Under a cave, a demon tribe was lighting a fire and roasting chicken.

Little did he know that he had been discovered.

"You all bully Pudding. Pudding hates you, so Pudding won't go back to his ancestral land with you. Instead of going back with you and being bullied by you, it's better to survive in the wild."

This is a little bear demon.

His name is Pudding.

At this time, he followed the example of humans, set up a shelf, lit a fire, and placed a caught pheasant on it.

Soon after, the pheasant was roasted until it was sizzling with oil, and the aroma filled the air.

"It smells so good." Pudding smelled the aroma of pheasant meat and couldn't help but secretly swallowed.

"There are delicious puddings. Those humans are right, cooked food is the most delicious."

Pudding was a little happy and started to eat the roast chicken on the shelf.

After eating, he sat on a stone next to him, rubbed his belly happily, and was about to have a good sleep.

However, just as he lay down, suddenly, several figures appeared outside the cave, which made Pudding startled, thinking that those friends were coming and they were coming to bully him.

He immediately grabbed the wooden stick on the ground and stared at the outside of the cave warily.

"It's right here."

The visitors were none other than Wang Yanru and others, including Zheng Changhong.

After he was rescued, he did not plan to return to Pojing City, but planned to go with them to rescue the director.

At this time, Jiang Yan pointed at the cave in front of her and said.

They also looked at the cave and saw that there was fire inside, so they also went in, but they also remained on alert.

However, Wang Yanru sensed that there was only one demon clan inside.

She didn't mind too much, but looked inside and saw Pudding holding a wooden stick and looking at them warily.

"It's a little bear demon." Wang Yanru said.

"Okay, let's go in."

Since it is a little bear demon, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Pudding saw so many humans suddenly appearing and was frightened by them. He looked at Wang Yanru and others with some fear.

"Little Bear Demon, can you speak?" Zheng Changhong asked pretending to be surprised.

"Of course." Pudding said arrogantly, "Of course Pudding can talk."

When Zheng Changhong heard this, he realized that the other party might be an ignorant little bear demon, and he immediately became more optimistic about this action.

"Haha, Pudding, you are so powerful." Zheng Changhong tested him again.

"That's right." Pudding's eyes lit up. This was the first time someone praised him.

Although the opposite person was a human, he was still quite happy.

"Pudding, where is your home?" Zheng Changhong asked again.

"I have no home." Pudding shook his head and said, "They all bully me, so I won't go back."

When everyone heard Pudding's words, they thought he was a rather innocent little bear demon.

Moreover, the little bear demon is not as tall as them, about one meter tall. Compared with other bear demons, it looks more like a mini bear.

"Pudding, you hate them?"

Zheng Changhong heard something different from Pudding's words, and suddenly had another idea.


"Here, here's something for you to eat."

Zheng Changhong took out a piece of food from the storage ring. It was some dry food he had spared, but it was made of meat and was very delicious.

After Pudding saw it, he couldn't help but drool again.

Although he had just eaten a chicken, this guy's digestion ability was very strong. After smelling the aroma of meat, he suddenly wanted to eat it again.

He raised his head and glanced at Zheng Changhong, feeling a little restrained. He pointed at the meat in Zheng Changhong's hand and asked, "Can I really eat it?"


Zheng Changhong smiled and handed the meat to Pudding. Pudding couldn't wait to take it and ate it.

While eating, he also made a satisfied hum.

Everyone looked at Pudding's cute appearance and lowered their guard a little.

Wang Yanru looked at Pudding and said softly: "Pudding, why are you being bullied by them?"

Pudding stopped eating, with a trace of grievance in his eyes: "They said I was stupid, said I didn't know how to practice, and they always snatched my things."

Jiang Yan knelt down and looked at Pudding tenderly: "Then don't you want to find a place to become stronger and stop being bullied by them?"

Pudding's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again: "There is no such place. I have tried many methods, but none of them work."

Zheng Changhong took the opportunity to say: "Pudding, we know a place where you can become strong and no longer be bullied by others."

Pudding looked at Zheng Changhong in confusion: "Really? Where?"

"The ancestral land of the demon clan."

Zheng Changhong said solemnly, "We heard that the ancestral land of the demon clan has magical power. As long as you can go there, you might be able to become powerful."

When Pudding heard the words "Ancestral Land of the Monster Clan", a look of horror appeared on his face, and he quickly refused: "I don't want to go to the Ancestral Land. There are many powerful Monster Clan there, and they will bully me."

After all, Pudding had just left the ancestral land of the demon clan, and he would definitely not want to go back now.

Wang Yanru said quickly: "No, Pudding, we can go to the ancestral land together. We will protect you and won't let anyone bully you."

Pudding hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't believe you. You are humans, and humans and monsters are enemies."

Everyone was a little helpless for a while, not knowing how to persuade Pudding.

At this time, Jiang Yan suddenly thought of a way: "Pudding, look, we gave you delicious food and didn't bully you, right? We really want to help you."

Pudding looked at the meat in his hand, then looked at everyone, and was a little shaken.

Zheng Changhong struck while the iron was hot: "Pudding, this time we are here, no one will bully you, if they dare to bully you, we will help you deal with them. So, you can take us to the ancestral land of the demon clan with confidence."

After everyone's persuasion, Pudding finally felt a little moved.

He bit his lip, thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, I'll take you to the ancestral land, but you must protect me."

Everyone was happy when they heard this.

Wang Yanru nodded and said: "Don't worry, Pudding, we will definitely protect you."

So, under the leadership of Pudding, everyone set out on the road to the ancestral land of the demon clan.

Along the way, Pudding's playful nature was fully revealed. He was full of curiosity about everything around him.

He looked at the flowers, plants and trees on the roadside and exclaimed from time to time.

Zheng Changhong took the opportunity to tell Pudding some stories about the human world, so that Pudding could understand more about humans.

Gradually, Pudding's hostility towards humans also decreased a lot.

After walking for a while, everyone came to a small river.

The river water was clear and the fish swam happily in the water.

"Fish, fish."

Pudding saw the river and ran over excitedly, wanting to catch fish. You know, this is his favorite food.

Li Meimei was worried that Pudding was in danger, and hurriedly shouted: "Pudding, be careful, don't fall down."

Pudding didn't care. He jumped into the river and started catching fish.

"Catch fish, catch fish, a lot of fish."

After a while, he caught big fish and threw them on the shore.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Pudding's lively appearance.

After catching the fish, Pudding started to make a fire and roast the fish.

His movements were skillful, and it was obviously not the first time he did it. Everyone sat together, eating grilled fish and chatting.

During the chat, everyone learned that Pudding was actually a very kind little bear demon. He lost his parents when he was young and was bullied by his tribe.

Later, because he was small, he was also driven out of the tribe. Because he had no one to rely on, he was often bullied by other demons, so he was full of vigilance against the world.

Pudding also learned from everyone that humans were not as bad as he imagined.

As they spent more and more time together, the relationship between Pudding and everyone became more and more harmonious.

In this way, they traveled for several days.

On this day, when they set out again, they encountered a group of ferocious monsters on the way. These monsters were all shadow demon wolves.

After seeing everyone and Pudding, they immediately rushed over.

"Woo woo."


Faced with a large number of demons that suddenly appeared, Pudding was frightened and hid behind everyone.

"Pudding, don't be afraid, we are here." Li Meimei looked at Pudding with some heartache.

Through contact, she also liked this simple and lovely monster tribe more and more.

"Okay." Pudding was not so scared when he saw so many people around him.

Like others, he quickly picked up a weapon, but it was a wooden stick, ready to fight.

Wang Yanru smiled and said, "Pudding, you look..."

After that, Han Bing and his men rushed up. Although there were many monsters, they were not strong in reality.

In a short while, they were all destroyed by Han Bing and his men.

Pudding's eyes lit up and he praised, "Wow, you are so powerful."

"How about compared with the monsters in your ancestral land?" Zheng Changhong took the opportunity to ask.

"Well, they are all very powerful." Pudding only knew that both sides were very strong, but he couldn't really say how strong they were.

Pudding looked at the monster corpses on the ground, and his trust in everyone in his heart deepened.

After this battle, the relationship between everyone and Pudding became closer. They continued to move forward and finally came to the edge of the monster ancestral land.

The monster ancestral land was shrouded in a layer of mysterious light, making it difficult to see the situation inside.

Pudding looked at the ancestral land and began to feel scared again.

Zheng Changhong comforted him: "Pudding, don't be afraid, we will always be with you."

Wang Yanru also said: "Yes, Pudding. Let's go in together, maybe there will be a surprise."

Encouraged by everyone, Pudding plucked up the courage and walked into the demon clan ancestral land with everyone.

As soon as they entered the ancestral land, they felt a powerful force. This force made everyone feel a chill in their hearts.

"It's the pressure of the demon clan ancestral land." Zheng Changhong narrowed his eyes and said: "We are human beings. Once we step into here, we will definitely be deterred, but don't think about scaring us."

Wang Yanru led everyone and continued to move forward, not knowing that they had been targeted.

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