"Come here."

Li Yinghun called a man.

Then, he whispered something in his ear.

"Yes, master."

The man left quickly.

Soon after, a large number of people were called to the Duan family, holding various digging tools, carts, etc. in their hands.

"Start digging!"

They actually started digging tunnels outside the Duan family's ancestral hall.

Duan Xinghai, who saw this scene, was very surprised.

"Damn, they actually used such a trick."

Duan Xinghai was a little angry, but he had no choice.

"Dig for me."

Li Yinghun sneered and said, "Even if you have a formation, I don't believe your formation can penetrate the ground."


Li Yinghun asked his men to become supervisors.

And those who were called to dig tunnels were all ordinary people.

Under the strict supervision of these supervisors, they worked quickly.

For a while, there were bursts of digging sounds outside.

"Master, what should we do?"

Seeing that the other party started digging tunnels, the Duan family also panicked.

Duan Xinghai looked at the people around him, and seeing the panic on their faces, he said: "Calm down, even if they want to dig a tunnel, it will take time."

"I will find a way."

Duan Xinghai said, and began to think of a way.

But in fact, he didn't have any good ideas at all.

He was very clear about the power of the Xuanfeng Formation.

However, if the opponent rushed up from underground, they could indeed bypass the Xuanfeng Formation.

At that time, the Xuanfeng Formation would become a decoration.

And this was not what Duan Xinghai wanted to see.

But Duan Xinghai still looked calm on the surface.

Other people didn't know what to say when they saw this situation.

Although they were panicked, they slowly calmed down when they saw that the head of the family was so calm.

What they didn't know was that their head of the family had no good ideas at all.

After a period of digging, a tunnel was finally opened to the bottom of the ancestral hall.

Duan Xinghai also heard the sound and said, "Everyone listen, as soon as the hole appears, pour oil into it and burn them to death."


The only thing they can use now is the oil in the ancestral hall.

These were originally used to burn incense oil, but now they have become their weapons to resist the enemy.

"Master, our people are about to succeed."

"Yeah." Li Yinghun was very satisfied. He looked into the ancestral hall and couldn't help saying, "Master Duan, you are finished. You might as well surrender now. I can spare your life."

Duan Xinghai laughed and said, "Li Yinghun, you don't have to pretend to be a big shot."

"What? Master Duan doubts Li?"

"There is no need to doubt. Even a three-year-old child knows that cooperating with you, Li Yinghun, is to seek the skin of a tiger."

"Think about the fate of the Zhao family and the Luo family, which is the best proof."

"If I cooperate with you, it will be the stupidest decision."

When Li Yinghun heard this, he was immediately displeased and said, "Humph, you really don't know what's good for you."

"Master Duan, you have some strength at least. Although it's not strong, you can't be a coward."

"Hasn't your Duan family always wanted to save the human world? Now, you are all going to die? Who will inherit this wish?"

"I think you should surrender for the sake of your descendants." Li Yinghun continued.

Duan Xinghai said sarcastically: "Did you say the same thing to my brother?"

"Your brother? You mean that idiot Duan Changtian? He is a waste, and I bought him with just a few words."

"Now that he is dead, it proves that he is a waste."

Duan Xinghai was very angry when he saw Li Yinghun despising his brother.

However, he could not rush over and fight with Li Yinghun.

If he did so, Li Yinghun would be very happy.

"Li Yinghun, everything you have done in Pingfeng City has discredited your family."

"You still have the nerve to persuade others to surrender now, can you have some shame?"

Duan Xinghai was not polite to Li Yinghun at all.

"Hmph, just show off your eloquence."

"Next, you will regret it."

Li Yinghun didn't want to say anything to Duan Xinghai anymore.

Originally, he wanted to ridicule him.

As a result, he was ridiculed in return, which made him extremely unhappy.

But Duan Xinghai saw that he was leaving, and he didn't let Li Yinghun go.

"Hey, Li Yinghun, I wouldn't be surprised if you pry your uncle away one day."

"I wonder if your uncle will scold you for being an unfilial son after he finds out."


Duan Xinghai said this loudly, and almost everyone heard it.

And everyone who heard this couldn't help but have this thought.

Especially Li Yinghun was hateful enough to even scheme against his own people.

If he harmed his uncle, everyone thought about it and it seemed possible.


Li Yinghun was shocked.

He didn't have this idea, not to mention that his uncle was his helper in settling down in Pingfeng City.

More importantly, his uncle was very powerful, and even if he wanted to plot against him, he didn't have the strength to do so.

"Duan Xinghai, don't slander him."

Li Yinghun regretted it. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have gone to find trouble.

As a result, not only did he not get any benefits, but he got into trouble.

Li Yinghun knew his uncle very well and was very suspicious.

If this matter was passed on to his uncle, he would definitely not have an easy time.

"Damn Duan Xinghai." Li Yinghun could only leave cursing.

At the same time, he shouted loudly, asking them to dig the tunnel quickly.

Then, they rushed into the tunnel, entered the ancestral hall, and wiped out all the last remnants of the Duan family.

After Duan Xinghai watched Li Yinghun's back disappear, his face no longer smiled, but became solemn.

"Li Yinghun, this ruthless man, I'm afraid he will kill all of my Duan family."

"Hey, is my Duan family going to be destroyed in my hands?"

Although at the beginning, he hated Duan Changtian for betraying the Duan family.

But now think about it, isn't it his own responsibility.


Duan Xinghai looked up at the sky, the moon was bright, the stars were bright, the breeze was blowing, and the night view was quite good.

"I'm afraid this is the last song of my Duan family, right?"

Duan Xinghai was also a little desperate.



At this moment, the ground outside the ancestral hall loosened and suddenly collapsed, revealing a large pit.

"Someone, someone."

Suddenly, there was a cry from outside.

"Quick, throw oil."


Suddenly, oil tanks were thrown in one by one.



"Throw a torch."

Suddenly, a torch was thrown in.

The people inside were about to rush out, but suddenly saw something falling from the sky.

They swung their swords to cut it.

Suddenly, something poured on them.

"What is this smell?"

At this time, someone reacted.

"Yes, it's oil."

"Oh, no, run!"

They turned around and wanted to run, but suddenly, a torch was thrown from above and fell to the ground.



Suddenly, a scream rang out. Those who originally wanted to rush up were engulfed by the flames, and screams rang out one after another.


"What's the matter?" Li Yinghun had a dark face and was sitting in the pavilion to rest. There were also many guards around him to protect his safety.

"Our people dug a tunnel and were about to rush up, but..."

"What happened?"

"They were poured with oil and turned into firemen one by one."


When Li Yinghun heard it, he said angrily: "Humph, how long can a mere oil hold us back?"

"Pass my order and dig a few more tunnels for me."


Under Li Yinghun's order, the number of maps increased by several more.

At this time, all the maps surrounded the Duan Family Ancestral Hall from different directions.

Although they resisted the first assault of the Li family with the help of oil.

But the situation became more severe. Li Yinghun chose to attack from multiple directions, and Duan Xinghai could not defend himself.

After a while, a section of the tunnel was finally opened.

Soon, the third, fourth...these tunnels were suddenly opened as if they had been discussed.

Then, there was a sound of rushing and killing.



The Duan family was terrified. They could defend one or two tunnels, but suddenly there were so many tunnels that they couldn't defend at all.


Seeing this, Duan Xinghai had to give up the courtyard of the ancestral hall.

"Quick, come in."

All the people retreated into the ancestral hall.

"Close all the doors and windows."


They acted quickly. They decided to rely on these doors and windows for the final resistance.

Once they rushed in, they could only fight with them.


"What's the matter!"

"We have successfully seized the courtyard of the ancestral hall. Now, the Duan family has been besieged in the ancestral hall by us."

"Hahaha. Good!" Li Yinghun laughed after hearing this.

Finally, he was given face.

"Listen to me, don't leave any."



All of a sudden, the Li family members outside also rushed in with the help of these tunnels.

After they rushed in, they surrounded the entire ancestral hall.

And behind them was the Xuanfeng Formation.

This Xuanfeng Formation killed many of their people, but now, the Xuanfeng Formation is behind them, and they succeeded.

"Duan Xinghai, what kind of shrinking turtle are you? Get out of here."

Li Yinghun also passed through the tunnel and entered the courtyard of the Duan Family Ancestral Hall, shouting at the closed door of the Duan Family Ancestral Hall.

Duan Xinghai ignored him.

The people inside were very nervous.

The women and maids showed panic on their faces.

They seemed to know that the Duan Family was going to be finished.

At this moment, a flying boat suddenly appeared outside Pingfeng City. When everyone reacted, it had already arrived above the Duan Family.

"Li Yinghun, you are looking for death!" Liu Kaifu's voice sounded above the Duan Family, and it seemed particularly angry.

Li Yinghun was shocked when he heard this familiar voice.

He looked back in disbelief and saw that Liu Kaifu, Duan Chong, and Duan Ning were actually killing from the air.

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