Chapter 282 The huge skeleton, the mutation happened again!

Chu Xiao kept wandering among the treasure house of this deserted island, naturally he also encountered countless Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

After collecting for a while, Chu Xiao is also dull. If you stop here, perhaps the most profound treasure among them, it will be difficult for him to find the theory.

In that case, in the end, the gains outweigh the losses.

Chu Xiao once again walked toward this deserted island treasure house.

In the end, Chu Xiao even used the Dragon and Phoenix Shuttle, but after traveling for a long time, he did not reach the end of the treasure house of the deserted island.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of power fluctuations!

Chu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw countless bright stars above the sky, all seeming to be trembling slowly, and at the same time, there were countless golden light evolutions in the sky above the deserted island treasure house.

In an instant, a thick and billowing aura spread to Chu Xiao’s body, and likewise, it covered every corner of this deserted island treasure house.

“What a tyrannical aura! What a treasure is in that golden light!”

Chu Xiao leaned back slightly. Obviously, he was also a little surprised at this time. Now he also wants to know what kind of treasure is hidden in this golden light.

No wonder, even the emperor would watch for the treasures in this, so aura, it seems that it will only be strong but not weak.

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth and continued to walk towards the deserted island treasure house. Suddenly, he felt a strong breath in front of him.

Afterwards, a hot wave hit him.

At this moment, Chu Xiao took a breath, and suddenly felt a trace of horror. The surrounding air was scorching hot.

He walked down Longfengsuo, only to see that a valley in front of him, without a single tree, billowing thick smoke, from the inside of the valley, constantly pouring into the sky.

Among them, I can still feel a terrible breath.

Chu Xiao frowned tightly and continued to walk towards it. There seemed to be magma flowing among the dark rocks around it. If you were not careful, it would pour into it.

At that time, I am afraid that the Great Sage will all be turned into coke.

After all, Chu Xiao also felt that this flame is not an ordinary flame at all. It is precisely because of this that Chu Xiao also needs to be very careful.

This kind of feeling reminded him a little bit. The giant lava tortoise that he had encountered before, this kind of feeling, was similar to the feeling he brought to himself.

Chu Xiao continued to walk towards it, and then, at the very center of a valley, he finally discovered the source of the heat wave.

I saw that countless chains were nailed to the surrounding cliffs.

This chain exudes a faint silver light, and in it, it seems to be inlaid with some divine iron and strange stone, and there is a faint coercion in it.

Chu Xiao put his hand on it, and also felt his own strength, as if it was in his own body, as if it had stagnated.

This situation also left Chu Xiao for a moment. He still didn’t seem to find out what the situation was right now.

There are dozens of such chains, tied to a huge corpse.

This corpse had become bones at this time, but it was ten meters high.

It seems that even the Roshan Great Sage before him is not as tall as the bones.

And above the bones, it seems that in each bone, there is a faint flame, burning in it, and even the surface is red.

Seeing this situation, Chu Xiao also frowned slightly. He had never seen a corpse in this situation.

In this way, there seems to be some inheritance in this bone.

“Could it be that this is my chance,”?”

Chu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, walked into the huge skeleton, frowned, and looked at the huge skeleton.

But he quickly reacted.

“No! This chain is obviously suppressing this corpse! Maybe, there is still some secret on this white bone! Maybe there is still some danger in it!”

At this moment, Chu Xiao closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the mountain was shaking again.

Chu Xiao took a breath.

Could it be that I really touched something?

Chu Xiao suddenly felt a bad feeling, and then he saw the huge skeleton, seeming to be trembling slightly.

He vigilantly called out the Wandi Sword from the Lingxu.

But he didn’t expect that at this time, Chu Xiao felt that there was a shadow in front of him.

He raised his head, but saw that a huge eagle falcon, shaking its wings, flew directly!

This eagle falcon, it seems, has a wingspan of 500 meters, and its stature is even more huge.

This huge corpse, in front of the eagle and falcon, seemed to be just like a plaything, and it looked almost terrifying.

Chu Xiao also raised his heart, what is this in front of him, he hasn’t found out yet, he has come to such a huge eagle falcon!

Suddenly, the falcon opened its mouth and grabbed the bone directly.

In an instant, he swallowed the bones directly into his stomach!

Facing this scene, Chu Xiao was also particularly shocked!

At this moment, Chu Xiao was hiding under a huge chain, watching with his own eyes, this eagle falcon broke the chain directly, and then swallowed the huge bones into his stomach.

Chu Xiao glared in his heart. It seemed that in this deserted island treasure house, it was really strange and unpredictable. He had never heard of such a huge eagle before.

It looks like an ordinary eagle set in the world, but it is countless times larger!

At this time, just as Chu Xiao thought that the matter was over, he saw that this white bone suddenly broke out of the eagle’s belly, broke open, and struggling directly!

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiao was even more shocked. He didn’t expect that the bones would eventually survive!

The eagle falcon howled in pain for a while, then opened his mouth, and a gust of wind blew out directly (of Zhao Hao) from the eagle falcon’s mouth.

It hit the white bone, but it only left a layer on the white bone, leaving a faint trace!

The eagle falcon had no strength and fell directly to the ground. At this time, the bones climbed up directly from the ground, and then grabbed the eagle set and started to eat.

With the gnawing, the flesh and blood of the white bone gradually grew back, but I saw that the flesh and skin grew on the white bone’s body. After a while, the eagle falcon was completely swallowed into the stomach by the bone.

This white bone also grew flesh and skin, and became a living person!

It’s just that this living person is still huge in size, and at the same time, covered in blood, it seems to be wearing any clothes.

Facing this weird scene, Chu Xiao also didn’t know how to explain it, but saw that this blood-red giant saw the chains around him, and suddenly he inserted the chains into his body!

In an instant, the mutation happened again!

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