Chapter 684 Stand firm, no doubt!

Inside the Great Hall, except for Chu Xiao and Chu Yu, the other three people all looked at the Great Hall behind them.

Their faces at this time are also more solemn.

Because at this time, they are completely determined, and someone has already come in!

And this time, there are still three people!

They all knew the three auras, they weren’t the auras that existed here at all.

That’s why the expressions on their faces are so solemn.

This situation at this time seemed to them to be dangerous.

The other party unexpectedly had three people coming in at this moment.

Such a thing seems to be a very bad thing for them.

Because he was still fighting with that sword at this time, of course he didn’t have time.

Apart from this, there is no other good way.

“Three Four Seven”

They were also thinking in their hearts at this time, not knowing what those people were here for.

But if there is any friction with them here, it may be another big battle.

Several of them are very clear about this.

Since all came here, of course it was for treasure hunting.

Robbery and murder often happen.

After they know this secret realm, it is of course impossible to say they will share it.

So in the future, there will definitely be dangers that will happen, and it is extremely possible.

After everyone thought about it at this moment, they all felt that things were really a bit dangerous.

“It seems that you are also aware of it.”

That is, when they were thinking about something, Chu Xiao’s voice came from behind.

Hearing these words, they all turned around and looked at Chu Xiao.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes at this moment.

According to what he said, it should have been the arrival of those breaths a long time ago.

In this way, it seems that things have become a little uncomfortable.

At this time, they all wanted to see what Chu Xiao would say.

Because they hadn’t felt it before.

It was only after the three breaths approached that he noticed it.

And those three auras haven’t been hidden yet, they look unscrupulous.

There must be some control, otherwise how could it be like this.

Chu Xiao found it so early, which really surprised them.

This is really incredible, and his reflexes are really too powerful.

Looking at the appearance of the few people in front of him, Chu Xiao also smiled softly at this time.

After taking a look at the situation on Chu Yu’s side, he also felt that nothing would happen for the time being.

Then he withdrew his gaze, with a faint smile on his face.

“Yes, I already felt the existence of the three breaths before you, but I didn’t say it in advance. Since you have felt it now, of course, I can tell you.”

Chu Xiao said with a smile at this time.

Because at this time, I also have to speak out.

When they look at themselves, of course they want to tell things for themselves.

Now that I have said it completely, of course there will be no other problems.

He didn’t want to think about it anymore.

Because if you don’t tell this matter, maybe they will be very confused.

What’s more, those few people haven’t arrived here yet.

If you want to get here completely, it will take a while.

Maybe they are not sure where he is.

That’s why I didn’t rush here directly.

But their direction is not wrong, they are approaching here.

After Chu Xiao said this sentence, he felt that he still had to talk to them.

Because it still depends on what they think afterwards.

If you don’t say it clearly, you may not have time to say it by then.

“I feel a little familiar with those auras. Maybe it’s someone who has fought with me, or my strong enemy. There are only these two possibilities. They are coming for me.”

Chu Xiao continued to add another sentence at this time.

Knowing this, of course I have to say it.

And they don’t want to get involved in this trouble then, of course they don’t need to act.

Not to mention that he didn’t want to hurt a few of them here.

So after I said it, I felt a lot more relaxed in my heart.

After all, this kind of thing is not clear, he is really sorry here.

Now that it is clear, there is nothing else to worry about.

After Chu Xiao said it completely, he didn’t think about other things.

He knows very well that there is no need to entangle so much about this kind of thing, and there is no need to talk so much.

The fact that those few people were able to find here so quickly also surprised him a bit.

I have to say that these people are still in the dark.

They were all here, they were able to find them along their own trails.

The perseverance of these people is really great.

Chu Xiao felt a little admired in his heart.

Just when he didn’t say anything, several other people heard it and felt even more surprised.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiao felt that those few breaths were alive.

And also said such words.

In this way, it certainly surprised them.

Because if it is really Chu Xiao’s enemy, or opponent, then perhaps the next battle will be inevitable.

But there is no other way, because people are already chasing here.

They can already be sure that what Chu Xiao said is indeed true.

So if you really come to Chu Xiao, then this kind of thing will of course not be that simple.

At this time, there is nothing else to say.

Because once it is really Chu Xiao’s opponent or enemy, wait a minute Chu Xiao must face those three people.

So they are also very clear, Chu Xiao specifically told them about 1.8, that should just not want to involve them.

When thinking of this, everyone felt a little shocked in their hearts.

At this moment, Chu Xiao said everything.

Although Chu Xiao didn’t say it completely, they all knew exactly what it meant.

Of course, this is to make them think clearly, and not to let them be implicated.

So after everyone was surprised at this time, the expression on their faces became serious.

Because they are very clear, at this time they are still firm in their position.

Chu Xiao is their partner, so of course it is impossible for them to give up Chu Xiao here.

Even if there is any danger, they will always stand on Chu Xiao’s side. Without Chu Xiao’s help, they would not be able to say that they came here. ,

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