Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1213: Broken by a Sword

Lin Yun did not understand a lot about the current situation, but this did not mean that he would be helpless about the matter in the future.

After experiencing so much, Lin Yun also understood what he should and should not do.

The current situation is indeed very tense.

And the number of monsters he faced was so huge that it was very likely to have a very terrifying impact on them.

Just looking at it from Lin Yun's perspective, although there are a large number of opponents, they cannot pose a threat to him in a short period of time.

Moreover, Qin Xiyan also came here in person, so the power displayed by the two people at this moment was also quite terrifying. They already had a quite tacit cooperation.

Therefore, when Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan join forces, they can maximize their own advantages.

At least for these monster beasts and entropy beasts standing here, they should have encountered big problems now.

No matter how these guys faced Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan before.

But in this battle, they definitely couldn't use their advantages.

And the fighting power of Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan is far more terrifying than these guys thought.

It can even be said that when the two of them wanted to eliminate these guys, it was completely effortless.

"These guys are not as strong as we thought. At least now we don't feel any pressure at all when dealing with them."

"If there are no other ambush, we can destroy everything here today."

After killing several opponents, Qin Xiyan also came to Lin Yun and looked coldly at the entropy beasts that were still surrounding her.

They just took a look at the strongest one among these entropy beasts, which was only in the realm of the Saint.

In the past, he might have been considered a strong person in this state.

But now, both Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan's strength has improved rapidly.

Therefore, a strong man of this level is no longer as threatening as before in their eyes.

Especially when Lin Yun kills a strong man in the Saint Realm now, it is as easy as crushing an ant.

"I originally thought there would be an ambush here, but now it seems that we thought these people were too smart."

"They do have a little bit of wisdom, but they can't use their brains well."

"So some of the actions seem to be completely different from what they should be."

Lin Yun was quite helpless when he said this, even though he had made some preparations before.

But the result now is that he really doesn't know what to say.

These guys look like they are very smart, but in fact they are troublesome in every aspect.

"The entropy beasts are still quite polluted to you, so let me kill these guys as much as possible, and you choose to guard the surroundings."

After the battle just now, Qin Xiyan has killed several entropy beasts, although it seems that his physical condition is not bad now.

But Lin Yun naturally couldn't let Qin Xiyan continue to fight like this. No one knew what would happen next.

At least for Lin Yun, Qin Xiyan's safety still needs to be considered.

If the pollution is too serious, it is very likely that Qin Xiyan's subsequent situation will become more dangerous.

Qin Xiyan smiled disapprovingly.

"Don't worry, of course I know what I'm doing. Although these monsters are also contaminated."

"But their own combat effectiveness is not very strong. After transformation, even if they are improved, they will not be much stronger."

"Not to mention these entropy beasts. Their control over battles was originally lacking. Now it is even more impossible to defeat me."

Qin Xiyan was still quite proud when she said this, obviously after experiencing the previous battle.

Now I roughly understand the situation of the enemy I face.

With these guys, even if they are given some more time, it may be difficult to win this war.

The entropy beasts were originally full of confidence, but they didn't expect Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan to look down on them so much.

At this moment, one of the entropy beasts looked at Lin Yun coldly.

"We are just human beings, but we can be so arrogant in our territory. If the boss knows about this, I'm afraid we will all die."

"Everyone, please use all your means."

Following this entropy beast's command, a steady stream of monster beasts rushed towards Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan at extremely fast speeds.

This made Lin Yun take a step forward, and then the Chaoyang Sword in his hand pierced directly into the ground.

At that moment, everyone heard a deafening explosion, and the shock wave generated with Lin Yun as the center turned tens of thousands of surrounding monsters into flying ash in an instant.

This scene can be said to be quite shocking.

As for the stronger entropy beasts, they could only take out their own treasures and temporarily resist attacks like Lin Yun's.

But when they saw Lin Yun, they still felt unbelievable. They must know that those monster beasts had been successfully transformed just now, and they all had the power of pollution to destroy so many monster beasts in an instant.

The terrifying power of pollution is enough to cause ordinary practitioners to fall directly, but looking at Lin Yun in front of him, it is obvious that he looks like he is fine.

Could it be that this kid managed to withstand the terrifying wave of pollution power just now by his own ability?

"This is absolutely impossible. Once a human is contaminated by the power of pollution, he will inevitably fall when he reaches the threshold."

"This kid just killed tens of thousands of monsters, but even so, he still did not succeed in falling."

"This is absolutely impossible, unless those guys from the four major sects find the best way to avoid the invasion of pollution power."

The leading entropy beast looked at Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan who were still jumping around like nothing happened.

At this time, countless thoughts flashed through his mind. He really couldn't believe that this situation actually happened in front of them.

A human killed tens of thousands of monsters that had been transformed by the power of pollution and was not affected at all.

Although they had heard some legends about this matter before.

But that was just a legend after all, and they had never participated in that peak battle.

For all entropy beasts, this battle was like a nightmare. A human who suddenly appeared actually broke their wall of sighs.

And what happened afterwards completely shattered the original plan of the entropy beast.

Until now, the Entropy Beast still hates that human to the core.

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