Chapter 283 Condense the Eucharist and break the seal!

Following this bone, he inserted the chain into his body, and the earth shook again.

This bone, let the chain directly, insert an interlude in his own body, and finally, the bone pulled the chain out of his body.

But I saw a box tied to the chain for some reason.

The box seemed to be only half a person tall. The blue and the red met each other, and it also exuded all kinds of terrifying pressure.

Seeing this half-human-tall box, Chu Xiao’s heart also shook for a while, and he seemed to faintly feel that that box must be a treasure!

However, looking at the huge giant in front of him, Chu Xiao sucked in a cold breath again, with a solemn expression on his face.

He naturally saw that this seemingly huge giant must have some powerful power.

Let Chu Xiao, all of them are particularly fearful types.

Chu Xiao took a breath, looked at this giant eye, and seemed to know that there must be some secret in it.

At this time, the blood-red giant trembled again.

He actually lay on the ground and turned into a blood-red leopard’s child.

The leopard also looked dozens of times the size of an ordinary leopard, which was also terrifying.

Chu Xiao also took a sigh of relief at this time. It was the first time he faced these 073 situations.

The leopard, lying on the ground, seemed to be asleep.

However, the box is still in front of him

And this blood-red leopard seems to be protecting this box.

Therefore, Chu Xiao is even more sure that there must be some treasure in this box.

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, and in an instant, he gently jumped forward and approached the box.

At this time, Chu Xiao almost closed his breath, so that his breath could not leak out of the body for a while.

Perhaps this way, it is possible to get rid of this seemingly oozing, blood-red leopard.

When he arrived in front of the box, Chu Xiao also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Looking at the box, he seemed to know that the matter seemed to have ended like this.

But I didn’t expect that this box would tremble all over, and then a faint light radiated from it.

Chu Xiao choked in his heart. After all, the current self hadn’t touched this box yet, but he didn’t expect that this box would tremble directly.

In an instant, the rays of light flourished, and then the more terrifying power came out directly from it.

The terrifying breath billowed directly into the sky.

At this time, the blood-red leopard seemed to have noticed something. He stood up, his eyes widened, and he saw Chu Xiao almost all of a sudden.

When Chu Xiao saw the blood-red leopard, he couldn’t help taking a breath. He didn’t know how powerful this blood-red leopard was.

Now, from his own eyes, he felt a trace of horror.

The blood-red leopard stared at Chu Xiao closely.

Then, a terrible coercion came down directly.

Chu Xiao snorted and almost fell to the ground.

Afterwards, he looked at the blood-red leopard in horror.

He noticed that this blood-red leopard seemed to have the strength of the emperor realm!

This shocked Chu Xiao.

The blood-red leopard took a breath, and in an instant, the valley behind Chu Xiao burst open in an instant!

It was just a moment, all turned into dust!

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely and said with fear: “The junior offended, please don’t blame the senior.”

He doesn’t care, whether this blood-red leopard can understand people’s words

It is better to be a dead horse doctor.

After all, he had never thought that there would actually be living creatures above the Holy Master Realm in this deserted island treasure house.

However, so is imagination.

This blood-red leopard is probably the native of this deserted island treasure house.

He originally thought that this blood-red leopard would kill him directly.

But I didn’t expect that this blood-red leopard uttered something and said, “Human Cultivator, you broke into my territory. Is it only (bbbi) for the opportunity in this box?”

Afterwards, the blood red leopard looked at the box in front of Chu Xiao.

He seemed very sure that Chu Xiao came rushing to this box.

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, not daring to conceal something, and said, “Exactly.”

Unexpectedly, the blood-red leopard was not only not angry, but smiled and said: “If you want, I can give it to you, but you have to promise me a condition.”

Seeing the current situation, Chu Xiao also gritted his teeth slightly. After all, the leopard in front of him had the strength of the Emperor Realm.

He could only follow his words and promised: “Senior, just mention it.

The blood-red leopard nodded and said: “I was trapped in this valley by several great emperors of the Asura clan. Now, I can’t walk out of this valley for half a step unless I can get the blood of the Asura clan! Remember, it can only be The blood of the cultivator of the Shura tribe that has condensed the Eucharist!

After all, the blood-red leopard closed his eyes slightly and continued: “Once the Asura clan condenses the Eucharist, its body will undergo tremendous changes. Only the Asura cultivator condensing the Eucharist can unlock this seal.

Chu Xiao was taken aback for a moment.

Condensing the Eucharist is the level of the Great Sage.

Among the Shura tribe, there are no cultivators of the great sage level.

It’s just hard to find.

Before, he had also seen with his own eyes that a cultivator of the Shura tribe entered the treasure house of this deserted island.

Thinking about it, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find the Great Sage of the Asura clan.

Chu Xiao just wanted to agree, but saw a loud noise suddenly behind him.

I saw that the valley that was destroyed by the blood-red leopard just now grew back again, returning to its original appearance.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiao also took a breath.

“You see, as long as there is no blood from the Asura clan, and the seal is unlocked, I will always be imprisoned here.”

The blood-red leopard gritted his teeth and said.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Chu Xiao could only grow a sigh of breath. It seemed that this blood-red leopard really had some ability.

He hurriedly promised: “I will definitely bring the blood of the Great Sage of the Asura clan that the predecessors want.”

The blood-red leopard also nodded, closed his eyes slightly, then opened his eyes, and said: “The nearest Asura clan great sage is three thousand miles northwest, in a cave, and he is comprehending the true art of the word fire. Hurry, maybe there is still a chance.

Chu Lei saw that this blood-red leopard directly provided himself with a position, and he did not dare to delay it.

He looked at the box on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, “Thank you, senior, I will go now!”.

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