Chapter 239 Twelve-hole sky phantom, the biggest threat

One of them, looking at Old Dog Xu, gritted his teeth and said to him: “We have worked so hard to find the opportunity, how can we be so handed! Old Dog Xu! You are simply a shame to our younger generation! ”

“Yes! You Haze Sacred Land, why did you appear as a scum!”

Everyone showed angry eyes and looked at Old Dog Xu.

Xu Laogou took a deep breath. He knew it, but he could only defend himself, but he could only lower his head. Obviously he didn’t know how to deal with it.

It seems that these people, no matter what, are unwilling to follow Old Dog Xu.

Although from beginning to end, they had never heard of Xu Laogou’s words.

These people are naturally angry, but looking at Chu Xiao, it seems that the anger in their hearts is less than half.

After all, the Chu Xiao in front of him is also the legendary Tianjiao, able to defeat Shangguan Yuluo, he has clearly recognized Chu Xiao’s identity and is worthy of being remembered by the younger generation!

But everyone still didn’t want to give up the opportunity they had so hard to find.

Obviously, they knew that even if they didn’t have Chu Xiao, they still had a great chance of dying in an internal fight, but now, in the face of Chu Xiao, they also have a reason to take action.

Because as long as there is Chu Xiao, this opportunity is destined to not be theirs, and they cannot admit this matter.

They cannot give in, because giving in means that they have already bid farewell to this hard-to-find opportunity.

Everyone stared at Old Dog Xu angrily, and then looked at Chu Xiao with a trace of jealousy in their eyes.

Seeing these people facing their companions, they are so hot, but looking at themselves, they are obviously more restrained. Chu Xiao is also dumbfounded, but he knows that there is definitely a great opportunity here.

This opportunity, Chu Xiao is bound to get it!

“I, Chu Xiao, warn you again! If you hand over this opportunity, I may still let you leave, but if you don’t give up the opportunity, there is only death!”

After all, there was a burst of light on Chu Xiao’s body, and the twelve holes of sky behind him slowly appeared and kept spinning.

Obviously, Chu Xiao at this time had a powerful force burst out, making everyone had to be afraid of three points!

When everyone faced this moment, the power that Chu Xiao burst out also took a deep breath.

Looking at the person in front of him, he defeated the undefeated legend Shangguan Yuluo in the realm of life and death.

They are also very ambitious, they know that the strength of this person cannot be underestimated.

But in any case, they couldn’t give in to the chance that they had finally risked their lives to find in this ancient battlefield.

In any case, they will not do such a thing.

“Oh, I want to be beautiful! Our Protoss and your Humans have never been at odds with each other since ancient times! Today is not you who die, or we live!”

Everyone showed angry expressions, and unabashedly revealed their killing intent.

And for them, Chu Xiao is just a Human Cultivator.

It’s not the cultivator of their Celestial Race.

But if it’s just a human cultivator, then everything has nothing to talk about.

Today is not going to fight, it is going to fight!

Everyone understands this truth!

Seeing these people in front of him, he really just wanted to do something with himself, Chu Xiao was not surprised at all.

Because he knew that these people were destined to do things with themselves.

Because of their race, everything is determined.

Protoss and Humans have been indifferent since ancient times.

You can see all of this from the bodies of the Great Beidou and the Great Emperor Zhanri.

These two great emperors finally fell into this ancient battlefield because of the war between the human race and the god race.

Today, as a human race, Chu Xiao meets their god race again, and Chu Xiao naturally will not show mercy.

Nor does their Protoss!

At this time, those gods showed their weapons again, seeming to be desperate to fight Chu Xiao at any time!

But Chu Xiao understands that these people, it is estimated that they will not become his opponents, because their strength is far inferior to himself!

“Since you can’t think about it, then I will kill you.”

Chu Xiao said lightly, and then infinite killing intent shrouded the battlefield!

Faced with this killing intent, everyone frowned slightly, and they also noticed that this Chu Xiao is really strong!

But at this moment, Old Dog Xu stood up and shouted: “Slow!”

Looking at Old Dog Xu, Chu Xiao narrowed his eyes, looked at Old Dog Xu, and said, “Oh?”

Now Chu Xiao also doesn’t understand why Xu Laogou will stand up at this time.

Although Chu Xiao met them in just a few minutes, Chu Xiao also saw that this old dog Xu was definitely a timid person.

Such a person should definitely not stand up.

The Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand, in an instant, the glory is prosperous,

The sword light continuously shot in and out from the Wandi Sword, and the sword light was dazzling.

In front of this killing intent, almost everyone couldn’t hold their heads up.

But Old Dog Xu still gritted his teeth and said: “If you want to kill, kill them, I won’t be against you!”

After Xu Laogou finished speaking, there was still a hint of timidity in his eyes.

He is not a timid person.

But he understands a truth.

There is no reason to argue with the strong.

Because the opponent will slap you directly!

This old dog Xu is still a very understanding person.

He knew that Chu Xiao was able to defeat Shangguan Yuluo, and his strength would be impressive!

You must be stupid to fight such an enemy!

He still didn’t want to do such a thing.

After all, Old Dog Xu still doesn’t want to die!

Looking at Old Dog Xu, everyone’s eyes showed a hint of anger.

“I didn’t expect Haze Sacred Land, you stupid person appeared!”

“Traitor! Traitor of the Celestial Race!

“You don’t deserve to be the cultivator of our Celestial Race!”

Everyone gritted their teeth. Obviously, at this time, they were very unhappy with Chu Xiao.

They looked at Chu Xiao, and there was almost nothing but anger in their eyes.

They couldn’t understand why Old Dog Xu actually chose to surrender at this time!

Chu Xiao looked at Old Dog Xu and was not surprised by Xu Old Dog’s decision.

Because he had seen it a long time ago, Old Dog Xu has always been afraid of his own power.

For this kind of person, there is actually nothing to be afraid of.

Because the opponent is in front of you, there is no intent to fight!

For this kind of person, Chu Xiao also has nothing to say.

Although this old dog Xu is a cultivator of the Celestial Clan, he is also a sensible person anyway.

Such a role is naturally a very good choice to be your opponent.

Because he knew that he would never defeat Chu Xiao.

Everyone kept reprimanding Xu Laogou one after another.

After all, people like Xu Laogou, they can’t understand it, it is reasonable.

A cultivator of the Celestial race actually begged a Human Cultivator for mercy?

In their eyes, this is a naked shame!

These people, even if they are dead, will not beg for mercy from the Human Cultivator!

Especially Human Cultivator like Chu Xiao who is about their age!

It’s impossible!

They are still very proud.

Begging for mercy from the Human Cultivator is the biggest infatuation in their hearts!

It is precisely because of this appearance that they are even more disgusted by Old Dog Xu!

“I bother!

A person spit out sputum on Xu Laogou’s face, and said, “I didn’t expect that Haze Sacred Land, countless talents, among them, there is actually a scum like you!”

Obviously, everyone was very unhappy with Xu Laogu, and even wanted to cut this Xu Laogu by hand.

But Old Dog Xu didn’t seem to have any opinion. He smiled coldly, and said to everyone: “Despise me? I pooh! You are just people who don’t know life and death! The strength of Chu Xiao is so powerful that you can’t even imagine it. Yes, if you don’t beg for mercy now, you will soon die under his hand!’

After all, Old Dog Xu wiped the thick phlegm off his face with his hand, threw it on the ground, and looked at everyone, obviously very angry.

In Xu Laogou’s eyes, these people are just things that don’t know Taishan.

When Chu Xiao showed the Wandi Sword, Old Dog Xu almost guessed it. Perhaps the strength of Chu Xiao could not be imagined at all. In the face of such a guy, Old Dog Xu did not dare to neglect. of.

He hurriedly stood in front of Chu Xue, threw the weapon in his hand on the ground, and said to Chu Xiao with a slavish expression, “Chu Xiao, when I saw you, I knew you were the hero of the human race. ! My old dog, I always like to make friends with talents! Now, what about giving up the opportunity in front of me?”

After all, Old Dog Xu lost his smile again, as if like this, Chu Xiao just wouldn’t kill him.

And the people around them even more disgusted and said: “Old dog Xu! I babble! Where is your chance! Obviously our chance! How can you have the face to say such shameless words!”

…For flowers…………

Hearing these words, Old Dog Xu sneered, turned around, faced the crowd, smiled coldly, with his hands behind his back, and said to these people: “You know what a shit! Fortunately since ancient times, those who have the ability have it! You! Is not as strong as Chu Xiao, so naturally he will not get this opportunity! What do you know!”

After that, Old Dog Xu looked at the Celestial Cultivator in front of him with a look of disgust.

And these cultivators just sneered at what Xu Laogou said.

“Although chances are indeed obtained by those who have the ability, is it that your old dog Xu is the one with the ability? I pooh! You are a virtue, you don’t know how to die!

These ten cultivators of the Celestial Clan were obviously very dissatisfied with the old dog Xu, and they accused him, but he didn’t mind at all. After all, for him, survival is the key point.

And Xu Laogou turned his head to look at Chu Xiao, with a smile on his face, as if this Chu Xiao would really spare his life.

I also don’t know where this old dog Xu got his confidence.

Chu Xiao looked at this old dog Xu, but couldn’t feel the slightest joy in his heart. He squinted his eyes, looked at old dog Xu, and said, “They are your compatriots, both are cultivators of the Celestial race, so you just watch them die. Under my Human Cultivator?”

This sentence, as if the cultivator of the celestial race was about to die under Chu Xiao’s hand, everyone was angry when they heard this sentence.

But no one dared to say one more thing, after all, they all knew that Chu Xiao had real power.

After all, it can defeat Shangguan Yuluo’s existence.


It’s also a Tianjiao!

There is a world of difference from this old dog Xu!

Naturally, they didn’t dare to say any more nonsense, they just looked disgusted, looking at this old dog Xu who felt good about himself, and even wished to kill this person personally!

In the eyes of everyone, this old dog Xu is almost unworthy to be a cultivator of the Celestial Race!

And Old Dog Xu smiled coldly and said to Chu Xiao: “Of course, they are just a group of people with no eyes, they are extremely stupid! They want to die, but I don’t want to die! I will listen to you naturally!

In the words, the meaning of worship for Chu Xiao is not revealed yet.

Looking at Chu Xiao, there is almost nothing but worship in his eyes.

But Chu Xiao can’t give birth to any good feelings for this class of people. He sneered, raised his long sword, and said to him: “Sorry! I, Chu Xiao, just look down on you!”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiao cut it off with a sword!

This scene is not only the cultivator of these gods, but I didn’t expect it.

Even Old Dog Xu didn’t expect it!

He didn’t expect that Chu Xiao would cut it off with such a sword!

Naturally, those cultivators of the Celestial Clan didn’t expect it at all.They couldn’t expect that in the face of a shameless person like Old Dog Xu, Chu Xiao actually killed him!

This sword was cut off, and Old Dog Xu was cut in half directly!

He died in front of Chu Xiao on the spot.

“My own Celestial Clan can be sold! This class, Chu Xiao has never looked down upon me!”

Chu Xiao snorted coldly.

Even their own race wanted to betray, these people, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, almost didn’t deserve to live.

Even if he was really respectful to himself and revealed all clues to himself, Chu Xiao would not tolerate him being alive!

Seeing that Old Dog Xu was dead, everyone was stunned. Obviously they didn’t expect that such a scene would happen again.

They couldn’t guess that Chu Xiao killed Old Dog Xu like this!

And Chu Xiao smiled lightly, looking at the corpse on the ground, his eyes were full of disgust!

And these gods cultivators, after a moment of stunned, all pointed at the corpse on the ground, sneered three times, and clapped their hands!

They have long been uncomfortable with Xu Laogou’s existence. !

Now that this person died in Chu Xiao’s hands, it was considered to have made them feel bad!

“Haha, this old dog Xu, he’s not going to lose! This kind of idiot is really not going to lose!”

A man clapped his hands and cheered, his eyes filled with contempt.

Although they felt very relieved when they saw Old Dog Xu died, they also knew that this did not mean that Chu Xiao in front of them would not act against them.

Chu Xiao looked at the gods cultivator in front of him, smiled coldly, and said: “Don’t forget, there is also my existence. If you don’t hand over the opportunity here, I will definitely kill you!”

And these cultivators of the Celestial God Race have a solemn expression on their faces.They also know that the existence of Chu Xiao like this is also very dangerous!

Chu Xiao is almost still their biggest threat now!

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