The soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty fired their spears, instantly piercing through and killing all the fleeing beasts of destruction.

Dozens of king-level world-destroying ferocious beasts were all wiped out in just a moment.

This scene also shocked the people on Moying Mountain, as well as Gorky and Nelson.

"Okay, so awesome!"

Everyone in Mo Yingshan was stunned at first, and then couldn't help but cheer.

"Great, we're saved."


Some were so excited that they cried.

"Soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, following my Lord's orders, suppressed these world-destroying ferocious beasts."

At this time, the pre-Qin soldiers glanced at the two people not far away, who were Gorky and Jackson.

The moment they were targeted, they seemed to feel the breath of death coming to them.


Then, the Pre-Qin soldiers ignored the two men, turned around and flew away.

At this time, everyone in Moying Mountain saw that the Pre-Qin soldiers were about to leave, and hurriedly stopped him and said: "Senior, I am Mo Zicheng. Thank you for your help. I don't know what your name is?"

The soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty said: "Soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, under the orders of my lord, suppress these world-destroying ferocious beasts."

After saying that, he disappeared from the spot.

Mo Zicheng watched him leave and fell into thinking.

At this time, Gorky and Nelson, who were hiding, stood up.

Jackson breathed a sigh of relief and said with lingering fear: "It was really dangerous just now."

"Yes!" Gorky was also frightened into a cold sweat and couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead. He didn't know how long it had been since he was so scared.

"If he hadn't ignored us, I believe we would have died." Nelson said.

"Then what should we do now? Should we continue?" Gorky asked.

Nelson hesitated for a moment, with a cautious look on his face, and said: "Although he didn't want to kill us just now, his warning look was very obvious. I'm worried that if we do it, next time we meet, I'm afraid if I don't see them..."


Both fell silent. ,

After a while, Nelson suddenly said: "Tell me, could it be them that were the world-destroying ferocious beasts that were destroyed last time?"

According to their intelligence, they learned that the world-destroying beast suddenly wiped out its entire army at the same time.

"It's unlikely. You've also seen that these pre-Qin soldiers did not appear together at the same time, but soldiers from a square formation came out one by one."

"Now, the two of us want to understand the entire situation in the upper realm, and we will know after we feel it."


Then, when they sensed the situation in the upper realm, their faces suddenly turned pale.

"With these so-called pre-Qin soldiers, our plan to use the world-destroying beasts to destroy the entire upper world may fail."

"Yes, it is!"

Jackson hesitated and said, "Let's tell the captain about this first."

Neither of them had any good ideas. After discussion, they decided to report the matter here to Fendarwin to see what he had to say.

So, they found a secret place.

Then, Gorky took out a communication crystal and input the source power.

Soon, Fendarwin on the other side sensed that they were contacting him.

At this time, Fendarwin was staying in the space created by Wensenhao, and Wensenhao was also with him.

I saw Fendarwin taking out the communication crystal and pouring the source power into it. Gorky and Nelson immediately appeared in the communication crystal.

Seeing them, Fendarwin asked in confusion: "What do you two want from me?"

"Captain, let me report a situation to you." Gorky told Fendarwin all the situation at Jackson's signal.

Soon, Fendarwin learned the news. He was not shocked, but rather angry.

"Impossible, such a powerful soldier? Are you sure?" Fendarwin obviously didn't believe it and felt that they were deceiving him.

Because in his opinion, this was simply too exaggerated.

"Yes, very sure." Gorky looked at Nelson again and said, "Captain, if you don't believe it, you can also ask Nelson."

"Jelson, tell me." Fendarwin was a little angry and said, "If you dare to deceive me, you will know the consequences."

The two of them couldn't help but shudder.

Nelson smiled bitterly and said: "Captain, what Gorky said is true. We know you may not believe it. This was the situation at the time."

As he said that, Nelson was secretly glad that although he was a master catcher in the illusion system, he also had the ability to intercept and rewind events.

He re-presented the simultaneous scene.

"Soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, following my Lord's orders, suppressed these world-destroying ferocious beasts."

This situation just occurred, and immediately there was a sonorous, powerful and very high-pitched sound.

Then, Fendarwin saw a phalanx of soldiers, and a Pre-Qin soldier walked out of the phalanx.

This Pre-Qin soldier said, "Pre-Qin soldiers, by the order of my lord, suppress these world-destroying beasts." After that, he immediately attacked those world-destroying beasts.

In just the blink of an eye, he killed every king-level world-destroying beast.

Finally, some of them wanted to escape, but they were killed directly by the gun shadow of the pre-Qin soldier.

The scene was quite shocking.

One shot at a time, one move at a time.

At the same time, Nelson also displayed the conditions in other areas he perceived through the ability to intercept and reverse flow.

When Fendarwin saw the real situation, he fell silent.

"Damn it, originally I planned to set up a formation to steal the power of heaven, but this formation requires the world-destroying beast to destroy all the creatures in the upper world."

"It now appears that this plan has failed."

When the two of them heard his plan, they suddenly realized it.

"Captain, this is indeed a good plan. Although we can't pass the guardian level, we can give the other party a blow, but right now..." Gorky couldn't say any more.

Vincent Howe also canceled the cutback.

At this time, Fendarwin chuckled and said, "Okay, it's not like you didn't get benefits this time."

"What's the meaning?"

Both of them are a little confused?

Fendal said: "Because you have recorded everything that happened there. Do you still remember that I asked you to investigate the upper world?"

"I know, but we can't find anything useful."

They did check several times, and there was indeed nothing of value, because everything of value was related to Li Taihang.

However, Li Taihang's appearance frequency is very low, and even if others know about Li Taihang, they have already been exterminated by Li Taihang.

Therefore, there is no information related to him at all.

Naturally, these people cannot be found.

"Haha, Jackson, record everything you obtained by rewinding the time. I will hand it over to the president then."

After hearing Fendarwin's words, he suddenly understood.

"Yes, Captain, I understand."

With these records in hand, it can also reduce their responsibilities and pressure.

And the leaders above must have carefully planned how to do all this.

Then, Nelson made everything here into a crystal and sent it to the other side through the communication crystal.

"Okay, get out of there now! In addition, notify Hesda to evacuate and return quickly to meet me."

Fendarwin issued new orders.

After seeing the terrifying strength of the Pre-Qin soldiers, he knew that letting them stay in the upper world might cause unnecessary trouble.

As for asking the three of them to investigate matters about Pre-Qin soldiers at all costs, he didn't dare.

If they offend the master of the Pre-Qin soldiers, they will be doomed.

To be able to send out such terrifying soldiers must be even more frightening due to their own strength.


Then they ended their communication.

Nelson looked at Gorky and said, "Let's get out of here."

However, when they wanted to leave, they couldn't.

Li Taihang doesn't mind letting these people report everything here.

However, this does not mean that these people should be given a lifeline.

After they reported the situation and left the secret place, they suddenly saw a Pre-Qin soldier outside. Immediately, the two of them were startled.

"The soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, under the orders of my lord, suppressed you and others."

The two of them could not help but stand on end, and turned to run away.


Then, two gun lights flashed past, and Nelson and Gorky were penetrated and killed in an instant without even the strength to resist.

And with their deaths, two of the five great divine catchers died.

At this time, Fendarwin suddenly felt something.

He quickly took out two plants.

These two plants have the breath of life of Nelson and Gorky.

Now, these two plants have withered.

"Jelson, Gorky, how could it be?"

When Fendarwen saw the deaths of the two people, he couldn't help but have a sad look on his face.

And Vincent Hao, who was next to him, showed the same sorrow when he saw the two dead plants.

"Captain, didn't Jackson and Gorky just talk to us? Why did they die suddenly?"

Fendarwin said in a daze: "It was at the same time. They died not long after they finished communicating with us."

"Who is it?" Wen Senhao's eyes were about to burst into flames.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the five great catchers have been like brothers, and their relationship with each other has been very good.

Now, two brothers have left them, and they are naturally grieved.

"Not good." Fendarwin suddenly thought of Hesda, looked at Wensenhao anxiously, and said: "Quickly, open the door to space and go to the plane dominated by the world-destroying beast!"

When Wensenhao heard Findalwin's words, he suddenly understood. He took a breath and said, "Captain, I understand."


"I hope Hestad will not come to the upper world, otherwise, he will be finished."

Vincent Howe opened the door to space.

Afterwards, the two people hurriedly crossed over.

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