Chapter 930 Stopped completely!

“That’s right, since we have all reached this time, of course, we must be more careful, except for this, then none of us should have any accidents.”

Song Zhiyi also said something seriously at this time.

Of course he is more serious about this matter.

It’s not easy to get here. It must be more careful.

Otherwise, this matter would not be so easy to talk about.

Maybe it will be more troublesome later.

Now, there can be no other ideas.

Judging from the current situation, there can be no accidents, and each of them must maintain a good state.

Because once injured, it will also be a more troublesome thing.

Not to mention that there is a wounded among them.

If Shang Ruyi wants to fully recover, it should still take some time.

If someone gets injured again, their overall strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

So there can be no such situation.

Once such a situation occurs, it is not a good thing for them.

Maybe it will become very troublesome next.

Then these 11 things will certainly not happen.

And he also knows that this situation is also a more dangerous thing for them.

If you encounter anything later, no matter what, you have to deal with it seriously.

In the current situation, it is already better.

And after this period of running-in, their overall strength, that cooperation, has indeed reached a higher level.

In this way, there must be no other ideas.

According to the current situation, it is indeed quite good.

In any case, they will be more careful next, there will be no other problems.

After thinking about it, I didn’t think about anything else.

In this way, you really don’t need to think about it so much.

I have already thought very clearly now, and there is nothing else to think about.

There are situations like this, and nothing else needs to be considered.

As long as we deal with the situation before us seriously, that is enough.

“According to our current advancing speed, it shouldn’t take long to get to the place completely. Then, of course, there is no need to think about it.

Ouyang Xue was a little bit at this time, and she also expressed her own thoughts.

She felt that at their current speed, they should be able to approach the eye of the storm soon.

But now they are all close, but they don’t know the specific location.

If you can know it, you really don’t have to think about it so much.

After thinking about it, there is no need to think about other things.

If this goes on, it must be a better thing.

What will happen in the future, then just wait for what happens before you solve it.

Don’t worry about those now.

So, after I finished speaking this sentence, I didn’t say so much.

Because I know that now each of them has the same idea.

And in my heart, maybe there is a lot of curiosity about it.

In this way, surely there is no need to think about that much.

They really have great expectations for the eye of the storm.

And all want to know the situation there.

What Shang Ruyi said earlier is indeed not so clear.

If you want to get a thorough understanding, you can only get to the place, and then they will know after seeing it.

When I thought of this, I also had more expectations on my face.

Of course, there is a lot of curiosity about this kind of thing.

In fact, I want to look for it, and then go and see what’s going on.

After thinking about it, there is nothing else to think about.

When this situation is reached, there is no need to think about other things.

“Then it is really good if we look like we are now, but we have to continue to maintain it. Otherwise, it won’t be a good thing. Maybe there will be some danger waiting for us.

Ouyang Jian also said something next to him.

Although their current conditions are relatively safe.

But after they, they will definitely encounter danger, maybe there will be more dangers waiting for them.

In this way, of course it is necessary to remain vigilant.

Otherwise, once something happens, if they can’t respond here, there will be great danger.

I have already thought about it clearly, there is nothing else to think about.

In this case, you must be very careful.

“Well, we are all feeling great changes now. It shouldn’t be long before we can get where we want to be.”

Chu Yu also said something beside him.

Regarding this, he can still be sure of it in his heart now.

In the current situation, you don’t really need to think about it yourself.

Moreover, they are all together, so of course they have to face it together if there is any situation after that.

What happens after that is also to see what will happen.

As long as it is not too dangerous, it will not be dangerous to them.

If there is really too much danger, then if they deal with it together, there should still be a chance.

So, for this kind of thing, he doesn’t think so much now.

Knowing this matter too much is of no use.

I don’t know what kind of danger will be waiting for them in the end.

That definitely doesn’t need to think too much, at this time 533 has not considered it anymore.

After everyone finished talking, of course they didn’t say so much.

They all know that if you think too much about this matter, of course it’s not very good.

Because that way, it will cause some trouble to them.

As long as you are careful at this time, it is better than anything else.

Because they still don’t know what they will encounter later.

If there is really too much danger, it is indeed still a bit bad.

Chu Xiao looked at them at this time, then smiled and nodded.

He hasn’t said much now, and they know this very well.

After all, the previous has been completely summarized, of course, there is no need to think about it so much.

Therefore, the group of them did not hesitate, and speeded up at this time.

Because the accidents encountered before are still dangerous, they have been completely resolved.

Although knowing that there are dangers waiting for them, in this situation, naturally there is no need to worry so much.

It was precisely this way, they also went straight forward for a certain distance.

Then, after half an hour, they stopped completely.

Because at this time, they saw and saw the eye of the storm!

Although it is only very vague, they can now completely determine the location of the eye of the storm!

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