Chapter 227 Underestimate the ancient battlefield, the most perfect posture breakthrough

Chu Xiao let out a sigh of relief. It seems that he still underestimated this so-called ancient battlefield.

This ancient battlefield deserves to be the fallen emperor of the two great emperors.

During these countless years, the resulting killing intent puppets were so terrifying.

This level of killing intent puppet, perhaps placed outside, is already the ten princes of the god Sacred Land before it can be destroyed.

After all, with this scale, even the dozen or so cultivators of the Celestial Clan just now were smashed into flesh with a punch.

It can be said that the strength of such a huge killing intent puppet is already ten separate spectrum, which is almost a sign that you still have to pay more attention to it.

After passing the general situation of Xushan just now, it can be said that the real ancient battlefield around here.

Of course, there is still a little distance from the center of the ancient battlefield where the chance is located, and the danger and chance in the middle may not be too small.

Just a moment ago, I got the two types of gods, the amber swallowing bead and the two-leaf clover.

Chu Xiao still decided to go deep into the ancient battlefield by himself, and then look for some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

After all, he was about to break through the second stage of life and death, the imperial ambassador of life and death.

When making a breakthrough, using the Two-Leaf Clover of Life and Death, and the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures from the previous search, you can increase yourself to an unprecedented level.

But if that’s the only thing, in Chu Xue’s opinion, it’s nothing. She still has to pay more attention and pay attention to the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures around her.

After all, since I want to break through, I must break through with the most perfect posture!

He entered the ancient battlefield, and rushed towards the place recorded by the chance gold card.

On the way, there are many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, but also there are many killing puppets and various monsters.

This kind of emperor with murderous intent is even more due to the fall of the great emperor, creating a lot of Taoism hidden in this land.

The deeper you get into it, the more killing puppets you can see, and the more monsters hiding in it.

These monsters, through refining the Dao Yun left behind when the Great Emperor died, to enhance their Cultivation Base.

And because he grew up in this gloomy place with killing intent, he is extremely integrated with this environment.

If it were not too close to the killing puppet, the killing puppet would never be found.

Chu Xiao suddenly saw a golden light in front of him. In the golden light, there was a layer of Dao pattern shining.

In the Dao pattern, countless Dao is contained in it. It seems that there is an extremely powerful force hidden in this Dao pattern!

At this time, Chu Xiao became cautious.

Because along the way, he rarely saw the existence of murderous puppets around here.

This may mean that there may be some monsters hidden around here.

Moreover, the monster beasts that are not weak can kill or expel all the killing intent puppets of this piece, so that they can cultivate here with peace of mind.

If it is like this, perhaps Chu Xiao needs to be careful, because the hidden monsters may be extremely powerful!

However, a smile appeared on Chu Xiao’s face.

The Dao pattern left by this great emperor, after countless years, has not been eliminated, enough to see, in this Dao pattern, the inheritance is profound!

Perhaps after obtaining it, it is not impossible to be able to make one’s own strength and diligently diligently!

Chu Lei walked in and sat cross-legged in front of Dao Wen and began to operate his cultivation technique. At the same time, he felt the trace of Dao Wen left by the great emperor.

This pattern is so obscure in Chu Xiao’s eyes. After all, it is the pattern formed by the surge of power when the emperor died. It must be someone with great savvy.

But in Chu Xiao’s eyes, this is nothing more than that.

It’s just a little bit more difficult than Canghai’s thinking. He can finish his comprehension within ten hours at most.

After all, Chu Xiao possesses the golden lotus of enlightenment, and his savvy surpasses ordinary people by countless times.

“Is this the real technique of Lei Zi? Interesting,”!”

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently. In this pattern, what was hidden was the True Art of Thunder.

It seems to be complementary to the crystallization of the word thunder on the body of the previous chaotic alien beast, plus the God Punishment Cave Sky, and if these three can be mastered by oneself at the same time, compared to your own God Punishment Treasure Art, the power can be even higher.

Of course, this takes enough time!

In an instant, a ray of thunder began to appear on Chu Xiao’s body.

Countless electric arcs are jumping on Chu Xiao’s clothes and skin.

But Chu Xiao didn’t care.

This pattern is not complete. According to Chu Xiao’s observation, there should be at least three copies.

This is just one of them, although it can also enhance your own perception, but if the three parts are combined, your ability to punish the sky will definitely be greatly enhanced!

Even his own Thunder Word True Art, the method of mine control that he brought to himself, is not weaker than the son of Ben Lei, and even countless times stronger than him!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao’s eyes lit up.

This is the place where the Great Emperor fell. This inheritance Dao pattern is here, which is the representative. The remaining two inheritance Dao patterns are still here.

In this case, it should not be particularly difficult to find the remaining two copies of the inheritance text!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao smiled slightly, it seemed that God really blessed me.

It can be said that it is my own blessing to be able to obtain such an opportunity in this place where the great emperor has fallen.

After ten hours passed, Chu Xiao slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he had completely mastered this one-third of the Thunder Word True Art.

Because of the one-third of the Thunder Word True Secret Art, Chu Xiao can easily perceive where he is in the remaining two copies of the Thunder Word True Secret Art.

At the same time, because of this Lei Zi Zhen Jue, Chu Xiao also understood the power of this Lei Zi Zhen Jue.

Perhaps if the cultivation is good, it is even no less than one of his own heavenly treasures.

At that time, his strength will still be greatly enhanced!

When the time comes, it can be said that it will be yourself.

In this case, it can be said that the efforts that I have made before have also been rewarded.

At this time, Chu Xiao’s body was jumping with lightning, and his pupils seemed to have turned into thunder and lightning.

It is precisely because of this powerful force that Chu Xiao feels that if he can collect the real tactics of the word thunder, it can be said that it is still very powerful.

After all, such power can be said to be a great opportunity!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao ran directly towards the other two Lei Zi Zhen Jue. After all, he could refine the Lei Zi Zhen Jue, and to himself, it was a huge help.

At the same time, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but sigh, this is worthy of the Dao Yun left behind when the emperor died, and his strength is so terrifying.

When it came to the next place, Chu Xiao took a deep breath.

The place where this Lei Zi Zhen Jue is located is actually in the middle of a basin.

I saw a place with a radius of ten miles, a huge pothole in the middle, and a shimmering golden light in the middle.

Chu Xiao knows that the golden light must be the remaining Thunder Word True Secret Art. If he can refine the Thunder Word True Secret Art, his strength will definitely be greatly enhanced. At that time, it may be harmful to him. It’s a good thing to die.

Since it’s like this, I definitely won’t give up easily.

Even if there are monsters around here, he will still kill them!

Whether it’s a killer puppet or a cultivator of the Celestial Clan, Chu Xiao has killed countless people. How horrible it will be!

After all, in this ancient battlefield, the strength can be compared with the killing puppet!

Chu Lei quickly walked to the side of the Inheritance Dao Mark, he naturally knew that this was one of the thunder word Dao Marks.

But he still didn’t realize it immediately, but frowned slightly.

It’s just because, in front of him, there is still such a person, and an arc is jumping on that person.

Obviously this person is also refining the Lei Zi Zhen Jue.

He seemed to have discovered this place by chance, and began to realize the true tactics of Lei Zi.

And the third eye on his forehead told Chu Xiao that this person is also a cultivator of the Celestial Race.

Then, things are very obvious.

And this cultivator of the Celestial Clan seems to have also noticed Chu Xiao, opened his eyelids, and looked at Chu Xiao with his own dead fish eyes.

This cultivator of the Celestial Clan, with a silver armor, seems to be a treasure, and at the same time, there seems to be a little pattern on the center of his eyebrows, like lightning.

This person stood up slowly, looking at Chu Xiao, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

“I thought it was someone, but it was just a human cultivator, how? Do you still want to kill me?”

That day the cultivator of the Protoss smiled indifferently, and then, his eyes gradually condensed and gathered into a killing intent.

Naturally, Chu Xiao knew that his opponent was not good, but he didn’t want to reason with this person, because Chu Xiao also knew that he was also bad.

“I am one of the Heavenly God Tribe Hongyun Sacred Land Tianjiao, Chi Zuo, it can be regarded as letting you know whose hands you died.”

After all, the cultivator of the Celestial Race slowly straightened his body, and his body was constantly flashing electric lights.

Chu Xiao knew that, except for him, it would take at least a week for everyone to realize the real tactics of the word thunder, and he was still a genius-level figure.

And this Chi Zuo can now use the power of thunder and lightning, I am afraid that he was a person who cultivated thunder and lightning before.

Thinking about it, Liu Ming, the son of Ben Thunder God, also used the thunder and lightning method, but he still died in his own hands.

Chu Xiao said calmly: “It seems that you still don’t understand the current situation, I can kill you, and I can kill you easily!”

Chi Zuo’s eyes were Wei Mi, and his chin clicked to the side, and said to Chu Xiao: “There was originally a monster here. It seems to be practicing with this pattern. Now I am beheaded here. Do you think you can still kill me? ?”

Chu Xiao looked to the side, and sure enough there was the corpse of a monster beast. The monster beast was huge, like a tiger wolf. At this time, his body was covered with cuts and bruises and fell to the ground. It was already short of breath.

“A demon beast in the four realms of the king, beheaded by you, is it enough for you to brag?”

After Chu Xiao said, the Wandi Sword flashed in the palm of his hand from the spirit ruins, exuding a faint light.

Looking at Chu Xiao’s Wandi Sword, Chi Zuo was obviously very jealous, because he also saw that the Wandi Sword was definitely a treasure.

A very strong soldier!

Chi Zuo looked at Chu Xiao, took a deep breath, and said, “Even if you and I understand this pattern together, it is okay. There is no need to divide it into life and death!”

Looking at Chi Zuo, Chu Xiao squinted slightly and glanced at the Dao Wen on the ground. Before speaking, he saw that a long sword appeared in Chi Zuo’s hand instantly, slashing towards Chu Xiao.


Chi Zuo’s face was sullen, revealing a very murderous look, and he shouted angrily, and slashed towards Chu Xiao!

Looking at the sudden attack of Chi Zuo, Chu Xiao didn’t seem to be surprised. He just sneered and said, “It really is such a villain!”

The Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand shook suddenly and swept towards Chi Zuo’s throat.

With this momentum, Chi Zuo’s sword can indeed be cut on Chu Xiao’s body.

But if this is the case, Chi Zuo will also be pierced by Chu Xiao’s sword!

After distinguishing the interests, Chi Zuo gritted his teeth fiercely and could only retreat, avoiding Chu Xiao’s life-hunting sword.

And Chu Xiao seems to have not let go of Chi Zuo’s meaning, because Chu Xiao knows that for this kind of person, he must completely kill him!

“In ancient times, the human race and the god (good Zhao) race fought again and again. I don’t know how many great emperors or talents of my human race died under the hands of your gods!”

As Chu Xue said, the sword light in his hand flashed, and a sword aura slashed towards Chi Zuo.

Looking at Chu Xiao’s sword, Chi Zuo was obviously very jealous. It seemed that he knew how terrifying the power of this sword was. It was precisely because of this appearance that Chi Zuo did not dare to face it head-on.

The sword in his hand was instantly covered by a flash of thunder, and Chi Zuo shouted angrily as the thunder and lightning flickered, and cut out a thunder and lightning sword aura, and slashed at Chu Xiao.

The lightning sword qi and the sword qi cut by Chu Xiao crashed together.

Chizuo’s long sword is naturally extraordinary, but in the hands of the sword of the gods of Zhanyun Wandi, it seems so unworthy of mention.

In an instant, with an explosion, Chi Zuo was directly blown away by Chu Xiao’s sword energy, and his body was embarrassed and burst back.

Chi Zuo flew upside down in the air for a long time, and it landed on the ground, but he got up and wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were stern and he said to Chu Xiao: “That’s your human emperor’s poor strength! This world will always be. Rely on strength to speak!”

As soon as the voice fell, a thunder light ignited on Chi Zuo’s body in an instant.

“I fought against the son of Benlei many years ago. Although I regret to defeat the son of Benlei, after so many years of cultivation, I have already surpassed the son of Benlei!”

Chi Zuo sneered, and his body was instantly covered by a bright thunder light, and the place where the thunder and lightning shone instantly exploded!

In an instant, the rocks and ground around the left of the pond were directly blown to pieces.

Hearing Chi Zuo’s mention of his defeated man, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but smile, and said to Chi Zuo, “So what, he was already killed by me!”


Chi Zuo’s eyes were huge, and he still couldn’t believe this kind of thing. .

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