Chapter 238 Self-defeating, the cultivator of the gods

For Chu Xiao, the so-called chance is still very important, because Chu Xiao also understands that only with these can he become stronger.

He rushed to the top of the mountain in an instant, but only saw that there were countless flames burning on the top of the mountain.

In the flames, it seems that there are several people hiding in them.

I walked in and saw that there were indeed several cultivators of the Celestial Clan who were fighting with each other at this time, as if they were fighting for something.

It seems that no one is willing to obey anyone!

When Chu Xiao walked in, only to see several Celestial cultivators fighting each other, there were more than a dozen people.

It seemed that they had been fighting for a long time. They were all covered with scars, and they seemed to be panting. Even evolving Dao Fa seemed to be very strenuous.

When they saw someone coming, several people stared in their hearts. Obviously, they still didn’t know whether the person coming was an enemy or a friend.

But obviously, the existence of Chu Xiao made them, at the same time, aimed at Chu Xiao.

The cultivator of the gods and gods just saw Chu Xiao coming, and immediately stopped fighting, all of them were unkind and looked at Chu Xiao.

One of them frowned, and said: “Human Cultivator? Why is there a Human Cultivator in the realm of the gods of my Celestial Clan!”

Obviously that person was full of malice towards Chu Xiao. Compared with Chu Xiao’s existence, it seemed that his safety had already been affected.

For this kind of thing, he is still very jealous. After all, the Human Cultivator is not a good person in the eyes of the Celestial Cultivator.

Naturally, the existence of Chu Xiao now makes everyone feel that this person must be unkind.

Since this is the case, they definitely want to be here, directly beheading Chu Xiao!

However, Chu Xiao didn’t have much interest in them. After all, these were just some cultivators who lived and died. To Chu Xue, they were just ants, and he really didn’t have much interest in him.

Although they are in the same realm, whether it is the Taoism of Chu Xiao cultivation, the quality of Dongtian Lingxu, or the magic weapon of the whole body, they are all wiser than them, I don’t know how much.

The strength is naturally not comparable. They stand in front of Chu Xiao, in fact, they are not a threat to Chu Xiao at all.

These people looked at Chu Xiao, and their eyes were full of greed.

Because God King Dao Realm is away from Human Race Dao Realm, separated by long chaos, there are countless dangers in it. Now Chu Xiao can cross Dao Realm. 043 proves that there must be countless treasures on his body.

Among them, it may be countless times stronger than the opportunity in front of them!

This makes them, one by one, all greedy.

“Human Cultivator! How dare you come to our kingly realm! If you are acquainted and give up all your magic weapons, we may forgive you!”

A Celestial cultivator gritted his teeth and said.

And the cultivators who were still fighting with each other before, seemed to be very united at this time. Obviously, all of them had a great interest in Chu Xiao. One by one, they all wanted to carve up Chu Xiao’s magic weapon.

But why didn’t Chu Xiao know their thoughts? Looking at these cultivators, Chu Xiao could hardly take any interest.

“What is the opportunity in front of you? If you tell me the truth and give in, maybe I will spare you!”

Chu Xiao squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the Celestial Clan cultivator in front of him.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, these people’s threats are almost worthless. In Chu Xiao’s eyes, these people have almost no qualifications to threaten themselves, because they themselves are not qualified.

Their strength is not enough for them to threaten themselves. In Chu Xiao’s view, it is almost an extremely stupid thing.

If a cultivator from the Conferred King Realm or the Heaven and Earth Realm comes here, maybe Chu Xiao’s attitude will change dramatically.

Seeing that Chu Xiao actually threatened them in turn, these gods cultivators do not know that Chu Xiao is terrible.

After all, even though Chu Xiao had been in this ancient battlefield, he directly killed the son of Ben Lei and the ten great arrogance of Shen Qiong Sacred Land.

However, these witnesses all died in their own hands, and naturally no one knew that they were killed by themselves.

Even Chifeng Saint Lord and the others just speculated that it was Chu Xiao, the Human Cultivator.

But to be specific, they didn’t even know who it was that had such a terrifying power to kill God Child Ben Lei in this ancient battlefield.

In their eyes, this is a bold thing.

But obviously, the cultivator of the gods in front of them didn’t know all this.

When they saw threats to them, they just sneered. One of them (bbbi) sneered: “You are just a human cultivator. Now we have more than a dozen gods cultivators standing here, you dare to threaten us? Do you think Are you the Holy Lord?”

The man said, sneered a few times, his eyes were full of disdain, even contempt.

In his eyes, a Human Cultivator, who can cross the long chaos and come to the realm of the gods, must be a stupid person with a lot of money.

They never thought that perhaps Chu Xiao is really talented, possessing power that ordinary people don’t have at all.

However, in their eyes, this possibility is almost infinitely close to zero.

Chu Lei looked at the cultivators of the Celestial Race in front of him and smiled coldly.

Since these people are so ignorant of admiration, it is really no wonder Chu Xiao.

In an instant, a long sword appeared directly in Chu Xiao’s hand.

This is the Wandi Sword.

In an instant, on the Wandi sword, infinite sword light came out.

The sword light was dazzling, shining all the people.

One of them was born weird. His left eye was big and small, and his nose was small. It looked like he didn’t have one. However, one mouth was huge, placed on his face, directly occupying the same space as the face.

The man looked at Chu Xiao, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes, as if he could see that the Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand seemed to have infinite power!

In an instant, the young man trembled, and said to his companion beside him: “A Human Cultivator, who dared to cross the chaos and come to this ancient battlefield of the King of Gods Realm, may have infinite power in itself, maybe we don’t want to provoke right and wrong. That’s great!”

His companion looked at the young man for a while, then sneered, and said, “Old dog Xu, you really are extremely stupid! He is just a Human Cultivator, and he will scare you like this! A Human Cultivator is nothing but a Human Cultivator. , And it’s not that the great sage is here, do we still have to be afraid of him as a group of people! You really are extremely stupid, such a stupid generation,

Dare to practice?”

That young man, for some reason, seemed to be a young man. He was called Xu Lao Dog by his companions, presumably because of this person’s extremely strange appearance.

This old dog Xu gritted his teeth fiercely, as if he wanted to explain something, but he opened his mouth, but couldn’t say anything, so he could only give up.

After all, Old Dog Xu knew that Chu Xiao was actually just a cultivator of life and death.

His strength is still extremely fragile.

They are a kind of cultivator of heaven and earth realm and conquering king realm.

To deal with Chu Xiao, the cultivator of life and death, he still had his hand in hand.

What’s more, this is the realm of the king of gods, and it can be regarded as their home field.

To deal with a Human Cultivator, obviously there is no need to pay a heavy price.

After all, Chu Xiao is just a person. Recently, I haven’t heard of a strong human race who came here in the realm of the king of gods.

Presumably Chu Xiao was killed too, and no one supported Chu Xiao!

Looking at the Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand again, the brilliance is bright, the sword light is shining, and the coercion is unstoppable!

At a glance, it is a magic weapon!

These treasures also make them coveted!

They also knew that Chu Xiao’s spirit soldier was naturally not an ordinary treasure.

In addition, Chu Xiao now has only one person, and his strength is nothing more than life and death.

Now Chu Xiao still dares to provoke them, he can lose, it is Chu Xiao himself who has gotten impatient!

And Chu Xiao smiled indifferently at this time, looking at the people in front of him, these people obviously didn’t know his true power.

If the magic spear in his hand erupted directly, it would naturally annihilate these people to ashes.

It’s just that Chu Xiao still doesn’t want to do this. For Chu Xiao, exposing the existence of the Gunslinger is just like self-destruction in the realm of the Celestial God Race!

The crowd looked at Chu Xiao as if they were looking at fat. They were obviously thinking about what kind of treasure Chu Xiao would have.

They should be divided into several parts. Thoughts such as this filled the minds of all the cultivators of the Celestial Race.

I don’t want to know how terrifying this Chu Xiao would have was never shown.

Because in their eyes, Chu Xiao’s strength is nothing more than an ordinary state of life and death.

Even if you can enter the interior of this ancient battlefield, it is only for people to slaughter!

And Xu Laogou seemed to be very cautious.

He opened his mouth and slowly said, “Perhaps, we should be more cautious!”

And the companions around him, looking at Old Dog Xu, were obviously jealous of Chu Xiao, who also came out of nowhere, looking at Old Dog Xu with a look of anger.

As if mud can’t support the wall.

“I Pooh! Old dog Xu! Among our group, only you are the weakest! You don’t want to know why! You are so timid, you don’t even dare to bite the fat! You cultivator , Just embarrassing our gods!”

One person opened his mouth and cursed.

The rest of the people also agreed. Obviously, they have been grudges against Xu Laogou for a long time.

Old dog Xu can only lower his head without making a sound, but he still looks at Chu Xiao not only, but obviously he still feels very jealous of Chu Xiao at this time.

As if he was still afraid of Chu Xiao’s power now.

But in fact, Chu Xiao still hasn’t shown his true power. Looking at these people in front of him, he still wants to get his own treasure. the power of!”

The voice just fell!

Chu Xiao’s sword light flickered, and in an instant, a sword light was cut directly from Chu Xiao’s Wandi Sword!

Its speed is so fast that almost no one has seen it!

Just for a moment, the cultivator at the front was directly cut into blood mist!

“how is this possible!”

One person’s eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe it, the person in front of him was really cut into blood mist by Chu Xiao.

He still couldn’t believe this kind of thing.

He is very clear about the strength of that person.

All the cultivators of the Celestial Clan present know the strength of that person and how it is.

Even though he is not the most terrifying among them, his strength should not be underestimated.

But now, he was killed by Chu Xiao directly!

This kind of terrifying power, they have never seen it before!

Their faces changed drastically in an instant.

Realized that I might have encountered a hard stubble!

One of them gritted his teeth and said to Chu Xiao, “Who are you!”

He didn’t know where this kind of existence came from.

There is such a powerful force!

With such power, it suddenly killed a cultivator of the Celestial Race!

At this level, the entire group of them was instantly horrified!

Chu Xiao snorted coldly, and said without annoyance: “Tiannan Daoyu, Boundless Sacred Land Daozi Chu Xiao!”

Hearing Chu Xiao’s name, several of them also became serious.

They are all people who have heard of Chu Xiao’s name.

They also understand what Chu Xiao is like.

One of them gritted his teeth and said: “It’s that, one person’s power, defeated Shangguan Yuluo, and in one day, Chu Xiao who comprehended the Canghai One Thought!”

Chu Xiao’s name, in fact, when Shangguan Yuluo returned to the Dao domain, it had already spread throughout the chaos.

In the Kingdom of God, there are naturally some people who know the name of Chu Xiao now.

The name Chu Xiao is also remembered by many people.

After all, the identity of Shangguan Yuluo is a myth in the eyes of many people.

Being able to defeat Shangguan Yuluo, this genius is still not to be underestimated.

Even for these people present, none of them dared to admit directly and generously that they could beat Shangguan Yuluo one-on-one.

Although they are also considered Tianjiao, in front of Shangguan Yuluo, they are nothing!

They also know this.

But seeing Chu Xiao in front of him was the one who defeated Shangguan Yuluo.

It’s also scary!

Everyone trembled, after all, the person in front of him looked very powerful!

“What is your chance? I hand it over here, maybe I will spare you a trace!”

Chu Xiao closed his eyes slightly, Wandi Jian Guanghua introverted, as if giving them a chance.

Naturally, they were unwilling to hand over the chance of this mountain top.

Everyone looked embarrassed.

Suddenly, Old Dog Xu opened his mouth and said timidly: “Why don’t we give this opportunity to Chu Xiao, after all, he is the one who can defeat Shangguan Yuluo, we may not be his opponent!”

Having said that, Old Dog Xu took a careful breath and watched the reactions of these people.

Sure enough, the people who were still struggling just now heard what Xu Laogou said, one by one, once again showing anger. .

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