Fantasy game evolution

Fantasy Game Evolution Chapter 804

——If, I really appeared because of you... Then you can't leave me!

——For Dongfang Reimu, it is impossible to separate from Ling Yu whether it is changed to Ling Yu's surname or changed to Boli Reimu!

——You can't leave me alone to die!I will never agree!

——Even if you lose your memory!Even if the soul is completely changed!

——I will not let you leave me!

"Sorrowful love tree! My Dongfang Lingmeng is willing to swear with all my strength to meet Ling Yu in the next life..." She murmured and prayed frantically as if she was caught in a demon.


In the dimness, she seemed to disappear completely and reappeared in the place where Ling Yu died with the main god!


" have to come here!" Looking at the girl who reappeared, Ling Yu roared like he was about to vomit his soul: "Go! This is not something you should mix with!"

"Live the life you deserve! Instead of watching me die!" He waved his hand, trying to drive her out!

Wait, hands?!

As if thinking of something, he subconsciously looked down...

The body that had been completely destroyed was completely intact at this moment... and even his clothes were completely restored!

If you look closely, he is not at the same place as the root at the moment, but under a tree of towering trees...

"Here is Tushan?" Ling Yu looked around, then looked at the opposite side, lowered his head, and asked Reimeng, who slowly walked towards him: "What the hell is this, what's going on?"

"..." The girl was silent and said nothing, until she reached a distance close to Ling Yu.

And at the moment she stopped, Ling Yu actually felt a long-lost feeling!

That is-the nose completely collapsed!

And it was beaten!

1,500 words in twenty minutes-well, I'm old~

Ask for collection and ticket~

Chapter 60 The Continuation of the Suffering Tree (Part Two)

In an instant, the nosebleeds flowed out like spring water.

"Who allowed you, this idiot, to pretend to be a hero and go to death!" No longer lowered her head and used her forehead hair to cover her expression, the angry beauty once again used Tu Shan Honghong's true demon to move towards Ling Yu Smashed his face!

"You are my slave! What the hell is sacrifice for the infinite world!"

——What a terrible fist!

At this moment, I don't know why my physical body has recovered, and by the way, I don't know why I can't use any ability in this muddy world.


It's a fact that my nose broke directly into fine slag!

"It hurts!" Reaching out his hand and directly covering my bloody nose, Ling Yu asked with a voice that almost cried out, "What does it mean to get a punch!?"

Although what made him feel weird was that the moment he covered his nose, his nose had completely recovered——

What exactly is going on?

"Do you think it hurts me!?" Looking at Ling Yu who was still shocked, Ling Meng, who had already cried, grabbed his collar and cursed: "Do you think it hurts if you go to die!?"

"Knowing you for so long, when have you been so decisive!? When have you enjoyed being a hero so much!?"

"Why were you so useless and decisive when I got under your bed back then!?"

"Why were you not so decisive when I told you that I wanted a daughter!?"

"Why [Save the Infinite World] this kind of boring thing makes you so decisive like when you once said you wanted to marry me!"

The completely incoherent girl questioned Ling Yu as if she was crazy, and finally loosened her collar and hugged her.

"..." Facing the girl's behavior, Ling Yu hugged her silently and whispered: "Sorry."

What she said was all right. She owed her a lot, but he was already doomed to die. What else could he give her besides a [sorry]?

I can't give anything...

"Now, I will ask a question now." Suddenly, the girl in her arms did not look up, but seriously asked: "If nothing happens, would you marry me?"

"Nothing happened..." Hearing such brief words, Ling Yu felt a little bit like an old man with emotion: "That is really a distant memory..."

"It doesn't matter if it's far away or not! Go to the market to answer it!" When she heard Ling Yu's emotion, although she still didn't look up, her voice was unexpectedly eager: "Want it or not!"

"If nothing happens, of course I will say, I do." Caressing her hair, Ling Yu said the answer he had always said:

"From the moment I saw you, I was willing."

If nothing happens, Lingyu doesn't need to carry a pot of saving the infinite world, he will earn points silently, and then bring Reimu and the others to redeem them, and buy a plane to live quietly--

Not to mention marrying her, she can agree to any wish she has.

Isn't this a fact that has long been doomed?

Although, this fact has now become a bubble-like dream.

"Say it..." Just when Ling Yu thought so, the girl finally raised her head.

The tears are long gone, and some are just smiles similar to the conspiracy.

"Huh!?" Ling Yu was stunned at this moment.

Only when he was stunned, he found that he had returned to the battlefield of the root from the scene of Tushan!

Although the scene that I saw was Reimu still smiling, she was already choked by the lord god in anger!

"Stop it!" Ling Yu roared again with only half of his face left.

"It doesn't matter..." Reimu said weakly, the smile on his face never disappeared: "My goal has been achieved..."

"Immediately, you can only rely on time to recover, not on the remaining strength of the spirit stone..."

"Why, why! You will know!?" The Lord God asked angrily, "Why, it is you who knows this kind of thing at this time!?"

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