Chapter 826 Take it lightly, Young Master of the Demon Domain!

Chu Xiao had already thought very clearly in his heart at this time.

Because for him, this thing can’t go on like this.

If this continues, of course it will not work.

And also can’t rely on the wolf’s own physical strength.

If there is any danger, it will be bad.

The other party already has a certain amount of consumption, so he can also make a move now.

So this is also a good mobile phone meeting.

Looking at it this way, he certainly wouldn’t worry so much.

Because it looks like this is not a big problem.

Anyway, the other party already has consumption, so it’s definitely not his opponent.

If you want to start with that Qiao Ling, that’s okay.

Chu Xiao already had a lot of confidence in his heart at this time.

This is a good thing for him.

Originally, if the other party could sit down and have a good talk, it would still be okay.

It’s just that you don’t want to talk to yourself at all, then it won’t work.

He doesn’t want to waste time on this matter.

After all, this is of course a very bad thing.

Anyway, in the end, I followed my own thoughts.

Now that you have had such an idea before, of course you have to make it at this time.

If it can be successful, it is the best.

Because that way, they can also increase their assistance.

And there is no need to establish an enemy.

Not to mention that the other party’s identity background is strong.

If it is really an enemy, it is certainly not a good thing.

Then there are definitely other demons in it.

For this young master of the Demon Realm, of course, there can be no grievances.

This situation is nothing to him now.

There must be a way to solve this problem.

“It seems that this guy is really a bit stubborn. It doesn’t work anymore. It can’t go on like this.”

After a few more rounds of fighting, Chu Xiao said inwardly.

He knew it really couldn’t go on like this.

Because if this goes on, it will not be a good thing for me at all.

And by the time, if he has a lot of consumption here and encounters any danger, it will be no good.

Since one of them has suffered so much damage, he must have encountered some terrible existence.

This point can be confirmed in Chu Xiao’s heart.

So nothing can happen at this time.

The next thing must be resolved here.

And I don’t want to kill the other party.

Because if you do that, you will certainly not get any benefits.

May also encounter a big impact at that time.

Of course he can’t do this.

Since I have had my own unique idea before.

At this time, of course, I want to see if it can work.

If it can, of course it is best.

What I have to do now, of course, is to subdue the opponent.

Because only in that way can I talk about it.

In this way, there is no need to think so much.

Anyway, I have thought about it clearly now, and there is nothing to think about.

The situation at this time is not too difficult.

It can still be dealt with for him.

Of course, there is no need to worry about other things.

If you look at it this way, it’s not a big deal.

As long as Qiao Ling is subdued, everything is easy to say.

Of course Chu Xiao didn’t say much at this time.

If the other party disagrees, there is nothing to do.

He won’t, anyway, just leave here.

After all, there are several companions of his own.

They didn’t seem to have recovered completely, otherwise they would have come out now.

“Since you don’t want to have a good talk with me, then I can only use other methods, and then I can only offend,”. ”

Chu Xiao also looked at the opposite Qiao Ling and said something.

After saying this sentence, the Wandi Sword appeared in his hand.

Because he knew that he couldn’t go on like this anymore.

So I have to be more serious.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to solve it so quickly.

As the young master of the Demon Realm, the opponent must have many methods.

Then of course he can’t have any reservations.

As long as the opponent can be completely subdued, there will be nothing.

Now that I have thoroughly thought it out, there is nothing to think about.

Chu Xiao won’t think about it so much at this time.

Anyway, this situation is already the present situation.

If you don’t give Qiao Ling a uniform, of course it won’t work.

If you don’t do this, the other party won’t listen to you at all.

After thinking it through, there is nothing to think about.

I didn’t have to struggle so much, now I have completely thought about it.

If this goes on, it will definitely not work.

So the trouble here must be resolved as soon as possible.

As long as Qiao Ling is subdued, everything will be fine.

“,.you may try it!”

After hearing Chu Xiao’s words, Qiao Ling on the other side said something coldly.

She won’t be here, she just wants to deal with things here as soon as possible.

Otherwise it is of course impossible.

Looking at it this way, there is nothing to say.

I don’t want to continue entangled here.

At this moment, he rushed out towards Chu Xiao instantly.

She knew that she had to defeat Chu Xiao as soon as possible, then entered the cave, and then began to heal her injuries.

Otherwise, you will die after a while.

He approached Chu Xiao in an instant, and then shot directly, without any reservation at all.

In this encounter with Qiao Ling, Chu Xiao also felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems that the Young Master of this Demon Realm is really not so simple.

If there is such a simple one (the king’s), it won’t look like it is now.

But there is no other way, it can only do so now.

At this moment, Chu Xiao didn’t want to stop like this anymore.

Because he is completely determined.

The other party already has a certain amount of consumption, so you must deal with it no matter what.

And if you don’t speak clearly to the other party, that shouldn’t work.

It would be a bit bad for both of them.

So, of course, it cannot be taken lightly.

No matter what the other party is like, nothing can happen to me here.

Because it must be a very bad thing to do that.

Anyway, I have already thought about it clearly in my heart, and there is nothing to think about.

The goal now is to defeat the opponent and subdue the opponent!

It’s just that Chu Lei also felt some difficulties when facing this not simple young master of the Demon Realm. .

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