Chapter 809 The element explodes, see the foothold!

Chu Xiao walked in front at this time, and after hearing the discussion from the crowd behind, there was a smile on his face.

Because he is very clear now, several people have already thought about it clearly and understood.

That is also a good thing for him, and he is happy to see such a thing.

Because several of them have already experienced so many dangers before.

But before, they were able to say that.

Of course he was a little angry before this kind of thing.

But it is now in the past, and of course there is no more thought to say.

They can have such thoughts, which is of course a good thing.

No matter what happens at this time, the other people shouldn’t have such thoughts anymore.

So thinking of this, Chu Xiao’s face also showed a smile.

Regarding this matter, he of course feels very satisfied, and will not have any opinions on “four, four, seven”.

And what they are discussing now, he is also thinking in his heart.

Because in this period of time, they didn’t notice any existence, even if they didn’t feel any abnormality.

In this way, the situation inside will become a little confusing.

But he also knew that this kind of thing happened relatively normal.

Because he is already capable of mastering these winds and snows.

With his control, those wind and snow would not have any effect on them.

They don’t even have to resist any more.

This is a good thing.

But the bad thing is to let them find nothing here.

At this moment, they were at a loss, and they didn’t even know what would happen.

In this way, there is nothing to say.

In any case, this situation is not so good.

He felt a little unacceptable.

But there is no way, because such a thing is like this.

So when such a problem arises, he doesn’t want to struggle so much at this time.

Anyway, they are already moving on.

Whether there is danger or not, it doesn’t matter much to them.

Even if there is a danger, if they deal with it together, it will definitely not be a problem.

So now I have thought very clearly, and I don’t have to think about other things.

Because there are so many entanglements, it will make their situation a little worse.

Of course, there can be no such situation.

If you worry too much, you might get a good influence at that time.

Anyway, for them this time, it has already deepened the cohesive strength.

This is a good thing.

What Chu Xiao wanted to do before was to make the other people more united.

After all, if you encounter any difficulties, you just think about shrinking, it will definitely not work.

It’s not a good thing to back down, but it’s still a shameful thing.

But this looks like this to him, to a few other people, he is not quite clear.

But looking at them as they are now, it should be completely clear.

There is nothing more to say. It is a good thing to be able to have such an awakening.

So what happened later, he didn’t think about that much anymore.

Because this thing is a good thing for him.

No matter what happens later, he won’t worry about other things.

Because if you entangle so much now, it will make their current situation very bad.

Then there must be no such thing.

“Everyone should be careful next, if there is any danger, then be more careful and deal with it together!”

Chu Xiao turned around at this moment, looked at the other people and said something.

He said that, of course, he had to get a vaccination first.

Because what happens at that time, if you are too worried or too flustered, then it will definitely not work.

So I said this to prevent them from thinking about other things.

If they are too worried, it will definitely not work.

Because that will also have a certain impact on people.

He didn’t want them to entangle so many things.

After hearing Chu Xiao’s words, the people behind him nodded earnestly.

They all knew what Chu Xiao meant.

Then they wouldn’t do it like that, of course they would listen to Chu Xiao.

However, now that they are gone, there is another distance, and there is no discovery at all.

In this way, things really become a little strange.

If there is nothing, then they are really unimpeded here and there will be no problems.

But they don’t think there is nothing in it…

Because this is the realm of Promise, listening to this name is already very powerful.

It would be even stranger if there was nothing at all.

At this point, I have already thought about it clearly, everyone knows that we can’t live up to Chu Xiao!

“Chu Xiao, at this speed, we don’t seem to have found anything. Where can we find a place to stay?”

Song Zhiyi also said seriously at this time.

After all, if they really keep doing this, they will definitely be a little tired.

Needless to say, two of them were injured, and the other two were very exhausted.

If this continues, even if it is unimpeded, it will also have a certain burden.

And it cannot be restored in situ, because then, it is estimated that there will be danger

When Chu Xiao will deal with it alone, they don’t want to see it.

That’s why I ask at this time.

It seems really difficult to find a place to stay.

Several other people nodded seriously after hearing Song Zhiyi’s words.

For them, if they don’t find a place to stay now, they will also have more consumption and become weaker.

This is of course unquestionable, because it will take a lot of physical effort to keep going.

Although there is no risk, they will definitely consume more than physical fitness.

It was already injured before, not to mention that Song Zhiyi and Ouyang Jian were also injured.

Then go to 1.8 like this, it will definitely not work, and it will make them even more dangerous.

After hearing this, Chu Xiao’s face also became a little dignified.

Because it is indeed like this, if it is really like this, it will definitely not work.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a place to stay as soon as possible.

After thinking of this, his face also had a doubtful color, and then used the divine sense to check the previous situation.

But soon, Chu Xiao also appeared with a smile on his face.

Because at this time, he saw a cave in front.

Seeing this, Chu Xiao also knew that they had a place to stay next.

“Hold on for a while. I have just seen it. There is a cave in front of it. It shouldn’t be long before it arrives.

Chu Xiao looked at them at this time, and then said with a smile. .

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