Chapter 931 Watch the changes and wait for the opportunity!

Everyone had stopped completely at this time, and they were all standing in place now.

Because at this time, they all saw the eye of the storm.

Although it is a bit vague, they can still see it.

So now that it is confirmed, the excitement on his face is even more obvious.

For them, this is of course the best thing.

In this case, it can be completely determined.

After a while, they can reach it completely.

After thinking of this, everyone has a smile on their face.

No matter what, they are only some distance away from there.

Then this distance is of course nothing to them.

So for them, this is of course a good thing.

Moreover, they are still not clear about the previous situation.

But they also know that no matter what, they are going to get closer.

Because they have to get there, they can understand what’s inside and what’s going on there.

Otherwise, when they look here now, they can’t see anything at all.

It’s just that it doesn’t move on now.

For them, it is useless to think too much about this kind of thing.

After thinking about this, I didn’t think about it so much anymore.

Knowing that this matter will not be that simple, it will definitely be a little troublesome afterwards.

Everyone thought of this, and there was also a happy smile on their faces.

They all know about this kind of thing, and don’t have to think about other things.

After thinking of this, there is no need to think about other things.

It’s already this time anyway, and you don’t need to think about anything else.

Looking at the eye of the storm in the distance, everyone could feel a spectacular feeling.

In this case, they estimate that it will not take long before they can get there completely.

It’s just not clear whether there will be any danger in this process.

If it is in danger, it is certainly not a trivial matter.

As for the latter things, they are now unable to think of it.

There is no need to think about what will happen afterwards.

After thinking of this, there is no need to think about other things.

Now it seems that this is also a good thing.

And they don’t need too long, so they should be able to get there directly.

If you are in danger, it should not be so fast and it will not go so smoothly.

Everyone thought of this in their hearts, and they were also prepared for it.

Then, there must be nothing to say.

At this time, be careful, then you don’t have to worry anymore.

Anyway, there are several people in their group. If there is danger, it will not be a big problem if they deal with it together.

After thinking about it, the excited role on everyone’s face is more obvious.

Because for this kind of thing, it is also very good, and it makes them very happy.

When you think of this, you don’t need to think about other things.

Judging from the current situation, so to speak, it is a good thing for them.

So after thinking it over, I didn’t think so much.

At this time, they also know that they will continue to move forward next.

At this distance, there should also be other troubles.

There is no need to think about the others.

Judging from their state, there is still no problem for them.

If trouble arises, there is no need to worry so much.

Thinking of this, they all looked at the front, and felt that this should not be easy either.

As for what they will encounter later, they don’t know now.

Moreover, it is not clear what the situation will be around the eye of the storm.

In that case, it is certainly not a simple matter.

After thinking about everything, there is nothing else to think about.

Under this circumstance, there is no need to think about other things.

Now that the time has come, don’t worry if you are serious.

After thinking for a while, there is no need to think about things.

Those other things are not too big a problem for them.

“It seems that we are almost there now. It’s just the last distance. There should be some trouble, or that there will be some danger. It is definitely not easy for us.” ”

Qiao Ling said something at this time.

After saying this, the expression on her face also became serious.

For this kind of thing, of course, I feel that we need to pay more attention to it.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be that simple.

Once they are in danger, they will definitely have some trouble.

Maybe the danger is great, then it becomes very tricky.

For them, of course it is not a good thing.

After thinking about this, she also knew that it was not a good thing for them.

Although I have seen the eye of the storm now, it may not be such a good thing.

After thinking about it, the expression on his face also became serious.

Although she was a little excited in her heart, she also knew that she still had to pay attention at this time.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. If you run into trouble, it will definitely be very dangerous.

And for them, it is estimated that it will become a big trouble.

No one knows what they will encounter in the future.

After thinking about this, I didn’t think about other things anymore.

She knew that this kind of thing would not be so easy.

After all, they are about to get there. If it is really that easy, then it is not justified.

They all encountered a lot of trouble before.

Now that I have come here, I have also seen the eye of the storm. Of course, I have to be more careful.

Only like this, オ don’t have to worry so much anymore.

After thinking it over, (Li Haohao) no need to think about other things.

“…I think so. The current situation does not seem to pose any threat to us. If we want to move on, we can only wait and see the changes.”

Chu Xiao heard Qiao Ling’s words at this time, and smiled and said something next to him.

Of course he also understands this kind of thing very well.

And coming over on this road, I also found it very difficult and not so easy.

If they continue to approach later, they will definitely have some trouble.

The previous section of the road has already encountered many uses.

After that, of course there will be no such easy things to quit.

Maybe if they keep going, there will be a certain degree of danger.

It’s just that if they join forces, it won’t be a big problem at all.

Thinking of this, I also know in my heart that things should also be taken more seriously. .

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