Chapter 976 Nothing found, new information!

Chu Xiao just knows that this is not an illusion.

It’s just that I still can’t believe it at this time.

Like this, it seems that I have to experiment.

In short, it is too sudden here, so we still have to see if it is true.

If you really enter the illusion, maybe this is also a more dangerous thing.

Of course it can’t be like this now, so we must get serious and cheer up at this time.

Otherwise, you might become very dangerous.

Of course, this can’t be the case, so you have to give it a try.

So Chu Xiao didn’t think about that. At this time, he also continued to take two steps forward, no problem.

Then he went back two more steps without any problems.

Then he stopped in place, looked at everything around him, and then looked at the few people behind him.

Seeing that everything is relatively normal, and nothing has changed.

He feels a little strange now that it looks like this.

But as for what kind of thing it was, and what kind of reason it was, he couldn’t figure it out now.

In this case, it seems that this matter is also a bit too surprising.

But there is no way at this time, it seems I still need to take a look.

Thinking of this, I didn’t think too much.

I still have to look at it if I know this.

There is really no other way here.

So thinking of this, the expression on his face also became serious.

Without looking at the few people behind him, he knew that he was not in an illusion at this time.

That is to say, he is still in the real world.

Then he has this change now, which is also true.

Why the pressure would suddenly disappear, but I can’t explain it either.

In general, he has no restrictions and can move freely at this time.

In this way, this matter feels a bit weird.

Because it was so sudden that he couldn’t accept it all of a sudden.

But at this time it still looks okay, and at this time it has calmed down.

Then looking at the eyes of the storm in front of him, he did not act easily.

He also knew that this series of things was really weird.

First of all, the other people were already unable to move and could no longer approach here.

Then he came here reluctantly.

But at this time, he was actually free Huo Dong, and he was relaxed.

What is the reason for this situation, he is not sure now, but he also thinks it should be an eye of the storm.

Otherwise, there is nothing else here.

If it weren’t for the eye of the storm, he would feel a little strange.

But there is no verification at this time, it seems that it can only be like this.

This situation was really sudden, and it made myself somewhat unexpected.

At this time, it seems useless to think so much about this matter.

No matter what, I will not act rashly.

It is necessary to fully understand the situation.

Otherwise, you may get yourself into a situation where you will never recover.

It’s impossible to be like this, and even more vigilant at this time.

I didn’t feel happy that I could move around freely.

Even in many cases, such a thing will become very dangerous, and it will be a fatal danger.

Chu Xiao still thinks very clearly about this in his heart.

And I have experienced such things before.

Such a thing is nothing more than letting yourself relax and then suddenly appear in danger.

If you are caught off guard by that time, it will be really dangerous.

And he had already advanced such a distance, and didn’t find any existence.

Of course it feels strange to look like this, and it also feels a little weird.

After thinking about this now, I didn’t think about anything else.

Because it’s useless to think so much about this kind of thing.

It might as well be quiet and then calm down.

Think about it, what kind of circumstance caused this kind of thing.

He didn’t believe it anyway, there was nothing in it.

In his opinion, this should also have other dangers.

It’s just that all of this is too peaceful.

The few people behind him did not have any problems, and they did not have any problems.

I have changed here, which is really special.

It seems that after coming here, only oneself can move freely.

You can even get close here.

This series of things shows how weird this thing is.

But there is no way, because he really can’t see anything.

If he could see anything, it might not be like this now.

At this time such a thing happened, and I don’t know how to solve it.

The situation has developed to the present, which is really a headache.

Chu Xiao feels a bit big now, because he doesn’t know how to talk about this situation.

But after thinking about it carefully, I also knew that I really didn’t have any clues.

That way, I don’t know what to say.

But he was still there, motionless, trying to see something.

Because all these things are really weird, and even make him feel weird.

Of course, you can’t have any other ideas, and you can’t act rashly at this time.

In this case, of course, you can’t think of other things.

No matter what, I have to be more careful.

Especially in this kind of time, this kind of time when I don’t know the reason.

In this situation, he felt really uncomfortable.

What kind of unknown things are there? Chu Xiao is still anxious at this time.

If you can feel it clearly, you shouldn’t have to worry about it (Li Wanghao).

It’s just no way. He has been here for a while and hasn’t noticed anything.

Such a situation is really strange.

What is going on at this time, even he doesn’t know the grave.

So if it goes on like this, it may really make myself feel a little bad.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao could only helplessly shook his head.

There is no way to know this kind of thing, and no way to do it.

After thinking about this, I feel that this kind of thing can only be waited for first, and I can only observe it first.

As for whether he could find something, he didn’t know, and he didn’t know what would happen.

Because this kind of thing is really weird, I never thought that there would be such a situation anyway.

Not only that, but I don’t understand why this happened.

You can only wait for this kind of thing yourself, and then take a good look. .

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