Outside Pingyuan City.

A crow landed on the corpses and ate the bodies of the expeditionary soldiers.

On the city wall, the soldiers of the Tiefeng Army were on full alert.

Dozens of miles outside the city, large camps rose from the ground, stretching for hundreds of miles.

On the tower, Zhao Chong observed for a while and finally gave up the idea of ​​a sneak attack on them.

"Although the expeditionary army is large, it is not bloated. The chance of our sneak attack being successful is too low, and we may even lose it."

Zhao Chong gave up the idea of ​​a sneak attack.

He asked the people in the city to deal with the corpses under the city, pile them together, and then burn them on the spot.

He did this because he was afraid that the city would be infected with the plague.

At the same time, he asked the doctors to do a good job of prevention and control in advance, and to check the residents and soldiers in the city regularly as much as possible.

Of course, it is not necessary to check everyone, but to target those who show discomfort.

And these tasks are to be done later.

At this time, in the commander's tent at the expeditionary base camp.

A group of expeditionary generals were discussing matters here.

"Our army has arrived at Pingyuan City, but the general defending the city is not a mediocre general, and his ability is not inferior to Liu Guangjing."

"If you want to attack Pingyuan City, you can only fight hard."

"Besides, we have more people and are fully capable of doing so."

A general said.

Another general reminded: "We must also be vigilant against Liu Guangjing in Guangyuan City. We have already discovered that Liu Guangjing has sent a lot of scouts to our side."

"Obviously, he is also planning to attack us."

"Hey, look at what you said, as if we are a piece of meat."

Speaking of which, they really have this kind of vision.

For some reason, they have a million troops, and the enemy should have been afraid.

However, the enemy is not only not afraid, but is actually calculating them, wishing to eat their meat piece by piece.

Amara looked at a cultivator next to him and said: "Master Lu, what do you think of this?"

"Haha, mortals, not worth worrying about."

Lu Lu stroked his beard with disdain on his face.

In front of the immortals, no matter how powerful the schemes of mortals are, they are useless.

Because, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just a waste of time.

Amara saw Lu Lu's confidence and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Indeed, they have more than a thousand immortals, what are they afraid of?

Amara was immediately full of energy and said, "Everyone, we have the help of the immortal master, no matter how many conspiracies and tricks the enemy has, it will be in vain."

"Today, everyone has a good rest, and tomorrow we will flatten Pingyuan City."


They were all very excited.

They didn't know that Li Taihang had heard everything they said clearly.

At this time, no one noticed Li Taihang who had turned into a bee.

Li Taihang flew away from the commander's tent and turned into an eagle, scouting everything in the entire expeditionary camp.

Then, he drew a map and gave it to Zhao Chong.

Zhao Chong was also very surprised when he saw the map.

Because he found that this was actually the current camp defense map of the expeditionary army.

"However, there are too many enemy cultivators, and it seems that it is not easy to launch a sneak attack."

For the first time, Zhao Chong felt a headache about the cultivators. Faced with this situation, he could no longer use his usual thinking to think about the situation of the war.

He did have cultivators on his side, but not many, only a few dozen.

Compared with the opposite side, these dozens of people were simply insignificant.

"However, fortunately, we have this map, which may come in handy in the future."

Early the next morning.

Amara led an army of 200,000 to the outside of Pingyuan City.

They did not surround the entire Pingyuan City because it was unnecessary.

If the Tiefeng Army abandoned the city, it would be even better.

"Zhao Chong, surrender, I can apply to His Highness to make you the King of Zhao."

"As long as you surrender, you will be a great achievement. With your ability, you will definitely be able to get better development in our Barbarian Dragon Empire."

Now, the Barbarian Dragon Empire is busy expanding its territory.

The Zhonglong Empire is not aggressive enough, and it is not good at defending. It is like a big cake, waiting for others to divide it.

After listening to Amara's words, Zhao Chong said disdainfully: "Do you think this general is the same as those traitors? Will I surrender to you ignorant barbarians? You are dreaming!"

"Humph, you really don't know what's good for you. Since you refuse to surrender, when the city is broken, you will definitely bloodbath the entire Pingyuan City, leaving no one alive."

"Ha, then it depends on whether you have such good front teeth!"

"Humph, kill them!" Since he said he couldn't surrender, Amara didn't waste time.


Two hundred thousand expeditionary soldiers rushed towards Pingyuan City.

The mighty and powerful voice swept over like a wave of air, and it was suffocating like a tidal wave.

"Archers, get ready."

"Release your arrows."

"Swish, swish, swish."

A series of sounds of breaking through the air rang out, and countless arrows gathered in the air, turning into waves of arrow rain, falling into the dense enemy troops below.




This time, because there were more enemies, more enemies were hit.

The expeditionary soldiers who were charging fell from time to time.

However, more soldiers came up from the rear.

"Are they planning to take down our Pingyuan City in one fell swoop?"

The deputy general was a little nervous. They had deployed 200,000 troops at once. He was wondering if Amara was crazy.

"Hmph, too many people make people stupid. What can you do?"

In this war, sometimes it's not just about the number of people.

"General, should we use our artillery?"

"Not for now. Artillery is very powerful. Don't use it unless necessary." Zhao Chong planned to use artillery as a secret weapon.

"Crossbows and catapults are ready."

When the enemy approached, the crossbows on the towers and walls, as well as the catapults on the streets in the city, began to operate.


As the signal was given, the crossbows roared, and a few meters long crossbow arrows shot towards the city.




The powerful penetrating power of the crossbows instantly killed several expeditionary soldiers and shot them into gourds.

Inside the city, huge rocks with flames were thrown out of the city, like fireballs, roaring from the sky.



The huge rocks fell, and from time to time, some soldiers of the expeditionary army were smashed into blood plasma on the spot, which was very scary.

The huge rocks did not stop after landing, but rolled forward, crushing and crushing many people.


Amara looked at the battle in front of her, and her mouth twitched.

"I didn't expect the enemy to be so well prepared, and there would be so many crossbows and catapults."

Amara felt a little distressed.

Although all the soldiers here are not their direct line.

But, they are their own people after all. Besides, if they continue to consume so much without restraint, I am afraid that the leaders of those tribes will also have opinions about him.

"Sound the horn to withdraw the troops." Helplessly, Amara could only temporarily give up the attack.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for tens of thousands of people not to die when 200,000 people rushed to the city wall.

And when they arrived at the foot of the city, it was not known how many people would die.

Besides, there will be a bloody siege battle, and it will be strange if these 200,000 people can take Pingyuan City.

"Ding Ding! Dang Dang!"

As the sound of the gong sounded, all the expeditionary soldiers ran back.

They looked as if they hated their parents for not giving them more legs.

On Pingyuan City.

The deputy general asked: "General, do you want to let the cavalry battalion attack?"

"No need." Zhao Chong suppressed his impulse this time.

Yesterday, it was because the enemy was not ready, so he could attack with confidence.

However, today is different. Although these enemy troops are in a mess, their other troops are ready to go at any time.

He believes that if he dares to let the cavalry battalion attack, the other side will not give up the opportunity to bite him.


The deputy general did not say anything else.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Chong ordered the soldiers to check all the equipment carefully, and asked the civilians to help replenish military supplies.

"Now, we have to seize the time. The next wave of enemy attacks may be even more fierce."

"There may even be immortal cultivators."

Zhao Chong knew it very well.

At the same time, he asked all his immortal cultivators to disguise themselves as personal guards and protect him.

At this time, in the base camp of the expeditionary army.

In the commander's tent.

"Your Highness, we lost more than 30,000 soldiers in this battle."

"What? We lost so many in just a short while?"

When the generals heard this, they all took a breath.

Although they had a million troops, they still felt very distressed when they lost more than 30,000 in a short time.

Amara seemed to be well prepared. He took a deep breath and analyzed today's situation: "From today's attack, the enemy's preparations this time are very sufficient."

"Obviously, if we want to take Pingyuan City by force, I'm afraid we will lose more than half of our troops."

"You know, in addition to Pingyuan City, we also have Guangyuan City to fight."

"If we lose more than half of our troops in Pingyuan City, even if we take Guangyuan City, we will suffer heavy losses."

"It is even very likely that we will not be able to go south again."

A general also said: "Yes, and the garrison commander of Guangyuan City is Liu Guangjing, who is more familiar with us, and most of our tribesmen are more or less timid when facing Liu Guangjing."

"In this case, I think we may not be able to take Guangyuan City."

Although this is very discouraging, it is also true.

Their million-strong army can't actually take down a city garrisoned by 200,000 troops?

This is a bit far-fetched.

But that's the fact.

At this time, Lu Lu asked: "What is the current situation of the Eastern Expedition Army?"

"The Heroic Soul Sect has sent people to investigate, but according to past experience, I am afraid that the Eastern Expedition Army is in danger again."

"If there is no Eastern Expedition Army, we can only rely on ourselves in this battle, so we have to withdraw some troops to prevent Guangyuan City from helping."

"Right now, the best way is to let the immortal cultivators attack."

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