Chapter 975 No sign, the right way!

The current situation, Chu Xiao is really unacceptable.

But there is no good way. Now it is indeed the only way to wait.

So he really knew about this matter, and there was nothing to say.

If you think about it so much now, it’s useless.

He also understands his responsibilities.

In this situation at this time, it is useless to think too much.

Because he knew that this kind of thing can only be so.

And he hasn’t found any great solution yet, and this matter cannot be solved yet.

I know the situation at this time, and it’s useless to think too much.

Therefore, I really accepted this matter silently, and there is no good way.

Now this kind of thing can only be waited, there is no way to think so much.

It’s not a good thing for all of them.

If this situation persists, it may be troublesome for yourself.

Thinking of this now, I can only helplessly shook his head.

This kind of thing really can’t be solved temporarily.

I also know that there is nothing else around me.

I walked over 11 on this road, and I don’t know where there is any chance, and there is nothing to find.

At this moment, no matter how you say it, I don’t know how to solve it.

“If it is really the cause of the eye of the storm, wouldn’t it be the only way to get rid of the eye of the storm?”

Chu Xiao stopped at this moment. He felt that he had to take a moment to relax, and there was a secret word in his heart.

The situation at this time is really troublesome for him.

But there is no way, because this kind of thing is really confusing.

And it can’t solve this kind of thing temporarily.

Therefore, he knew that he could only be more serious about this kind of thing.

Otherwise, this situation really cannot be resolved.

Now that I thought of this, I was looking at the eye of the storm not far in front of me.

In fact, he is very close, but he has not been there yet.

In this way, there are still some difficulties in this matter.

If you really do what you want, it may take a while.

So after thinking about this, I also felt a little too unacceptable.

If it is like this, then you can only really act alone.

He really doesn’t know what to say about this matter.

No matter what, he knew that he still had to solve this kind of thing.

Who makes oneself the only one who can move now.

Other people have no choice now, and now they can only stand behind themselves.

Fortunately, they did not encounter any danger.

Otherwise, you might all be implicated here.

After thinking about this matter, he also knew that this kind of matter was difficult to handle.

But I also know that I can only help with this matter.

And also the only one who can help them deal with it.

I can only do such a thing, otherwise no one can do it.

Several of them are unable to act now, and there is no way at all.

In this way, I really don’t know what to say.

So about this matter, I don’t know what to say.

The situation at this time is like this, and I also understand my responsibilities.

They must all resume their actions.

Otherwise, this incident really makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

So thinking of this, I don’t know how to solve it.

It seems that I still need to find out.

I haven’t been able to find any problems yet, and there is no special place around.

If this is the case now, it seems that I can only continue to approach there.

The eye of the storm was not far in front of him.

It looked like it was only a distance, a few steps away.

But he also feels a very headache about this matter.

Although it was only such a short distance, he felt like a gap.

Not only that, but the pressure on the body seems to be even greater.

It may be a more difficult thing to go there directly.

After thinking about this now, Chu Xiao could only sigh in his heart.

Because this kind of thing can’t be solved so quickly.

At this time, I have no other way.

Regarding this situation, no matter what he said, he could only find a way.

Because at this time, he really didn’t know how to solve it.

After thinking of this, Chu Xiao’s face also became a little gloomy.

I think this kind of thing is really too tricky.

Along the way, they have already experienced a lot of dangers when they came here.

But when I got here, there was still such a thing.

But after thinking about it, this situation is not unacceptable.

A place like this is really quite normal.

If they hadn’t encountered anything here, they might also find it strange.

At this time, there is really nothing to think about.

In the current situation, we can only wait for future development.

Without thinking about it so much, Chu Xiao also knew that he was right to keep going.

So after looking at it now, there is nothing to find.

He also knows his ability to discover. Since there is no strange place to see now, it seems that 563 is really only the eye of the storm.

So now I have to finish this last distance.

After thinking of this, now there is no hesitation, and one step has been taken once again.

It’s just that Chu Xiao’s face was a little surprised when he completely dropped this step.

He never expected that when he took this step, such a situation would happen.

Because he can feel it now, the pressure and the sense of pressure on his body before, disappeared at this moment!

This incident came too suddenly, and what I discovered was also too sudden.

Therefore, at this moment, his face was also full of suspicion, not quite sure what was going on.

This situation is really unacceptable to him.

But there is no way, this is indeed so abrupt, and there is no sign.

At this time, Chu Xiao would not know how to explain or think about this matter for a while.

This is really too sudden, and even makes myself feel that this is an illusion.

Only after feeling it again, he knew that this was true, and that this had indeed happened.

For his own pressure and a strong sense of oppression, he suddenly disappeared, Chu Xiao really doesn’t know what to say

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