Upper Bound.

"These wastes." Hesda was very dissatisfied.

After sending out so many king-level world-destroying ferocious beasts, not to mention the slow progress, they were also killed by the Great Dao Realm in the upper world?

This made him very dissatisfied.

Just take Obatto and come to the upper realm.

"Obatto, what is going on? Why don't any of the men you sent out get any news?"

At this time, Obator's abilities are not complete because he is under mental control.

Therefore, it cannot sense some situations immediately.

Now, when asked by Hesda, it could only shake its head blankly.

Seeing this, Hesda became even more unhappy.

"Okay, if you don't know, you don't know. You are just a fool. From now on, you will send all the world-destroying ferocious beasts from all planes to the upper realm."

"I don't care what method you use, even if you use the lives of those world-destroying ferocious beasts, you will drown all the creatures in the upper world. Do you understand?"

Hesda's anger made Obator a little scared.

"Yes, Master."

Unable to resist Hesda's will, Obato quickly opened passages to other planes, allowing those world-destroying ferocious beasts to come here.

At this time, the Pre-Qin soldiers had arrived at the place where Hesda was, killing them all the way.

This is over a sea area.

There are a large number of world-destroying ferocious beasts around them, and these world-destroying ferocious beasts are constantly pouring out from the chaotic whirlpool above their heads.

Then, it spread to all directions.

But now, the soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty have swept across the sea.

"I found a large number of world-destroying ferocious beasts gathering ahead, kill them!!"


At this moment, there was a cry of killing in the distance.

Hesda was a little confused.

"What's going on? You're actually being killed?" Hesda looked at Obator.

But Obatto looked dumb and stupid. Obviously, he didn't know how to answer.

This made the corners of Hester's mouth twitch, and he wanted to slap this girl to death.

"I still have to do it myself."

Hesda had no choice but to sense the situation outside.

Only then did he realize that there was a phalanx of soldiers attacking them.

Seeing this scene, Hesda couldn't help laughing.

Because the soldiers in this phalanx are not as big as the world-destroying beast.

"It's really overestimating one's abilities."

However, at this moment, they suddenly shouted.


I saw the soldiers in the phalanx suddenly disbanded and divided into countless streams of light, rushing into the army of the world-destroying beast.

Suddenly, a large gun shadow appeared in front.

After the gun shadow passed, those world-destroying ferocious beasts continued to fall like dumplings, falling into the sea below.


On the sea level, huge waves kept rising.

It was caused by the corpses of the world-destroying beasts falling in.

When the creatures in the sea saw the corpses of these world-destroying beasts, they were not picky at all. They immediately cut them into pieces and ate them completely.


Hesda was also shocked when he saw how brave these pre-Qin soldiers were.

"What's going on with these lunatics? Are they so powerful?"

Now, these pre-Qin soldiers are obviously very violent and bloodthirsty. When they fight, they don't have the slightest fear, but they look very excited.

This made Hesda think of them as madmen.

Hesda looked at Obator and said: "Trash, why don't you ask your men to destroy them."

"Yes, Master."

Obator was also very angry when he saw the soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty killing his men.

Under its command, all the world-destroying ferocious beasts began to attack the Pre-Qin soldiers.

"Humph, that's about it." Hesda didn't bother to pay attention to this crazy team of soldiers. '

In his opinion, these people will be wiped out in an instant.

However, after a period of time, the wails of world-destroying beasts could be heard throughout the sky.

Hesda was also numb.

"Trash, really trash, will there be hundreds of people soon? Even if they are hundreds of Dao realms, you can still kill them."

"But why, from the beginning to now, are all the screams of your world-destroying beasts?"

Hesda even suspected that Obator sent not those at the king level, but those who were at the level of kings, to intercept.

"What a waste."

"If you can't handle this kind of thing, don't blame me for punishing you!"

Obator shivered, obviously a little scared.

Because Hestar's punishment is very terrible, and this is actually the memory implanted in Obator's mind by Hestar.

In this way, even if he didn't really deal with Obator, Obator would still leave a psychological shadow.

After scolding Obator, he sensed the situation outside again.

As a result, his nose almost became crooked with anger.

Although this time, there are quite a lot of world-destroying ferocious beasts with me! What's more, most of them are at the king level.

However, now in front of the soldiers of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, it was as simple as being chopped up melons and vegetables, and then killed in pieces.

As a result, corpses of world-destroying beasts rained down all over the sea.


Hester's eyes widened.

If it was said that they were not good at the beginning, but now it seems that they are not bad, but completely bad.

Hesda was a little dizzy.

Look at the attacks of these world-destroying beasts. Although they are very powerful, they have no effect on these pre-Qin soldiers.

Even if a mountain falls on the pre-Qin soldiers, they can pierce the whole mountain and kill you at the same time.

This is simply an unequal battle.

"Where did these monsters come from?"

If he had known that such terrible monsters existed, he would have been cautious to come here.

At this time, Obato saw that his men suffered heavy casualties, so he called on more world-destroying beasts.

This time, their fighting style has changed.




Under Obato's order, all the world-destroying beasts rushed towards the pre-Qin soldiers and began to self-explode.

However, Hesda keenly discovered that the power and shock wave caused by the self-explosion were like a breeze blowing over the bodies of these pre-Qin soldiers, leaving no trace, not even the slightest damage.

At this time, Hesda began to feel scared.

"This is fucking wrong, these are simply invincible warriors!"

"Even the soldiers of the Temple of Light did not give me this feeling of invincibility. But they do."

Hesda began to panic.

As a god catcher, he has a very clear perception of danger.

Once they recognize the threat, they will let go or leave without hesitation.

Just like when they met Li Taihang.

Now, meeting these pre-Qin soldiers, he has begun to have this idea in his heart.

Moreover, with the mass killing of the pre-Qin soldiers, the number of deaths of the beasts has risen rapidly at an incredible speed.

At first, they died one by one.

Then, they died in groups.

Now they are dying in pieces, and the attack range of those pre-Qin soldiers is getting larger and larger, and all the world-destroying beasts within the range have fallen.

At this time, the waves on the sea never stopped.

The fish below were almost bursting with food, and now they didn't even look at the remaining corpses, and sank to the depths of the sea.

Suddenly, more sea beasts were attracted to devour the corpses of these world-destroying beasts.

After seeing the heavy losses of his people, Obato became more and more violent.

After Hesda found out, he realized that something was wrong.

"No, its mind is beginning to be confused. If it continues like this, it will go crazy. Then it will be difficult to control it."

In fact, it is not difficult to control Obato, but if Obato resists, it will be difficult for Hesda to control it.

Especially if Hugh wants to make it obey his orders.

At least, it is good enough to make it not kill him.

Of course, Hesda is not worried that Obato will kill him, because he does not have the strength to do so.

"It seems that we have to leave here."

Hesda knew that the situation was over and did not plan to stay any longer.

He thought about it and decided to find Gorky and Jelson in the upper world.

So he left quietly.

At the same time, he also released the control over Obato.

Obato had fallen into a crazy state at this time, and began to command a large number of world-destroying beasts to surround and kill the pre-Qin soldiers.

But even if the pre-Qin soldiers stood there and did not fight back, they could not kill the pre-Qin soldiers.

However, the number of world-destroying beasts was too amazing.

Even if hundreds of millions of them were killed, there were still a steady stream of world-destroying beasts coming to this world.

"Destroy those chaotic vortexes and kill Obato."

After seeing that these world-destroying beasts were endless, the pre-Qin soldiers decided to change the direction of attack.

Obato also noticed this.

If the chaotic vortex was destroyed, they would be in trouble, and it would not be so easy to return to the original world.

"Protect the chaotic vortex."

Under Obato's command, those world-destroying beasts began to use their huge bodies to resist the impact of the pre-Qin soldiers.

However, they were all defeated by the pre-Qin soldiers.

"No matter how many you are, it's useless. You will die in front of us."


The generals of the pre-Qin Dynasty commanded the soldiers of the pre-Qin Dynasty to continue the charge, like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, to kill and slaughter all the world-destroying beasts that blocked their way.


Obatto shook his head frantically. It suffered heavy losses, which had affected its foundation.

You know, all those sent out this time are king-level, and those ordinary ones have just come because of the recent summons.

And now, it's all over.

All the king-level ones have fallen, leaving only some ordinary world-destroying beasts. For it, it doesn't make much sense at all, and it may even lose the territory it once occupied.

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