Fantasy game evolution

Fantasy Game Evolution Chapter 803

"Why do you want to be a hero, why do you want to die for those empty-headed things..."


The slender arm slowly smashed the ground with the force that seemed to smash the entire mountain, and her tears fell together.

"I've said it all, don't you care about that kind of thing...?"

"I've said it all, do you choose to find a place to build my ideal hometown...?"

"This your answer to me...? You liar!"

Tears, soaking the soil... After scolding the guy who was no different from death in an angry tone, she stopped the act of destroying the mountain.

Because even if this place is completely destroyed, even if his eyes are blinded by crying like Meng Jiangnu, he cannot return...

If he clearly said that even if he died, he would die together... But why did he die for such meaningless things?

She does not understand the meaning of the infinite world, nor the hypocritical principles that she would not listen to even when she was a young lady...

She only knows that someone will always do those things, and it's not necessary for him to do it!

But-what's the use of knowing?

Don't say she can't stop him, even the ability to save him now is useless!

He can't die, he has long been the only person in her world-absolutely can't die!

No matter what method, I must try it!

Her original sluggish expression became extremely clear at this moment.

She looked at the towering giant tree in front of her, knelt in front of the tree, closed her eyes in a gesture of prayer, and silently pronounced the prayer like a mantra:

"Bitterness giant tree..."

Well, the continuation begins~

By the way, this continuation is not fake~

Ask for collection and ticket~

Chapter 59 The Continuation of the Suffering Tree (Part 1)

The Suffering Tree, a super giant tree that grows on Tushan Mountain, has flowers like dandelions. Under this tree, people and demons swear that with the help of the Red Line Fairy, they can continue their forefront.

No one or monster knows why this tree can help humans and monsters to reconnect—or, even if they know, only the red thread fairy foxes.

And if they knew it, it would not be so boring to spread this secret everywhere.

However, the girl at this time didn't want to think about what this big tree was, just as she didn't care about the infinite world!

Now she, who can't do anything, can only watch Ling Yu die just like that and she is helpless, now betting everything on the big tree in front of her!

Whether it's the resurrection!Or reincarnation!It doesn't matter!It doesn't matter all!

She, just hope Ling Yu can survive... that's all!

From this, she began to make her sincere wish for the first time in her life after being put on the witch costume by Rong Rong, and yearned in front of this big tree:

"Please, if you can really keep the two in love from separating, please save her!"

"Whether it is demon power! Life is good! I will give you everything!"

"Please-save him!"

[Do you really want to save that person?

"Huh!?" She subconsciously stunned for the sound in her ears, and then answered without thinking: "Whoever you are, save him! No matter what the price is!"

[I thought that allowing you to appear would make that person feel nostalgic for this world, but as a result, his fate was such that in the end, I couldn't change it.

"What do you mean?" Listening to the inexplicable words, Reimu asked angrily at this sudden voice: "I don't care if you are a god who doesn't even have a sense of existence! Or the trash that is in charge of life and death from the underworld! It doesn't matter to those boring demons in the West!"

"Tell me the cost of saving him! Hurry up!"

The girl at this moment has fallen into another kind of madness—just as crazy as Ling Yu who wants to destroy the main god...

For her, whether it was the inexplicable belief when we first met, the hope of waiting for the last hope in despair when she was treated as a commodity, or even forcibly following him to the infinite world, these are all for her. The ultimate memory!

If the most important person in the memory is going to disappear completely, what is the meaning of those memories?What's the use of the agreed agreement!?

So, to put it bluntly!Tell me what the price is!

Tell me quickly-otherwise!

Otherwise, he really will die...

[The only thing that can save that person is not me, but yourself.The voice explained like a sigh: You, the moment he came into this world, was born because of him.

[You, from the beginning, it was the cause and effect of that person, the possibility of that person.

[The so-called inexplicable absolute trust you have in him is just a small part of it.

"...Who are you?" Hearing this, Reimu finally asked in a calm tone: "Why, what you said-I can't believe it?"

I?You can call me the main god of this world, or you can call me the giant tree of misery!

As this plane called the fox demon little matchmaker, no matter what this thing called the giant tree of misery is?Or what is the origin?

But the existence of the entire plane believes in [this is the existence that allows the lover and the demon to reincarnate], even if it does not have this function, it cannot become the main god of this world, it is forced to become the [Philip] of this world There is no sense of disobedience to become the main god of this world.

At the moment when the sound completely fell, the flowers like dandelions seemed to prove something, and they fluttered with the wind like rain, and finally even surrounded the Reimu like a whirlwind of flowers, like a delicate CG The picture is presented here.

"Suffering giant tree..." Lingmeng looked up at the towering giant tree, whispering its name, and asked softly: "I really can save him?"

[You are his cause and effect, a cause and effect that even I cannot grasp.

[When you are not paying attention, you already have his power and essence, as long as you want, you can save him-even if he is still able to stop you now.

[So think about my ability, use my ability to save him!

[This is my compensation for you...]

"..." Reimu was silent for a while, and then made a prayer-like pose again, forcing his eyes, and then chanting the mantra-like prayer again:

"Bitter Love Tree..."

"My Dongfang Lingmeng is willing to swear with all my strength to meet Ling Yu in the next life..."

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