Chapter 226 Huge killing puppet, magic glass

The only a dozen Celestial cultivators left, looking at this huge mountain python, almost instantly lost their desire to fight, after all, the opponent’s strength was still too strong.

They almost didn’t have any room to contend, they kept using various Taoist magic arts to bombard the body of the mountain python.

But they couldn’t even split the general situation of Xushan, how could it be that the mountain python could not be broken?

What they hurt was just a shell of the mountain python. As for the most essential amber python swallowing beads, there was naturally nothing.

Since this is the case, they can’t hurt this mountain python at all, and they are also retreating steadily under the offensive of the mountain python.

Every time the mountain python attacks, it can take away several cultivators of the Celestial race in an instant. In front of the mountain python, there is almost no room for struggle.

“Heh, but with such strength, I dare to fight against me!’

A trace of blood flashed in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

The remaining dozen people kept evading trial. They all knew very well that they were neither Chu Xiao’s opponent nor the mountain python’s opponent.

Chu Xiao, who couldn’t even beat the ten princes of Shen Qiong Sacred Land, was in front of him, and there was nothing to do.

This is the suppression of absolute strength!

The mountain python is still chasing these more than a dozen people continuously. Obviously, the rest of these people have learned some body skills and steps, which seems extremely exaggerated, but in front of the mountain python, it is not enough to look at it.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly shrinking, so it seems that it will not be long before they will die under the hands of the mountain python.

Just when the remaining dozen people were about to be chased by the mountain python, suddenly they only felt one, and the sky was dark.

Chu Lei suddenly raised his head, but saw a huge murderous puppet standing in front of everyone.

This mountain puppet is as stalwart as a giant, just like the Big 11 Mountain!

Even if it is a huge mountain python, it is not as big as his knee!

One palm of his hand is like a big mountain!

A tooth seems to be bigger than a hill!

The eyes are dull and dark, and the limbs are pitch black.

Standing in front of everyone, there is an invisible sense of oppression!

Even everyone didn’t know how they should face this monster!

“Is this a killing puppet?”

“How is it possible! How could this murderous puppet be so huge!”

“This is the ancient battlefield, the place where the Great Emperor fell!”

The remaining dozen people were instantly discouraged. They still don’t know at this time, how hard the company will be able to defeat the monster standing in front of them.

Looking at the huge killing intent puppet, the strong killing intent emanating from it, even Chu Xiao couldn’t help taking a breath.

This killing puppet is really too huge, even if it is a mountain python, it is insignificant in front of him!

Even a person, standing in front of him, is like an ant!

He stood on top of the mountain python and raised his head vigorously, only then could he see the head of the killing puppet!

Chu Xiao subconsciously drew out the Wandi Sword. After all, this killing intent puppet evolved from the emperor’s killing intent over countless years.

Cruel by nature, only knows to kill!

All living things will be destroyed!

No mercy!

Even Chu Xiao, for such a huge killing puppet, he still feels a little jealous!

The dozen or so people stood in front of the killing puppets, just like a group of ants, it seemed that killing puppets would kill them completely!

At this time, they seem to know what is truly powerful!

At this time, the killing puppet seemed to have seen them too, and instantly punched and smashed at everyone!

This punch is heavy!

And this killing puppet, seemingly huge, but not cumbersome at all, this punch is very flexible, and in an instant, everyone has not reacted, but was hit by this punch!


The ground broke apart, and the cracks stretched for tens of meters!

The ground collapsed, and everything on the surface was directly shaken by the air wave!

This punch went down, as if everything around was violently moving, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but stepped back three steps.

There was also a trace of jealousy in the eyes of the mountain python.

As if he knew that this killing puppet was very difficult to deal with.

The killing intent puppet slowly raised his fist, only to see a puddle of blood under the fist.

With one punch, more than a dozen Celestial cultivators were solved instantly!

And Chu Xiao understands that this is not the full power of this killing puppet!

This killing puppet saw these dozen people and died directly under his own hands, and quickly focused his gaze on Chu Xiao again!

In an instant, there was another punch, and he slammed it down at Chu Xiao!

The speed is so fast that Chu Xiao can even hear the sound of breaking through the sky directly.

And he understood that if he was hit head-on with this punch, he estimated that he would not die or be disabled!

Although he has the ancient fairy armor body, he will not be seriously injured, but it is obvious that this blow can also severely injure himself.

In an instant, Chu Xiao held the magic glass lamp in his hands.

On the magic glaze lamp, bursts of colorful glow, accompanied by Dao Yun, vibrated.

Chu Xiao kept his sight on the magic glass cup, Chu Xiao understood that perhaps only this magic glass cup could block the opponent’s attack!

Before Chu Xiao could think about it, he saw this fist, and he had already smashed it at him!

This punch made Chu Xiao feel the killing intent next to him for a while, and even made his hair stand upright!

But Chu Xiao still didn’t care too much, because he still understood that this punch still didn’t cause much threat to himself.

After all, the magic glass cup in his hand can withstand the opponent’s attack!

Immediately before the fist hit Chu Xiao, Chu Xiao used the magic glass lamp, and his entire body was instantly covered by a burst of glowing light, which seemed unpredictable!

The fist passed through Chu Xiao’s body, but it did not cause any harm to Chu Xiao!

Chu Xiao jumped up from the top of the mountain python’s head, and at this time, the mountain python also entangled the arm of this murderous puppet and bit it fiercely.

Here, the mountain python has controlled the killing puppet. Chu Xiao drew out the Wandi Sword, urged the imperial sword technique, and through the supreme treasure art and the immortal emperor’s blessing, in an instant, the Wandi sword in his hand, the golden light was brilliant, Killing intent aspect.


Chu Lei cried out! A sword aura suddenly slashed out!

The sword is full of energy! The sword light is like a waterfall!

Huge, killing puppet like a big mountain, a huge crack appeared directly on the arm!

Then there was a click! The whole arm was covered with countless cracks!

Numerous cracks appeared on the arms of the killing puppet in an instant.

This crack continued to expand, and soon, looking at the killing puppet’s arm, it cracked every inch.

The killing puppet couldn’t feel any pain, and quickly raised his other arm, clenched his fist and took it again towards Chu Xiao!

Chu Xiao suddenly kicked Rui on the killing puppet’s body, and then his body flew out with strength.

He stopped in the air, holding the magic glass cup in one hand and the Wandi Sword in the other.

At this time, his body was also covered by a burst of glowing light, and he could calmly face all the next attacks.

And the mountain python here, wrapped around the cracked arm, suddenly exerted force, and saw the entire arm bursting open!

Countless fragments smashed on the ground, directly smashing one huge pit after another!

Every piece is like a small hill!

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, looked at the killing intent puppet in front of him, a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Promote Chaos Treasure and become a Chaos Giant!

In an instant, Chu Xiao’s body turned into a giant chaotic giant, and his whole body was covered by chaotic air.

At the same time, the self, who has blessed the supreme treasure art and the immortal emperor’s law, is constantly engraved with arrays of Dao patterns.

The Dao Wen radiated golden light, wrapped around Chu Lei’s body, constantly twisting!

The Wandi Sword instantly expanded and was held in the palm of his hand by Chu Xiao again!

Chu Xiao, in the form of a giant of chaos, his body at this time is already the size of a hill! It looks terrible!

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently at this time.He deeply knew that this killing intent puppet looked terrifying, but in fact, the strength of this killing intent puppet was nothing more than that!

In an instant, Chu Xiao’s body was almost the size of his opponent!

The killing puppet seemed to feel the threat that Chu Xiao brought to him, punched it hard, and slammed it directly at Chu Xiao!

Facing the punch of this killing puppet, Chu Xiao coldly snorted, Wandi Sword, the light of the sword flickered, and it was cut out with a single sword!

The true dragon treasure technique emerges! The true dragon blessing!

Canglong cut out, and Long Yin appeared!

Suddenly, a blue dragon sword aura exploded on the killing puppet!

There was a loud explosion, and the killing puppet retreated tens of meters!

On the body, countless cracks emerged and continued to expand.

It seems that it is now vulnerable to a single blow!

On the killing puppet’s body, fragments were constantly falling and hit the ground. Every time, there was a bang.

Chu Xiao, who has become a giant of chaos, sneered at the attack of the killing puppet.He knew that the attack of the killing puppet was almost useless to himself!

The killing intent puppet rushed directly at Chu Xiao, punched in his hand, and slammed it at Chu Xiao!

Chu Xiao dodged and swept one leg directly on the killing puppet’s body!

The killing puppet retreated violently, and went back several hundred meters before stopping.

At this time, Chu Xiao, holding the Wandi Sword, slowly leaned towards his opponent.

For Chu Xiao, solving the killing puppet is hardly a difficult task.

As for the killing puppet, there are more cracks on the body, and the killing puppet’s eyes are still full of murderous intent.

Suddenly, the killing puppet stood up straight and hugged it on a mountain with only one hand.

That mountain is a thousand meters high! Even if it is a killing puppet, it looks reluctant to look at it.

The killing intent puppet suddenly used force, and saw huge mountains, don’t uproot the killing intent puppet!

After that, the killing puppet punched the mountain, dragged the mountain, and walked towards Chu Xiao!

This huge murderous puppet actually used the entire mountain as a weapon!

In an instant, the killing puppet, holding the mountain, had enough strength, and suddenly smashed towards Chu Xiao!

This blow seems to be heavy!

It seems to be able to smash Chu Xiao directly!

Seeing the opponent’s attack, Chu Xiao snorted coldly. Such an attack was still too pediatric for him.

The method of picking stars is integrated into the sea of ​​thought, and through the blessing of the supreme treasure art and the immortal emperor law, in an instant, the entire world becomes a galaxy.

In the galaxy, countless stars shine, these 033 stars, and Chu Xiao, who is a giant of chaos, complement each other.

In an instant, it seems that Chu Xiao’s body is also reflecting the Star!

The power of Star is integrated into Chu Xiao’s body.At this moment, Chu Xiao is like a giant Star!

Chu Lei stretched out his hand to probe, thousands of Stars trembled, and in an instant, a Star suddenly fell towards Chu Xiao!

This huge Star, directly grasped by the Chaos Giant’s hand, shook suddenly, holding the huge Star, and smashing it at the killing puppet!

And the mountain and Star collided!

In an instant, this galaxy realm seemed to be shaking violently for an instant!

Countless stars flickered, seeming to be unable to support it, however, greater power followed one after another.

Here, Shan Yue and Star were still facing each other, but Chu Xiao held the Wandi Sword in his other hand, and in an instant, the Wandi Sword flashed with a ray of light.

The sword technique was blessed by the supreme treasure technique and the immortal emperor technique, and a bright sword light flashed in an instant!

The sword light was dazzling, like a long dragon, severely stabbed by Chu Xiao!

A dazzling silver sword light penetrated the huge Star!

Sword light gushes out from the center of Star.At this moment, Star is torn apart and bursts apart!

This hole pierced Star’s sword light, and hit the Mount Mu again!

Under the power of this sword light, the giant mountain shattered every inch! It turned into a child’s fan!

Chu Xiao screamed, the sword light is even more powerful, such a sword light, it is almost easy, and it penetrates the entire mountain!

There was a bang.

The huge mountain that was uprooted by the killing puppet was directly broken into rubble and rolled on the ground.

The sword light still didn’t stop, and it pierced straight toward the body of the killing puppet!

The killing intent puppet noticed that he was directly locked by the sword light, roared, and rushed straight towards Chu Xiao!

The sword light penetrated the body of the killing intent puppet, but at the same time, the killing intent puppet rushed directly in front of Chu Xiao and slammed it at Chu Xiao.

It seems to be the same!

However, the killing puppet at this time seems to have been fragmented, and will die almost immediately.

Chu Xiao naturally did not see this so-called killing intent puppet in his eyes, the sword light in his hand flashed, and the killing intent puppet was directly cut into two parts!

Turn into pieces and burst apart!

Countless fragments fell to the ground.

Seeing that the killing intent puppet was successfully beheaded by himself, Chu Xiao sneered, and directly relieved the Canghai One Thought Method and the Chaos Treasure Art.

Restored to its true colors.

Looking at the huge murderous puppet in front of him, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath.

Unexpectedly, this is so dangerous in the ancient battlefield, even a killing puppet can be so powerful!

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