Looking at Wan Daoyi's anxious look, Lin Yun was quite suspicious at the moment. This guy must have something wrong, otherwise he wouldn't be so panicked.

But what other possibilities there are, Lin Yun can't tell now.

And his panel didn't show any abnormal conditions, so the current situation can only rely on Lin Yun's own guess.

But whether the final result is the same as he guessed depends on his luck.

Xun Tianji looked up and laughed loudly.

"At this point, you are really not going to continue pretending like this, which is good."

"But if you think you can threaten me with your own tricks today, you are even more wrong."

Xun Tianji looked at the people around him with a cold gaze. At this moment, it can be heard in his tone that he is quite disdainful of everything happening around him.

Others may not know what will happen next, but for Xun, everything is under his control.

Lin Yun frowned and looked at Xun Tianji. For some reason, he felt a little complicated now.

"All I have to do is open a path to the upper realm."

"Since someone has achieved the Heaven-to-Earth Art before, I will do the opposite now and restore the connection between everything."

"If Wan Daoyi standing in front of you doesn't have this idea, this guy's real purpose is to completely sever the connection between heaven and earth."

"Completely sever the future of the entire Luoyang. Of course, if you think this is also a good thing, I have nothing to say."

"But I think Wan Daoyi wants to become the eternal master of this world."

The strength that Wan Daoyi has shown now completely exceeds the imagination of many people. Even Tianxunji has never thought that Wan Daoyi, who has always been very low-key, is so powerful.

But even if Tianxunji knew about this, there was no way. Under the current situation, they have long lost the possibility of other choices.

Hearing what Wan Daoyi said, Lin Yun's expression was also slightly solemn, just as he said before.

This matter is a completely different concept from what they thought before, and the subsequent situation is even more different.

Although it was known that Wan Daoyi was definitely not honest, and he had his own considerations for everything he did.

But Lin Yun had never thought that this guy's mind was so deep, and he had already arranged all the subsequent plans early.

Wan Daoyi didn't seem to worry about his identity being exposed, and at this moment he just laughed contemptuously.

"The Ten Thousand Races Alliance has been fighting with Qingdao for such a long time. What if I tell you these things now? Do you really think you can change anything with your ability?"

When he said this, he looked at the people around him with contempt. For Wan Daoyi at this moment.

All this has long been no other choice.

No matter what Lin Yun and the current Xuntianji choose, Wan Daoyi, who has now completely controlled the battle situation, is the final winner. There is no doubt about this.

No one can know how powerful the Hall of Heroes is. This is because they have been too low-key over the years, and even completely surpassed the state they should have.

This also leads to most people's understanding of the Hall of Heroes is limited to a small part, but in fact, they don't know what the real Hall of Heroes looks like.

What is now in front of Lin Yun and Xun Tianji is the true attitude of the Hall of Heroes.

When these guys are determined to do something, no one can stop them, and the subsequent situation is even more uncontrollable.

"But I am curious, if you really want to cut off everything and cut off the connection between heaven and earth. There is no need for me to fight with Xun Tianji to this point."

"Even if Xun Tianji and others leave this world, it should not have any impact on you."

Wan Daoyi snorted.

"What I told you before was not a joke. For Xun, this so-called Luoyang has long been a world that can be abandoned at will, and they can also pay any price for this matter."

"Since I want to rule this world, of course it is a world where everyone exists, not a place full of devastation."

When saying this, Wan Daoyi also looked as if it was natural. Logically speaking, there is indeed no problem.

If Xun Tianji wants to leave here, it will inevitably cause greater damage to delay time for himself, and Wan Daoyi will not let Xun Tianji get what he wants.

The positions of both parties are essentially opposite.

So the subsequent battle will inevitably become more complicated.

After receiving this news, Lin Yun could only laugh helplessly and shook his head.

"It seems that each of us is fighting for our own goals."

"Whether it is to leave this world or to completely block this world, it is a very stupid behavior in my opinion."

Lin Yun looked at Wan Daoyi and Xun Tianji, and his tone of voice was even more disdainful.

"The Great Shang Dynasty had already done this when they blocked this world."

"But what was the final result? Not only did it fail to unite the human race and make it stronger, but it was torn apart and became the bird state it is now."

"As for the so-called ascension to the upper realm, if it was really that easy, it wouldn't have been delayed until now."

"In my opinion, as long as there are living beings, the most basic primitive rules cannot be avoided. The strong prey on the weak, and the winner is the king."

"You can still protect yourself in Luoyang, but if you really go there, I'm afraid you will be eaten by others without leaving any bones."

What Lin Yun said was the conclusion he came to after careful consideration. Whether it is ascending or staying, these are different choices.

But in fact, everyone's situation will not change much.

If the human race wants to develop in a better direction, it must not abandon any party, but must annex each other and cooperate in action.

"You stinky boy, you haven't even seen the style of that aspect, how can you explain it clearly."

Xun Tianji sneered.

Wan Daoyi also said at this time: "For me, as long as I can find the art of immortality, the whole of Luoyang will be firmly in my hands in the future, and I don't need to worry about anything else."

Whether it is Wan Daoyi or Xun Tianji, they are very confident in their decisions, and at this moment they both seem a little stubborn.

But Lin Yun still doubts why Wan Daoyi must come here?

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