Li Taihang took out dozens of flying boats and allocated them to King Nanlong so that he could make good use of them.

In addition, it also reminded him of Xuantian Sect.

He also gave all the 200 flying boats to the sect.

Now, the sect suddenly has so many flying boats, making traveling much more convenient.

It's just that the number is a bit too much, which results in some flying boats having to be put up.

Fortunately, Li Taihang's flying boat is a magic weapon type and can be shrunk and stored.

Otherwise, they really wouldn't be able to find a place to put so many flying boats.

After King Nanlong got the flying boat, he ended the call happily.

Li Taihang continued to accompany Fang Hanyue.

After King Nanlong obtained the flying boat from Li Taihang, he immediately recalled Zhao Chong and Liu Guangjing to discuss with them the affairs of the barbarians in the east.

A flying boat followed them, and they soon arrived at the palace of King Nanlong.

"I have met His Highness."

The two of them bowed to King Nanlong.

"Well, you all sit down." King Nanlong motioned for both of them to sit down.

Regarding the matter of dealing with the barbarians, King Nanlong did not want too many people to know. After all, it was not yet time to make a decision.

Now, there are only four people in this room. In addition to Zhao Chong and Liu Guangjing, there are also King Nanlong and Ye Qingfeng.

After King Nanlong asked them to sit down, he went straight to the point: "How is the situation at our border now?"

"Everything is normal." Zhao Chong said.

"Didn't you find any unusual problems?" King Nanlong frowned when he saw that the two generals didn't find any problems.

If he hadn't asked Li Taihang, King Nanlong wouldn't have known that there was a barbarian army hidden to the east of him.

Moreover, it was already hidden there a year ago.

However, they didn't find it.

Seeing King Nanlong's reaction, the two of them suddenly realized something.

Liu Guangjing asked: "Your Highness, is there any problem?"

"Yes." King Nanlong nodded and said, "I just learned a piece of news from the teacher, of course, Teacher Li."

"what news?"

Both generals looked at King Nanlong.

"There is a barbarian army hidden to the east of us, and this army was hiding there a year ago."


Both of them were surprised and looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe it.

"I guess I can't run away. Since the teacher said so, it must be possible."

King Nanlong glanced at the two of them and said: "You have always been responsible for the border. If there is really a barbarian army hidden in the east, what do you think?"

Liu Guangjing and Zhao Chong both began to think deeply.

They are all smart people.

Zhao Chong looked up at King Nanlong and said, "Your Highness, I think if there is an army hiding, they must have come during the winter."

Because of the weather at that time, their reconnaissance of the barbarian territory was much less.

Moreover, barbarians generally migrate and do not stay in their original places.

This is because, throughout the winter, they will not be replenished with food.

"But, I don't understand, why did they hide it for a year?"

"Moreover, how are their food and warmth problems solved?"

King Nanlong asked questions continuously.

The two generals also thought about it based on the situation there.

Zhao Chong glanced at Liu Guangjing.

Liu Guangjing replied: "Your Highness, if they really have an army there, then they must have stocked up on supplies in advance."

"However, I am sure that they traveled lightly rather than heavily. This means that they definitely did not bring any supplies when they headed east."

"There is another possibility." Zhao Chong said: "That is, this army has never left the east from the beginning to the end, and it was not dispatched from the Barbarian Dragon Empire."


Although their reconnaissance dropped a lot in winter, they still maintained periodic reconnaissance.

Unless the opponent is a small force of several hundred people, it will be easily discovered by their scouts.

"Do you know the terrain to the east? Is it possible that they did not pass through our territory, but came through other ways?"

At this time, Ye Qingfeng asked.

The two thought for a while, and Liu Guangjing said: "There is a barrier of the Himalayan Mountains to the east. The mountains are very high, covered with snow and extremely cold all year round, and the road is extremely difficult to walk."

"So, I don't think it's possible for them to cross the Himalayan Mountains."

Ye Qingfeng nodded and said: "That means that the other party either stayed there originally, or moved there during the winter."


The two felt that these were the only two possibilities.

After all, they also sent people to investigate the situation over the Himalayan Mountains.

Unless they are immortal cultivators, few mortals would dare to go up there. Altitude sickness would easily cause them to suffer from hypoxia and die on top.

Several of their scouts had already died on it.

Therefore, the Himalayan Mountains have long been regarded as a forbidden land.

"I think it should not be ruled out that they came through the Himalayan Mountains." Ye Qingfeng said suddenly.

As a cultivator, he naturally knows the methods of cultivating immortals.

"Teacher, why is this?" King Nanlong looked at Ye Qingfeng with some confusion.

"It's very simple. You have ignored the national conditions of the Barbarian Dragon Empire."

"What are the national conditions?" King Nanlong has not yet figured it out.

However, Liu Guangjing and Zhao Chong said in unison: "It's those sects."

"That's right." Ye Qingfeng nodded and said, "It is precisely because of the existence of those sects that the Himalayan Mountains are not a problem at all for them."

"Well, if those sects help, it is indeed very possible to cross the Himalayan Mountains."

"This way, they can appear behind us without anyone noticing."

"If we send troops to deal with the Barbarian Dragon Empire, then..."

When Liu Guangjing said this, he took a breath of cold air.

If this army is strong enough, they can definitely take the opportunity to sneak in.

At that time, King Nanlong will let everyone beat him up.

Once King Nanlong's territory falls, the eastern barrier of the Zhonglong Empire will be opened.

At that time, those barbarians can attack from the east, and then fight all the way south.


When they thought about the seriousness of the problem, they all took a breath.

"If we are led away, in due time we will perish."

"Yes, and it's not even late for help." Ye Qingfeng's face was particularly gloomy.

King Nanlong was also frightened into a cold sweat.

"Actually, we don't need to worry so much."

At this time, although Zhao Chong also understood, he thought carefully and said, "We just need to reject the emperor's decree."

"As long as we don't leave, they can't come in."

"I guess that's why they've been nesting there for a year." Ye Qingfeng stroked his beard and said with a wry smile.


Both of them understood.

"Indeed." King Nanlong was not a loser. After thinking about it, he understood.

"I think it is very likely that the Barbarian Dragon Empire planned to attack the Zhonglong Empire a year ago."

"But they kept looking for opportunities and couldn't find them."

"If they invade the Zhonglong Empire through us, it will be the most convenient and safest for them."

"Because, for them, they can advance or retreat."

"It's just that because of the existence of the Tiefeng Army and the Border Army, and because we have expanded our army, we let them know that it is not that easy to break in."

"That's why they have been hiding and waiting for the opportunity."

After King Nanlong finished speaking, he did not forget to say happily: "Tell me, is what I said right?"

"Your Highness is right," Ye Qingfeng said.

"Hahaha." King Nanlong was a little happy.

At this time, Liu Guangjing also nodded and said: "It is true what His Highness said. It seems that our military expansion has affected their plans."

Speaking of which, it was Li Taixing who asked them to expand their army a year ago.

At that time, Li Taihang only said that it was in order to cope with the possible large-scale war that followed.

The military strength of King Nanlong at that time was simply not enough to cope with future wars.

And King Nanlong didn't think much about it. Li Taixing said it was whatever he said.

Therefore, the Tiefeng Army and the Border Army followed the trend and expanded.

"It seems that the teacher knew about this a year ago, but I don't understand why he didn't tell us at that time?"

"Perhaps it is to allow us to train soldiers with peace of mind." Ye Qingfeng replied, stroking his beard.

King Nanlong nodded and said, "It makes sense."

They were guessing Li Taihang's thoughts at that time.

However, this is not the most important thing.

King Nanlong thought for a while and said: "Since we have determined that there are enemies in the east, I need you, two generals, to find a way to find out their location and strength."

When King Nanlong said this, he paused and then said: "By the way, it's best not to let them know that we have discovered them."

"Okay, Your Highness."

Once they have a target, it will be easy to handle. As for how to find the enemies hidden in the east, it is not difficult for them at all.

It's just that they don't know the enemy's current situation.

Li Taixing didn't tell them directly.

"Your Highness, does Teacher Li have anything else to say?"

Speaking of this, King Nanlong suddenly thought of something, slapped his thigh and said: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about this."

Later, he told them about Li Taixing's addition of dozens of spaceships to them.

Suddenly, Zhao Chong and Liu Guangjing were very shocked.

"What? Added more?"

Before, each of their armies had one.

But now dozens more have been added.

They suddenly felt that the enemy hidden in the east was no longer a threat.

On the contrary, it is the meat and potatoes in their eyes.

"Your Highness, are these dozens of flying boats capable of carrying 2,000 people?" Liu Guangjing asked cautiously.

"um, yes."


Suddenly, they all gasped. Isn’t Li Taihang too cool? They were actually given so many flying boats, and they were the largest ones.

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