved far away from Boundless Sacred Land!

Such a method is really mysterious and extraordinary.

Chu Xiao now has terrifying combat power and a variety of methods.

After about a few breaths.

In the Tiannan Dao domain, somewhere in the area, a starlight fell, and a figure condensed in the starlight and appeared!

It is Chu Xiao!

At the moment he appeared, Chu Xiao looked to the north.

Look around

As far as the line of sight is, there is a faint ripple swaying at the far end, unable to see through, it seems to block the other world, which exists here.

There was a hint of seriousness in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

There is more than one mysterious place in the Tiannan Dao realm that contains life and death, the meaning of life and death.

And here

It is one of them.

Chu Xiao’s memory of this is still fresh.


Here, it is located in the northern part of the Tiannan Dao domain, where the former Shenwu Saint Master noticed the truth of the destruction and explored the location for nearly two hundred years!

No life or death!

In the old days, after the sacred master of Shenwu announced the ruined truth in Daozi, countless powerful people in Daozi came here to explore the truth.

And now.


Came here for the first time!

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