Chapter 525 The ability to resolve, shrink to the extreme!

Duan Ling knew that the Wandi Sword possessed unusual powers.

I came here for the so-called treasure of Chu Xiao. I was very excited when I saw the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Pan.

Nowadays, I even saw such gods as Wandijian, and naturally there was a ray of light in the eyes.

And Chu Xiao looked at Duan Ling, frowning slightly, and said: “It seems that you really came here for the so-called treasure among the Shura people.

He already knew now that it was the Asura tribe who announced his position through the soul imprint.

However, because he possesses the sun-shielding technique, even if he is a member of the Shura tribe, he still cannot know his exact position.

Only a guy like Duan Ling, Rao Xing can find himself.

Such people naturally come only for treasures.

And what the treasure is, even Duan Ling himself is not clear.

Perhaps, in this deserted island treasure house, no one knows what the supreme treasure of the Shura people is.

A trace of greed flashed in Duan Ling’s eyes.


He stood in the air and said: “If you don’t have the treasure, how can you kill several great cultivators one after another? Everyone is innocent and guilty of their crimes. You should understand the simplest truth of this.”

Although Duan Ling didn’t know what the so-called Supreme Treasure Research Competition was, he also believed that the Asura clan would not speak nonsense at all.

At least it’s not like the race being caught, so deceitful.

Chu Lei smiled.

The Shura clan said that the treasure is in their own body, naturally there is no fake, and many of their magic weapons are of a level comparable to the emperor’s treasure.

Even if a magic weapon like Ba Tianyin is placed outside, it will cause looting.

What’s more, the Five Elements Bagua Pan is such a magic weapon.

There is even a God-killing Spear that the Celestial Clan doesn’t even know.

These kinds of treasures are naturally extraordinary.

However, the real purpose of the Shura tribe is actually to kill themselves.

This is true.

He squinted slightly and said: “You are not afraid, you are just being used as a gun by the Asuras? The Asuras themselves don’t take this precious treasure, why did they generously give it to you? You know, I’m just a cultivator of the world. It hasn’t even reached the conquering state.

Duan Ling was taken aback.

Indeed, if Chu Xiao’s treasure is really terrifying, the Asuras themselves will definitely come and look for it.

But the Shura tribe chose to announce the location of Chu Xiao.

This in itself is questionable.

In fact, there are not many cultivators to find Chu Xiao.

Most people, after hearing this news, just choose a wait-and-see attitude.

After all, no one knows whether the so-called treasure of Chu Xiao is true or not.

Seeing Duan Ling’s reaction, Chu Xiao also had a bottom in his heart.

Said: “Since you also don’t know the real purpose of the Asura clan, then you are really stupid enough!”

In Chu Xiao’s words, naturally, there is not the slightest water. This period of raping and pursuing themselves is just for the so-called treasure, that is, they choose to chase themselves.

Even, there is no reward from the Celestial Clan that has reference value.

The rewards offered by the Celestial Clan are genuine, and there are beginnings and ends. The causal relationship is clear at a glance.

But the current Shura people just said that Chu Xiao has a treasure, then put Chu Xiao’s position, and let a kind of cultivator go to find the so-called treasure.

No one can believe this kind of thing.

However, Duan Ling didn’t want to think too much at this time, he even became angry.

Anyway, he had seen it all, Chu Xiao indeed had such treasures as the Five Elements Eight Diagrams Pan and the Wandi Sword on his body, so he couldn’t read it wrong.

Since this is the case, then I don’t bother to think about other things, these are other people’s things, anyway, as long as I can get the treasure, it is enough!

“Shut up!”

Duan Ling gritted his teeth and said, “Anyway, you have a treasure comparable to Dibao. This is not wrong! No matter what, I will kill you today!”

Duan Ling urging the secret method itself is very heavy. Now, even if he immediately removes the secret method, he will be weak for at least three days.

If I had paid such a heavy price and still failed to get Chu Xiao’s treasure, I would have suffered a great loss.

He breathed very heavy, and then turned into a ray of light, blasting towards Chu Xiao directly.

Chu Xiao shook his head helplessly.

Such a guy was still dazzled by the so-called treasure.

If one’s own treasure is so easy to take, will the Shura clan be willing to give others a chance?

This is a trap in itself. I didn’t expect that somebody really jumped into it now.

“This is what you die by yourself, no wonder I am!”

Chu Xiao’s eyes gradually sharpened.In Chu Xiao’s own eyes, the current opponent is not so important in itself.It seems that he is just an ordinary human race, but he only has some so-called secret techniques. Don’t take it too seriously.

In an instant, Chu Xiao punched out fiercely!

In this fist, the power of the five elements and the power of the law, Cai is around it, and these powers still seem to be very amazing now.

The surrounding space seemed to be constantly oscillating, and countless ripples spread out layer by layer.

This kind of power appears in a so-called cultivator of the world realm. It is unreasonable in itself, but the current Duan Ling has long lost his reason. Now he just wants to get the treasure from Chu Xiao. .

That’s it.

In an instant, two fists crashed into 233 together.

At this moment, the ground beneath the two of them also collapsed in layers.

Obviously, Chu Xiao and Duan Ling could no longer bear the terrifying power.

Duan Ling was also taken aback. He didn’t expect that Chu Xiao’s punch still had such power.

And Chu Xiao smiled. The power of the law and the power of the Big Five Elements shrouded his body, which was tantamount to wearing a layer of indestructible armor that could dissolve all power.

Naturally, the opponent’s power is reduced to the extreme.

However, the current Duan Ling may not be able to think through this problem. Duan Ling looked at Chu Xiao, and his eyes were still full of surprise. The current Duan Ling still does not understand the power of the law and the power of the Big Five Elements. What kind of power is even very strange to it.

Faced with such forces, it is naturally impossible to contend.


The two broke away directly.

Chu Xiao was in the air, stunned slightly, but felt a little strenuous. After all, the current strength of this Ling was still too tyrannical.

Even if you have the treasure, the power of the law and the power of the Big Five Elements flood into your body in turn.

Still feel a bit overwhelmed.

And Duan Ling also retreated tens of meters, his eyes were full of caution.

He clenched his fist, and on the current fist, there were traces of blood falling below.

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