
The big man who was the leader of the Iron Sword Association looked at the machete with only the handle left in his hand and couldn't help but be confused.


Although it is not made of Baiyang Steel, it is not so fragile.

It looks like it was smashed with a fist?

Before the big man could find the person who made the move, a mysterious fist struck his rough face like lightning.


The big man's facial features were instantly distorted by the fist, his facial bones were shattered, and he fell straight down.

Not even a scream came out.

"Oh, it is indeed the "Nine Heavens Red Thunder Technique"!"

Li Ye himself was surprised.

He could feel that his body was very strong and his fists were very hard, but he never expected that he could easily smash even the machete.

After this guy transmigrated, he only killed two foreigners, and he killed them with one move.

I don’t yet have an accurate understanding of my own strength.

Now he has seen the tip of his own iceberg.

There were body temperers in the Iron Sword Club, and the one who was knocked down by Li Ye was the one who was knocked down by Li Ye. There were also body temperers in the crowd of onlookers who rushed up.

There are more people.

Ever since, Iron Sword will be defeated one-sidedly.

Li Ye pulled Zhou Bao's men and shuttled through the chaotic battlefield. He did not take action intentionally.

But the power of the "Nine Heavens Red Thunder Technique" has been exerted all over the body, and the power is spread under every inch of skin. If you accidentally collide with someone, it will break the opponent's bones and tendons.

After all, his seven thousand kilograms of strength is no joke.

After a short time, Tie Dao Hui fell to the ground and wailed.

But people still didn't want to let them go. They surrounded dozens of people and beat and kicked them.

"Hit, hit, hit."

"Just greet death."

"Liu Dayong, your wife seemed to have been scratched on the buttocks by several iron swordsmen just now. These guys must have been thinking about it a lot, so you just tickled them like this?"

"Old Sun, you may not have seen it just now, but your wife may have been attacked in the chest."

The unfinished people were booing nearby.

Under the background of the atmosphere of the scene, the strength of the men and feet of the big men in the scene increased unknowingly.

Many big men with red eyes grabbed the vulnerable parts of the place and killed them as if they were the enemy who killed their father.

There was the sound of teeth flying out and then falling to the ground, the sound of bones breaking, the sound of heads being opened...

The scene was once very bloody.

Not long after, the officers and soldiers arrived.

Everyone dispersed in a hurry.

The people from the Iron Sword Society were lying on the spot, twitching like dead dogs.

They hated the beggar who caused trouble.


At this time, Li Ye had already appeared in an alley with Zhou Bao's men.

This big man is called Chu Liang.

"Master, you have to make the decision for us."

Chu Liang's eyes were red, and he begged without considering whether Li Ye had the ability to make the decision for them.

Something happened to Zhou Bao. Li Ye's face turned very ugly, and he asked in a deep voice: "What happened."

Li Ye was asking Chu Liang on the surface, but silently recited in his heart: "One hexagram every day!"


He meditated on Zhou Bao in his mind, and the next moment his mental magnetic field changed, as if it was resonating with all things in the world and the Great Dao.

Immediately afterwards, many pictures came to mind.

The whole story became clear in an instant.

Zhou Bao's batch of goods sold very well in major restaurants at first, and each restaurant paid a high price to buy them. With these condiments, major restaurants developed new dishes.

In the past half month, all the major restaurants in Belvedere have been blooming with flowers and colors.

Everything was going in a good direction until Zhou Bao was targeted by a restaurant owner a few days ago.

The other party asked people to secretly follow the delivery guys sent by Zhou Bao and found out their base camp.

"It's Chen Hong, the big shopkeeper of Hongbin Building. He asked people from the Iron Sword Society to steal our remaining goods and money."

"The president of the Iron Sword Society is the brother-in-law of the shopkeeper of Hongbin Tower. After they came here, they beat everyone they saw and even arrested Mr. Zhou."

"Mr. Zhou's cleverness led me to escape. We hid outside for a few days, but we were still discovered by them. Not long ago, Mr. Zhou's family was captured..."

Chu Liang cried to Li Ye.

That day, Li Ye impressed the shopkeeper of Hongbin Tower with a recipe for Babao Chicken and several condiments that no one had ever used before.

Afterwards, the shopkeeper of Hongbinlou launched the newly developed braised beef and eight-treasure chicken, which took the first place.

But when Zhou Bao sold these condiments to other restaurants, Hongbin Restaurant became less popular.

After learning that Zhou Bao was selling these condiments, the shopkeeper of Hongbin Tower naturally felt uncomfortable and held a grudge.

After finding out Zhou Bao's background, the opponent decided to take action.

"Master, what should we do now? We must save Master Zhou."

Chu Liang pleaded.

He was originally a refugee and lived in a precarious situation, but it was Zhou Bao who gave him a livelihood so that he could have enough to eat.

For Chu Liang, Zhou Bao is his reborn parent.

"You go back first."

Li Ye said lightly.

Of course we have to save Zhou Bao.

First, Zhou Bao is his friend.

Second, both Zhou Bao and himself came from the Corpse Refinery, and Li Ye didn't want this news to be known by the shopkeeper of Hongbin Tower.


An iron prison, with cold light flashing, was an iron whip waving, and screams resounded under the iron whip.

A thin man had been beaten to a pulp.

He is Zhou Bao.

"What a master of body tempering, what a hero of the world."

"How dare you lie to me."

"Tell me, where is that little beast? Where is he? Do you want to tell me?"

The tall and fat shopkeeper of Hongbin Tower waved his iron whip and asked fiercely.

Now, he still doesn't have the kind smile like Maitreya Buddha back then, but his whole person is terrifying and ferocious.

There is no doubt that he has seen through the fact that Zhou Bao is just an ordinary person and has not been tempered.

Therefore, Chen Hong took it for granted that the waiter in the store that day must have felt wrong. Not surprisingly, Li Ye was also an ordinary person.

These are two down-and-out homeless people and beggars who cheated on food and drink.

Thinking of his respectful attitude towards the two of them that day, Chen Hong became furious.

He has always respected, befriended, and wooed the heroes and heroines of the world. Is this kind of person worthy of being treated as a polite corporal?

This is really unreasonable.

Zhou Bao spat out a mouthful of bloody foam and said, "You are a bastard profiteer who eats people without spitting out their bones. Just give up on this."

The iron whip held in Chen Hong's hand tightened, and his scary eyes showed murderous intent: "Okay, okay, you think I don't dare to kill you, do you?"

"Do you think that in this troubled world where refugees are everywhere, if there is one missing person, there will be no accountability?"

"Your life is not much more noble than the ants on the ground. Since you, a pariah, refuse to tell me, I will have no choice but to whip you into a pile of minced meat."

After saying that, Chen Hong's body crackled and roared, as if billowing divine power was pouring out.

He has been tempered.

And his cultivation level is not low.

This momentum scared Zhou Bao into shrinking his head, but he still had no intention of letting go.

"Wait, brother-in-law, look!"

"This is a profound body tempering secret book."

Suddenly, another man in the iron prison spoke.

He is about forty years old, tall, thin, and strong, with a scar on his face and looks particularly ferocious.

This person is Shen Heng, the president of the Iron Sword Association.

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