Fantasy game evolution

Fantasy Game Evolution Chapter 802

After silence, the sound of something starting to collapse rang.

The outline-like body of the invisible humanoid is collapsing, and the emperor-like body of the ultimate darkness is also collapsing!

As if remembering something, the Lord God snarled triumphantly towards Ling Yu!

Did you think of something?But it's over~

It's a matter of course to eliminate the rebels, right?But, what kind of traitor have you seen leave cleanly?

Even if the executioner slashes someone's head, some blood will be splashed, right?

Not to mention the fact that you killed me, you are absolutely indistinguishable from death?

You have to remember an old saying~little guy~

"There is no happiness in death~" Half of his face was completely broken, and the guy whispered like a ghost in a horror movie.

Concept, collapse!Rules, fragmentation!Soul, annihilation!Vientiane returns to nothingness!

The void was like a fortress about to collapse, and began to tremble crazily.

In the root cause, two completely incompatible wills are frantically strangling, destroying, and completely erasing the last trace of each other's existence at all costs!

However, because of this, the terrifying shock from the source of the existence of infinity caused all the worlds to fall into violent changes, or the world was broken, or nothing was noticed.

The matter is finally over, and finally—to be over.

Thinking of this, Ling Yu smiled, as if he had mocked the white god Douzhen in Emenli, and smiled happily.

This crazy thing by myself, although it can neither endure its reputation nor be infamous for thousands of years, it is enough for myself and for the women I want to protect.

The only regret is not fulfilling Reimu's ideals, right?

The ideal of the ideal land that was created by Tu Shan Honghong and her inadvertently brainwashing-with her current strength, she can complete it even without encountering some Yakumo Zi Ah Dragon God herself.

Unfortunately, I can't see it~

Shiyu's words, with her character, must he forget me soon?Hurry up and find a spectacle boy to be his harem~

Although, I have no chance to apologize to you for making you such a mess~

Thinking of this, he found that he couldn’t change even if he had regrets--

But just this is enough, it is enough to comfort this bizarre life.

So, he smiled, closed his eyes sleepily, waiting for the final end, and whispered: "I'm so sorry, everyone."

"Ling Yu!!!"

It may be auditory hallucinations, or it may be real, but the familiar voice still opened his remaining eyes, watching the girl who had been crying tearing open this place appeared, and subconsciously pronounced her name: "Reimu……"

"you're so dumb!"

Um, I will try to finish the volume on the fourth. By the way, when will witches appear in the dungeon recently~

Ask for collection and ticket~

Chapter 58 is completely gambling

"How could this woman come in here?!" Lingyu can be said to be another sense of [Simultaneous Living and Living Together] The Lord God saw that Reimeng had torn away their blockade, and it had nothing to do with the root cause. After the two places, there were one of the few voices called shock, but after feeling something, he didn't even want to directly attack the woman!

The reason is simple, that woman also has the breath of Amadam!

There is also a breath of own power!

Why does Ling Yu dare to die by himself?It is because he is completely integrated with a part of his core. Once he dies, then as the main god, it will not die, and the original main god system will be destroyed!To recover is not something that can be solved by [trouble] and [time]!

In other words, even if he is dead, it is not weaker than Ling Yu to pop out at any time during the time it is about to recover, and even stronger guys can destroy it at any time. That is definitely not a joke but a fact!

However, just now, there appeared a woman who seemed weak, but was definitely related to Amadam——

Even an idiot knows exactly what to do, let alone the main god who knows what that power is?

"Give it to me! Get out!" Facing the attack that seemed as if tens of thousands of people gathered, Reimu directly raised the fist that was burning with pure Yangyan and the power called the power of sealing, the attack hit her. The slender arm disappeared in a flash!

"How is it possible!?" The Lord God looked at this scene, and cursed Ling Yu as to what was going on without reacting: "You are crazy, you actually gave Yamadam to this woman!?"

However, Ling Yu ignored this guy's words and directly questioned Reimu: Didn't you say it?Don't worry about this anymore!"

"I don't care!" As if bursting out the usual hidden willfulness, she shed tears and yelled at Ling Yu: "What shit is the infinite future! What must be done! These are all with you Doesn't it matter!? You don't need to do this, right?!"

"Why do you want to be like this! Why do you want to die!"

"Have you promised me that this is how things were done!?" She shouted, wanting to step out of the [entrance] that was torn apart by her own ability, to take the remaining half of Ling Yu's head The repair is complete!

For her, she was not that great, nor was she as open as Ling Yu thought--or the people who had to protect those guys who had a brain circuit with Ling Yu thought so.

Why do you do this kind of thing?Why do you want to be a hero?Why-to die!?

It's just that when she took a step, her body-began to collapse...

"Huh?" She was stunned as she watched part of her body and the clothes Ling Yu gave her turn into things that are not even particles.

This is a field she cannot step into, even if the current war is over, even if those shit things should be over, it still cannot be changed-the fact that she cannot step into this field!

"No!" Ling Yu shouted, using the power of God's Word to force Lingmeng back to where she should be: "Restore to the original state! Go back! This is not where you should stay!"

Of course, the price paid is—accelerating the speed of his destruction...

Feeling the complement of her body and the terrifying suction that made her unable to struggle, the girl shouted at Ling Yu, who only started to disappear her mouth: "No! I want to be with you! I don't want to return..."

"……go with……"

Looking at the girl who was sent back, Ling Yu smiled, as if she was relieved, and at the moment when half of her mouth disappeared completely, she whispered: "You will give me waywardness until the end, you guy, really It makes me worry."

Repeated whispering, his tears finally flowed from the corner of his eyes, across his cheeks, and disappeared into the void.

It's just that when he just thought about it this way, he suddenly felt something inexplicably connected to him, or in other words, connected to the spiritual stone of Amadam that had long been fused with him!

——What the hell is this!?

"What else are you hiding!?" At this moment, although still alive, there is a supreme existence that can't even resist—or the lord god who can only be described as a naive child class asked angrily: "Why is there still something? Can be connected to Yamadam!?"

However, when he shouted out these words, the most unexpected thing happened--!


"I don't want to go back!" shouting as if the resentful spirit was unwilling to return to the underworld, the girl whose body was completely recovered fell back to where she should stay, looking at the huge tree in front of the huge tree that had long been regarded as the foundation of this world. He stretched out his hands blankly, looking at the sky that cannot enter Lingyu turned into blue sky and white clouds, and whispered in a low voice, "Don't leave me alone..."

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