Chapter 825 I don’t know how to praise, I can only come hard!

Under the snow-capped mountains now, two people kept making moves, and there was a sound.

Not only that, the fighting on both sides is very fierce.

Now it seems that I don’t want to go up and down.

Chu Xiao felt a little speechless in his heart.

After all, if two people stop their hands, that should also be a good thing.

But this Qiao Ling didn’t want to say anything to herself at all, she didn’t even want to say a word.

Not only that, but now they all seem to be very anxious.

But she just didn’t want to talk about it with herself.

Then of course there is no other way.

There is no good way except to deal with it now.

But I don’t know how long the other party will hold on.

Anyway, he didn’t take it seriously now.

If you take it seriously, it won’t be the current situation.

Because he already has a lot of confidence, he can take the opponent directly.

But doing so should cause dissatisfaction with the other party.

What’s more, he thinks his previous idea is still feasible.

Of course 11, you can’t do that.

If you can say it well, then use it.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry now.

It should be anxious, it should be Qiao Ling.

So think it over completely. Of course, Chu Xiao won’t think about that much anymore.

After having such an idea, there is nothing to think about.

Judging from this situation, he will not have any problems.

But the other party might do it.

It can be felt that the aura on the opponent’s body has become weakened.

In addition to this, actions have become sometimes very slow.

It is no longer a threat to him.

In this case, Chu Xiao certainly felt that there was no problem.

Since the other party doesn’t want to talk to himself or discuss it properly, there is really no way.

It can only look like this now, let’s see first-will the opponent move Yao.

I have already said it anyway, and there is nothing to add.

If you don’t agree, you won’t leave here, and won’t give up.

He doesn’t need to worry anyway, this is a better thing.

Although the fighting below them was very dynamic, it would affect the few people above them at all.

Because before I came here, I had already set up a formation.

Completely cut off the outside breath and sound.

So they are recovering now, there is no problem.

Even if Qiao Ling didn’t want to talk to herself, she still had a way.

It’s just that he also feels that it shouldn’t be necessary to use that method first.

Just like before, just say what you can say well.

He also didn’t want to make both parties unhappy.

Although now I know that Qiao Ling should be very upset.

But he also knows that this is also a thing that can’t be helped.

What’s more, he will not leave here.

Then, of course, there is nothing to say.

What I can do now is to be careful.

There is no need to think about what will happen next.

There won’t be too much danger anyway, he can still live here without any pressure.

Then this matter has become a one-sided situation.

Because Qiao Ling was no longer as strong as before.

The attack has become a little weaker, not so powerful anymore.

In any case, there is no need to think about this matter so much.

Because I think so much will be a little bad.

In this situation, all you can do is not to hurt yourself or the other side.

In that case, the situation seems to get worse.

Of course he would not do this. If he did, maybe the other party would be very angry.

Maybe by then, that idea of ​​my own has already failed.

Of course he didn’t want such a thing to happen.

If this matter can be resolved properly, then it will be resolved properly.

If it doesn’t work, then just take a look and think of a solution when the time comes.

After thinking clearly, Chu Xiao also smiled.

I think this is really the first time.

The opponent’s strength is really not bad, if you can persuade, of course it is a good thing.

After I was completely convinced, Chu Xiao also kept making moves.

Not only that, but the other party can’t hold on anymore now.

Then when he saw this, Chu Xiao appeared with a smile on his face.

I think this is really a good thing.

Then you don’t have to worry about it here.

So according to the current situation, there may be results soon.

But Chu Xiao didn’t want to beat the opponent directly at this time.

In that case, maybe this young master’s self-esteem will be hit.

After all, the other party is the young master of the Demon Realm, not a simple character.

And it has such a strong background.

Here, if you can really follow the idea, it would be the best.

However, it is still difficult to achieve this.

I have said it many times before, but the other party simply ignored it.

That has become a headache.

There is no other way, so I can only deal with it seriously.

If you don’t deal with it seriously, it will definitely not work.

After thinking thoroughly, Chu Xiao felt that he didn’t have to think so much.

This situation should be acceptable by itself.

But the one who couldn’t accept it was Qiao Ling in front of her.

But there is no 460 way, and I simply don’t accept myself to have a good conversation.

In any case, this can be considered a troublesome thing.

But Chu Xiao also wants to try again.

“If you can stop and listen to me, it might be good for both of us.”

Chu Xiao now continued watching Qiao Ling and said something.

After speaking, then wait for the other party’s response.

After all, he didn’t have much thoughts.

If the other party can agree to it, of course it is okay.

Moreover, the whole thing can be explained clearly later, and the two sides should also resolve such grievances.

If this keeps going on, it will be a bit bad for him.

But there is no way. I still have to wait for a while and see what Qiao Ling will say.

After saying this sentence at this time, he directly resisted Qiao Ling’s attack.

But the other party didn’t answer his own words at all, and once again launched a more violent attack.

Every shot is very powerful, and so are these attacks.

After seeing this, Chu Xiao frowned.

“It doesn’t seem to be soft, so I can only come to the hard one!”

Chu Xiao also made a decision in his heart at this time.

He also felt that the other party really didn’t want to talk to him, and completely ignored what he said at the time.

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