Chapter 810 There is an ambush, act ahead!

Of course, Chu Xiao was very happy in his heart at this time.

Because at this time, he already saw the place to stay.

In this way, the other people don’t have to worry anymore.

And they will get there directly afterwards.

As long as they get to the cave, a few of them can recover with complete peace of mind.

At this point, Chu Xiao already had an idea in his heart.

So if they keep going, there will definitely be no problem.

At this time, he didn’t think so much anymore.

Thinking about other things now will make yourself a little uncomfortable.

Several other people, of course, can’t stand such a thing.

If there is any danger, it must be bad.

So after thinking it through, there is nothing to think about.

He doesn’t think there will be any problems with how he is here.

My own strength has already been improved.

In the previous battles, he was also more proficient in using his own abilities and fighting methods.

In addition to this, gained the ability of the Snow Demon clan.

In this way, they will not be hindered in their advancement.

11 And they will never experience the effects of those winds and snows again.

This is of course a good thing, no matter from which point it will not be a problem.

After thinking clearly, Chu Xiao’s face also showed a smile.

But I also know that it is not too early to be happy.

Because it is totally unclear whether they can reach the place safely.

Now I saw a relatively large cave.

Only after that, can I completely relax my mind.

If they encounter any danger before they get there, of course it won’t work.

So after thinking it through, Chu Xiao’s face also showed doubts.

He wanted to see what kind of danger would emerge next.

If there were no other dangers, he would definitely not believe it.

After all, how could it be possible that there were only the few snow demon that had been encountered before.

It’s really only their words, then this Promise Realm, it seems that it really doesn’t have any effect.

Maybe there is nothing too good in it.

Chu Xiao had already thought very clearly, so he knew that there would definitely be danger.

After the danger appeared, of course he was the main force here.

Because without him, the other people would be even more dangerous, and maybe they would all lose their lives.

I was able to let them go forward together before, entirely because I had such a certainty.

If something happens, he should be able to deal with it then.

This is because of my own confidence.

After all, his own ability can be so strong, of course he has a lot of confidence.

In this way, Chu Xiao also felt that he had nothing to think about.

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

If there is any danger, he will directly take action when the time comes, without any reservations.

So for a few of them, Chu Xiao knew that he was there and would not hurt them again.

After all, when the two Snow Monsters were delayed before, they were already doing their best.

Naturally, such a thing cannot happen again.

If they were injured again, they would definitely be disappointed.

After all, Song Zhiyi and Ouyang Jian both suffered from serious injuries, and Chu Yu and Ouyang Xue also suffered a lot.

Not to mention that after continuing to advance this distance, several people also have a lot of physical energy.

It would be better to find a place to stay as soon as possible, and if you recover well, it would be dangerous.

Chu Xiao has already thought about everything very clearly.

Then, in the future, we have to speed up.

After hearing Chu Xiao’s words, the other people smiled with joy.

They are not as good as Chu Xiao, so they didn’t find out so quickly.

But Chu Xiao has already said so, surely he will not falsify, of course it is true.

That naturally made them happy.

If there is a place for them to recover, of course this is a good thing.

And there is no need to worry about other things anymore.

After thinking it all through, there was nothing to think about, and the smiles on everyone’s faces increased.

“It seems that we don’t need to run so much anymore, but we didn’t find any danger and nothing appeared. This seems really weird.

Ouyang Jian said seriously at this time.

He really felt that after they had solved the snow demon before, the problem became a little strange.

Things here suddenly became a little weird.

At this time, I also know that since there is already a cave and a place to stay, then no longer think about it.

The same is true for several other people.

In this case, there is nothing to say.

Because it has been completely agreed, of course, I won’t think about this issue again.

No matter what happens, this time, it is indeed a very good experience.

It’s hard to forget this kind of experience in this lifetime.

They also felt that Chu Xiao was indeed beyond their imagination.

No matter what aspect it is, it will surprise them when it is shown.

Especially Chu Xiao’s strength, they felt that it was bottomless, and they didn’t have any clue at all.

In this way, there is nothing to say.

447 situation is already like this, then there is no danger now, and it seems to be pretty good.

When Chu Xiao heard what they were saying, there was a smile on his face.

For the words of a few of them, he also found it interesting in his heart.

But soon, his face suddenly became a little surprised.

Because at this time, he still discovered that all other breaths existed, and discovered other existences.

“There is an ambush ahead, everyone should be careful not to act rashly.”

Chu Xiao slowed down at this time and looked back at everyone and said something.

After saying this sentence, there is no more to say.

Because he has definitely felt the existence of a few breaths.

Moreover, they all look pretty strong.

But as for the real situation, it is not yet clear.

Because the other party hasn’t shown up yet, this can be considered a troublesome thing.

After hearing Chu Xiao’s words, the people behind him all stopped, with surprised expressions on their faces.

They didn’t think about it. They didn’t know why, but they just said what they said.

At this time, naturally, I looked at Chu Xiao seriously.

But Chu Xiao said before, there is an ambush in front of them!

Everyone is also very curious about this matter, just staring at the front. .

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