The ancestral land of the demon clan.

The sky here is as dark as ink, as if it is always covered by heavy dark clouds, and the sun is difficult to penetrate, making the entire ancestral land always in a dark and depressing atmosphere.

The strong wind whistled from time to time, with a sharp whistling sound, scraping across the face like a knife, blowing sand and dust all over the sky, making it impossible to open your eyes.

Wang Yanru and others took Pudding up a steep mountain road.

"The environment here is so bad." Jiang Yan stretched out her hand to block the wind and sand and said.

It is hard to imagine that this is the ancestral land of the demon clan.

They came to a high place and looked at the land below, but saw a miserable scene. The earth was dry and cracked, and the cracks were crisscrossed, like a huge spider web, as if it had experienced endless years of vicissitudes and cruel torture.

"Pudding, did you live here before?" Li Meimei looked at Pudding beside her and asked.

"That's right." Pudding nodded and said, "In fact, I heard from others that our demon clan's ancestral land was not like this before, and it was still a very beautiful place."

"Why did it become like this now?"

"It was the war." Pudding seemed to be trapped in painful memories, which were a few years ago.

Pudding is only ten years old now, but he was abandoned because he was not tall.

"Okay, don't think too much, let's not talk about this." Li Mei found that his expression was a little wrong, so she stopped talking.


They went down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there was a dry riverbed with only a few boulders occasionally visible, telling the past when the water was rushing.

The land was so barren that almost no grass grew. The few plants that grew occasionally were also withered and thin, swaying hard in the wind, as if they would be uprooted by the strong wind at any time.

They walked across the dry riverbed and continued to move forward.

"There is a forest of rocks ahead." Pudding looked a little scared and whispered, "There are bad guys in there."

"Bad guys?"

"Yeah." Pudding nodded and said, "I used to be bullied by them. They are very bad and like to eat humans and monsters. Many humans and monsters were captured by them."


Hearing this, Wang Yanru and others' faces changed slightly, and even Wang Yanru's face was frosty and terribly gloomy.

"If we meet them later, we will destroy them, how about it?" Li Meimei asked in a low voice.

"Okay, then these bad guys won't bully Pudding or other monsters."

"Do you know who they are?" Han Bing asked.

"Yes, they look quite similar to you humans, but they have no hair and are very fast, which is very difficult to deal with."

"Don't worry, we will deal with them." Zheng Changhong sneered.

He already knew what it was. It was not a demon race, but an alienated person. Although they were similar to humans, they were different from humans in appearance and habits.

For example, they generally looked extremely ugly, and they had the habit of eating humans, demon races, and even their own kind.

In fact, alienated people were not only unpopular among humans, but also among demon races.

Zheng Changhong, deputy director of the Demon Slaying Division, was very clear about this.

They continued to move forward, heading towards the rocky forest ahead.

There were jagged rocks and huge rocks of various shapes standing abruptly, some like ferocious monsters, and some like sharp thorns, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Under the erosion of strong winds and years, the surface of these rocks became bumpy, adding a bit of horror.

"Woo woo."

It was like a whistling sound of wind, and like the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, coming out from inside, making the timid feel even more chilling.

Wang Yanru and others stepped into this rocky forest, full of vigilance.

The strong wind was still howling, blowing their clothes.

Pudding followed closely beside the crowd, his small body trembling slightly, obviously full of fear of this place, and followed Li Meimei closely.

"Those aliens appeared, they are watching us in the dark." Wang Yanru whispered.

She held the hilt tightly in her hand, and scanned the surrounding environment with sharp eyes.

Jiang Yan, Li Meimei, Han Bing, Zheng Changhong and others were also fully focused and ready to fight at any time.

They continued to walk through the rocks, as if they didn't see the aliens hiding in the dark.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed from behind a boulder, with an extremely fast speed that was almost impossible to catch, and rushed towards them.

"Looking for death!"

Zheng Changhong shouted and swung his sword.



The black shadow was an alien, and he was killed on the spot.

They all lowered their heads and looked at the mutant corpse on the ground. The body was only wearing a thin animal skin, with no hair on the body. The hands were like claws, very narrow and sharp. The appearance was extremely ugly. The mouth was a little sharp, and the teeth were dense and very sharp. It looked like a beast.

"Another mutant is coming." Wang Yanru sensed that several mutants were approaching them.

Everyone stopped immediately and looked around.

Then, they saw several black shadows shuttled between the strange rocks around. When they looked over, they disappeared without a trace, and they would always flash past them when they were not paying attention, as if they were observing them in secret and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"It seems that these mutants are quite cunning." Zheng Changhong said calmly, "That was probably their test just now."


At this moment, the mutants hiding in the dark suddenly launched an attack.


Several black shadows rushed towards them like lightning, revealing ferocious faces, waving sharp claws, and pounced on them.

Wang Yanru and others reacted quickly. Jiang Yan looked at an mutant who pounced on her, and immediately waved the long sword in her hand, drawing a sharp sword aura, slashing at the mutant who pounced on herself.


The mutant tried his best to dodge, and bounced to the other side, disappearing in the rocky forest.

Li Meimei saw an alien coming, and immediately released a light shield to protect herself and Pudding.

Han Bing rushed over with a long sword in his hand to help, and slashed at the mutant who rushed over, killing it on the ground.

Zheng Changhong also used his skills to kill a mutant, and the others hurried to help kill the remaining mutants, but unexpectedly, they turned around and disappeared into the rocky forest when they saw that the situation was not good.

The battle was over in the blink of an eye.

Those mutants were cunning and too fast.

As soon as they saw that something was wrong, they flexibly shuttled between the rocks, making it difficult to predict.

At this time, their target fell on Wang Yanru, because under their observation, only Wang Yanru did not fight back, so they regarded Wang Yanru as the weakest and best target.

However, when they approached, Wang Yanru had already sensed their presence.

"Sword drawing technique!"

Just when everyone was depressed, Wang Yanru suddenly made a move.

Her eyes condensed, and the long sword in her hand was instantly unsheathed. A dazzling sword light flashed, like lightning, across the rocks in front.



Several aliens hiding behind the rocks, preparing to attack Wang Yanru, were immediately cut in half by the sword-drawing technique, along with the rocks.

And her sword also shocked the aliens in other directions.

Their attack paused for a moment. They all knew that Wang Yanru could not afford to offend her, so they left her and looked for new targets.

After Wang Yanru found out, she was a little surprised: "These aliens are really cunning. They changed their target of attack. You should be careful."

Wang Yanru reminded Zheng Changhong, Han Bing and others.

Originally, these aliens also regarded Wang Yanru as their target, but now, they dare not do anything to her at all.

They are quite self-aware of picking the weak persimmon.

But they are not afraid of death.

After confirming that Wang Yanru is very strong, they attacked Zheng Changhong and others again.

Zheng Changhong and others also began to fight back.

These aliens were quickly eliminated, leaving a pile of corpses on the ground.

"Tsk, do they really think we are easy to bully?" Jiang Yan said disdainfully.

Wang Yanru sensed the surroundings and found a mutant fleeing in one direction.

She felt that these mutants were not simple, and it would be better to get rid of them as soon as possible.

In order to solve the hidden danger, she jumped up and landed on a boulder.

"Director Wang, where are you going?" Zheng Changhong asked.

"I want to follow it and see where it goes."

"Then you have to be careful."

"Don't worry."

Wang Yanru is stronger than them, and they are the ones who need to be careful.

As Wang Yanru left, everyone else stayed where they were.

Wang Yanru followed the mutant and came to the mutant settlement, and found a huge stone cave there.

At the entrance of the cave, there were many mutants guarding, which was very strict and difficult to get in.

Wang Yanru sensed it and found that there were many mutants inside, and also found imprisoned humans and monsters.

"It seems that this is a nest of aliens."

At this time, the alien who escaped also ran into the stone cave.

Wang Yanru was guarding outside.

Not long after, a large number of aliens ran out from inside, screaming.

Looking at their appearance, Wang Yanru knew that they were going to take revenge on them.

"You are all gathered together, just in time to deal with you all together." Wang Yanru took the opportunity to rush forward and swung the sword again, and sword lights rained down on the aliens like raindrops.

"Unparalleled Sword Dance."

These sword lights are not only extremely fast, but also powerful, and can cause multiple stages of damage. Under Wang Yanru's attack, the aliens screamed and fell to the ground.


At this time, the remaining aliens looked at the corpses all over the ground and were so scared that they forgot to speak.

But the aliens inside heard the noise and rushed out.

After they found Wang Yanru, they screamed and rushed towards her.

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