Chapter 685 People of the Shura tribe must deal with it!

At this time, everyone’s eyes were on Chu Xiao’s body.

They had completely understood what Chu Xiao had said before.

The last sentence he said before can naturally be heard by them.

At this time, it is of course impossible to say that there will be any other ideas.

Because they also feel that this kind of thing cannot be separated from Chu Xiao at this time.

After all, they have all come here together, and of course there are some feelings between several people.

At this time, if you see that Chu Xiao has any problems, and you can directly clarify the relationship, then it is really a bit of crossing the river to demolish the bridge.

So of course they would not do it like this.

What’s more, they don’t have this idea, so naturally they don’t think there is anything.

I know that what Chu Xiao said at this time is good for them.

I also know that those people are all coming for Chu Xiao.

But they don’t want to do other things at this time.

I don’t want to draw a clear relationship with Chu Xiao.

Because if you really did this, it would really be a bit ungrateful.

Of course it is impossible for them to say and do these 11 things.

I have walked all the way, and of course no one has this idea when I get here.

Chu Xiao had such a situation, of course he would not do such a thing.

Knowing that those people came for Chu Xiao, but they didn’t want to make a clear relationship with Chu Xiao.

“Chu Xiao, I know what you mean, but we are not like that, so even if there is danger next, then we have to face it together.”

Ouyang Jian looked at Chu Xiao earnestly at this time and said.

After he said this sentence, there was firmness in his eyes.

Regarding this matter, of course, I will not back down, nor will I feel scared.

Since he is already Chu Xiao’s enemy, then he is their enemy.

Because it is of course unforgivable to come here to ruin their things.

So at this time, he has already firmed his position and expressed his attitude.

Of course what he said was the thought in his heart.

He really didn’t think about clarifying the relationship with Chu Xiao, and he didn’t want to leave at this time.

Although there may be great dangers later, this will not be a big problem for them.

So when it comes to this kind of time, you don’t have to worry so much anymore.

What will happen next depends on the arrival of those few people.

If there is really any danger, if they face it together, there should be no major trouble.

After speaking at this time, the expression on his face was also unusually firm.

He has already expressed it completely, and of course there will be no other problems.

Even if nothing happens next, he should pay attention.

No matter what, it is completely decided in my heart, so I won’t change it.

“My brother is right. I have the same idea as him. At this time, we would not do such a thing. If there is any problem, we will face it together.

Ouyang Xue also smiled and said at this time.

She has no other thoughts on this matter, nor will she think about other things.

When this time has come, of course, he will not betray Chu Xiao.

If such a thing were really done, it would be really ungrateful.

Of course this kind of thing cannot be done like this.

Once you do this, you don’t know how to forget about it in the future.

If it is really done, it would be really a shame.

If it weren’t for Chu Xiao, it would be impossible for them to say that they came here.

Well, since many Chu Xiao people have helped so much, and they have already regarded them as partners, they will naturally not do such a thing.

Although I didn’t know each other for a long time, I knew that Chu Xiao was still a good person after this period of time.

That being the case, then of course it will not change the current thinking.

Nothing else, she knew she didn’t have to say so much.

At this time, what should be said clearly is of course.

I have made it clear here, so there is nothing to say.

Regardless of the attitude or the standpoint, they all stand by Chu Xiao, and they are still very firm.

“That’s right, isn’t it the three people? You don’t have to deliberately say that. We all know what you mean, but we are not afraid of this. If those three guys attack you, we will definitely not look at it. write.”

Song Zhiyi said with a smile at this time.

Of course he doesn’t think there is any problem, and his attitude is very firm.

In this way, they all expressed their thoughts and attitudes.

All that should be said has been said, so there is no other problem.

He won’t have any problems here.

Because it is already clear, there are no other questions to talk about.

Especially at this kind of time, it is of course to be firm.

Chu Xiao has already helped them too much.

Then if there are any problems next, of course they will not sit back and watch.

At this time, everyone said their own thoughts, expressed their attitudes, and strengthened their positions.

Song Zhiyi had certain expectations in his heart at this time.

I don’t know which family those people belong to.

I really want to see what the origins of these people are coming from Chu Xiao.

The three of them all laughed at this time after saying that 347 was over.

Of course they have made it completely clear.

I didn’t think so much about the latter.

At this time, all of them looked at Chu Xiao, with firmness in their eyes.

“you ”

Chu Xiao was also taken aback after hearing what they said.

Unexpectedly, these people would say such words at this time.

My original intention was to let them choose for themselves, and then I didn’t want to involve them.

But by this time, things were already beyond my expectations.

Chu Xiao sighed in his heart.

Because seeing them so steadfast, it seemed that nothing would make any difference.

There are no other ideas, and nothing more can be said at this time.

But he hasn’t waited for him to continue to say anything here, the three auras are already here!

At this time, Chu Xiao looked directly outside the Great Hall, as did several other people.

Their eyes also became a little serious.

There, three figures appeared directly.

After seeing their appearance clearly, Chu Xiao’s face was also a little surprised.

“People of the Shura tribe!”

Of course he recognized it at a glance, and he also knew why he felt a little familiar before.

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