Qin Xiyan knows Lin Yun very well.

In this situation, he still doesn't know what he will face next.

However, with Lin Yun's character, he will not take the upcoming danger to heart. He certainly knows that the opponents he faces are very strong, but Lin Yun himself is also an extremely powerful existence.

It is precisely for this reason that Lin Yun has the courage to go alone to do such a terrible thing this time.

The two people are very fast, and they did not encounter entropy beasts or monsters along the way.

It feels as if these guys have completely disappeared.

"This should be the corrupted area you mentioned before."

Qin Xiyan looked at the area they are currently in, but curiously, even here, they did not feel anything unusual.

And Lin Yun closed his eyes. Indeed, if you just look at it from the surface, you can't find any problems here.

But the point is that the opponent they are facing this time will not show all their cards on the surface.

So if you want to solve this problem, the most critical point is to catch all the details of the opponent.

Lin Yun's sharp eyes swept around one by one, and soon knew what he should do.

"Sure enough, these guys are smarter than I thought, but unfortunately, they can't deal with me with their little tricks."

The entropy beasts are indeed smarter than Lin Yunxian, and they didn't act as stupidly as before.

Although these guys also understand this.

But they don't know that because Lin Yun has a panel, he only needs to get close to here to easily see through all their thoughts.

Naturally, they also know how to deal with these naive guys.

"That's right, no matter how smart these guys are, they can't be our opponents. It's better to investigate nearby, maybe we can find some flaws."

Obviously, Qin Xiyan didn't know what Lin Yun meant, and even thought about searching around at this time.

On the contrary, Lin Yun smiled and shook his head at this moment.

"There is no need for us to investigate further."

"These guys' little tricks may be a little tricky in the eyes of others, but it is still far from enough for me. Now I can completely see through their every move."

Naturally, Lin Yun was not joking when he said this.

This Lin Yun directly summoned the Chaoyang Sword.

"It's better to be careful. They are very likely to attack us directly later, so it is necessary to prepare in advance."

In this case, Lin Yun has thought of all the possible consequences.

Qin Xiyan nodded with a blank look on his face. To be honest, he still doesn't know what Lin Yun means.

Just looking at Lin Yun's confident look, he also understands that in the current situation, Lin Yun should have thought of a solution.

Lin Yun slashed down with a sword, and the terrifying sword energy was about to crack the ground.

The next moment they all heard a series of screams.

Finally, several unknown creatures flew out from the ground.

Looking closely, it was the entropy beast.

Qin Xiyan looked at it in surprise. Lin Yun probably didn't expect that Lin Yun could see through this.

"With the help of the formation and the advantage of the terrain, his own corrupted land was transferred underground, so that others can't find it in this way."

"It's a good idea, but unfortunately you met the wrong person."

Lin Yun looked at these guys in front of him and said with a smile.

Without the help of the panel, it would be difficult for Lin Yun to find the flaws of these guys.

But now it is different. Their every move is under Lin Yun's control.

Even if they hide deep underground, they can still be pulled out.

And Lin Yun does not have to doubt whether he really has this ability.

These entropy beasts were hiding well. Of course, they also found Lin Yun approaching, but they did not take it seriously at all.

Originally, they thought that Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan were just passing by here.

Then they would leave naturally after not finding their existence, but they did not expect that Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan would take the initiative at this time.

This directly broke the maze they had set up, and at the same time completely exposed the corruption they had hidden.

It must be said that the entropy beasts are still quite fast in order to take the initiative in this war.

Under their intentional control, the reproduction of monsters has reached a very terrifying level.

And once the juvenile monsters are contaminated, the growth rate is also quite terrifying.

It is precisely for this reason that Lin Yun is worried about the future.

If they don't hurry up to deal with this problem, then these monsters will become the main force on the entire battlefield, and then it will be out of control.

Even if Lin Yun is prepared in advance, it is not so easy to eliminate these guys.

So after realizing this problem, Lin Yun did not dare to hesitate at all.

He rushed here as soon as possible, ready to destroy the place where these monsters were corrupted.

If he failed to find this area, it might make the situation even more tense.

But it can only be said that his luck is pretty good. He successfully found this hatching area before all this happened. The next step is naturally to purify everything here to successfully ensure the next action.

"It seems that this human has discovered our secret here."

"In that case, we can't leave him here."

The two entropy beasts looked at each other, and their eyes finally fell on Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan. They didn't know the identities of these two people.

But under the current situation, their choice is still to eliminate these two humans to ensure the safety of this area.

And Lin Yun also knew that it was meaningless to talk to these guys, so he would just take action next.

The Wanxiang Sword Formation broke out instantly.

And Qin Xiyan next to him also rushed forward at the first time.

While suppressing the two entropy beasts in front of him, Lin Yun was also observing the surroundings. He was looking for other ambushes around.

According to normal reason, these guys can't forget this matter.

But in this situation, Lin Yun did not find any ambush forces.

Could it be that he really thought too much before, and they didn't arrange forces to ambush him in advance in this place?

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