Chapter 526 I can’t imagine the earth-shaking changes!

Duan Ling was a little surprised.

He felt a sharp pain in his body.

The time for the secret method has almost reached its limit.

In other words, the next time, you must decide the winner, otherwise, you are in real danger.

The current Chu Xiao naturally understands the opponent’s situation. He understands that the opponent can fight with him now, but only by relying on secret methods.

The secret method is still very terrifying and can have all kinds of peculiar effects.

But backlash is also very eye-catching.

Now Duan Ling may have reached the limit.

“Duan Ling, you can be considered a hero of the human race for the time being, as a cultivator of the Great Sacred Realm, but I did not expect that you only have this level now.

Chu Xiao said calmly.

Duan Ling heard a hint of disdain from Chu Xiao’s language. He gritted his teeth, his breath rose again, and firmly said: “What qualifications do you have to say about me now? But it’s just a cultivator of the world. That’s it! If you count seniority, I’m your senior!”

Duan Ling’s breath became fierce, and everything around him was constantly oscillating.

However, Duan Ling still knew that in fact, he had almost reached the limit.

He looked at his opponent and took a deep breath.

Now every time he tried to improve his breath, he would find that his body was in severe pain.

Duan Ling used the secret method before, but there is no such situation. The only explanation is that the duration of this secret method is too long.

Chu Xiao had already noticed that Duan Ling’s body was already overwhelmed.

Even if it is the Eucharist, Chu Xiao is still a little curious about this secret method, but now he is too lazy to care about the enemy in front of him.

For Chu Xiao, the opponent is just an enemy, nothing more.

In an instant, Chu Xiao shook his hand, and the Wandi Sword bloomed with colorful light again.

The power of the five elements was integrated into the Wandi Sword. At this moment, Chu Xiao’s eyes also showed a strong and very murderous aura.

As if now, the temperature between the sky and the earth has directly decreased.

And Duan Ling was also taken aback, almost never expected that the current Chu Xiao still had this kind of fighting spirit.

He gritted his teeth and naturally knew that the next blow was the time to decide the outcome.

Even now, Duan Ling is still very greedy for Chu Xiao’s magic weapon. Today, he also knows that such a magic weapon is still very rare in himself. Since it is so, he has to go all out now.

In an instant, Duan Ling turned into a Changhong and rushed towards Chu Xiao!

The mountains and rivers along the way shattered every inch! Almost exploded!

Chu Xiao looked at his opponent, a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

The Wandi Sword in his hand was slashed and severely cut away!

In an instant, a huge sword aura attached to the power of the five elements, directly slashing towards Duan Ling!

However, this sword, in the eyes of Duan Ling, is also nothing more than that.He is now a cultivator of the great sage level, and he has still activated the secret method. Now the secret method has not failed. For this sword, he naturally has no fear at all. .

A punch blasted out in an instant!

That seems to be the sword energy that can be torn apart, directly exploding on the spot!

Turn into dust and float in the sky!

Chu Xiao was also taken aback. It seemed that his current opponent still possessed tyrannical strength.

And Duan Ling kicked again and smashed towards Chu Xiao!

This foot seems to be able to smash this entire mountain range!

Lu Kong crossed his heart, raised the Wandi Sword in his hand, and slashed it down again with one sword!

This sword was directly cut out!

The True Dragon Law also poured into the Wandi Sword.

Several sword lights, rolled together, turned into a real dragon, and rushed towards Duan Ling!

The power of this sword is naturally extraordinary.

Duan Ling was startled, but saw this true dragon sword aura, sweeping directly on his chest!


The body was like a zite with a broken line, flying upside down and hitting the mountains.

With a click, the mountains of several hundred feet turned into chaos in an instant.

And Duan Ling was smashed into the middle of the mountain, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

Before that, Duan Ling still didn’t expect that his opponent still had such power.

In the face of a cultivator in the heaven and earth realm, there is even such a power, he is also angry, slammed on the ground, and his body exploded out instantly.

In an instant, he flew in front of Chu Xiao, and then a black light appeared in his hand, turned into sharp claws, and grabbed Chu Xiao’s throat!

This blow was like sweeping Chu Xiao’s head to the ground!

Chu Xiao is not an extraordinary person, this blow, he saw it in his eyes and was shocked in his heart.

The duration of this secret method is so long that Chu Xiao himself can’t believe it.

He snorted and grabbed away with one hand!

The word thunder tactics urged, countless thunders stirred together, turned into a huge thunder arm, directly squeezing the opponent’s sharp claws.


Duan Ling was shocked and saw that his arm was directly pinched by the giant thunder hand, immobile.

He hurriedly withdrew his arm, but saw Chu Xiao’s expression of killing intent.

“..late,”. ”

As soon as the voice fell, the colorful glow appeared, accompanied by a loud noise, the power of the law and the power of the Big Five Elements rolled together and poured into the thunder’s arm.

It immediately turned into a shackle, and firmly clamped Duan Ling’s arm!

Duan Ling was shocked.He felt that no matter how hard he struggled, it would be difficult to escape Chu Xiao’s arm!

At this moment, the Wandi Sword fell even more!

The Wandi Sword is refined through various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and its power is infinite.

The mere Eucharist is not enough.

And Duan Ling also knew that the power of this Wandi Sword was absolutely extraordinary.He knew that this sword, no matter what, could not be hard to resist!

He was heartbroken, and with a hand knife, he instantly split his arm and broke free.

At this moment, there was infinite regret in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this Chu Xiao is really not that simple. He is worthy of being a cultivator with a treasure.

“But it’s just a cultivator, I didn’t expect it to be like this now!!

Duan Ling gritted his teeth and said.

However, at this moment, I saw Chu Xiao’s body, turning into a long rainbow, chasing after him!

Ling was shocked at the time of the boarding.

And Chu Xiao blessed on his own body through the Immortal Emperor’s Law and the Supreme Treasure Art, and his own body naturally became extremely tyrannical.

Even the speed is much faster.

Chu Xiao waved one hand.

The power of the Big Five Elements is unfolding immediately.

Countless stones turned into extremely hard shackles, directly binding Duan Ling himself to death.

Duan Ling felt cold.

And Wandijian also slapped on his throat.

The sharp aura on it was constantly cutting his throat, and his skin was already cracked.

“Can you kill me?”

Duan Ling’s voice trembled, and he couldn’t imagine it. .

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