Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1267: The collision of the emperor's domain

Qin Xiyan stood beside Lin Yun, and was also looking at him carefully.

Whether it was Wan Daoyi or Xun Tianji, these two people were very dangerous, and they had even caused them a lot of trouble before.

Therefore, when facing these two people, they needed to be careful and vigilant.

For fear that any mistake in the details would lead them into a greater disaster.

"Although what they said seemed to make sense, they were not completely sure about these things in their hearts."

"Whether it was Wan Daoyi or the current Xun Tianji, they were just living by their own fantasies."

As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused, and those who are on the sidelines are clear.

From Qin Xiyan's point of view, whether it was Wan Daoyi or Xun Tianji, they thought things were too simple, but Lin Yun had already clearly recognized his situation before.

Da Shang had given them a perfect answer before.

They wanted to close this world to ensure that humans had enough time to grow and develop, but after so many years, all the things in the past were just like smoke and water.

To this day, the strength of the human race among the myriad races is likely to be still quite weak.

During these long years, they have been standing still and arguing with each other.

It is not easy to create a strong race under such circumstances.

So Lin Yun is now ready to take a completely different path, that is, to break through himself again and again in the constant crisis and become stronger. If one day, they can't resist the upcoming crisis, it may be the day when the human race will perish.

But Lin Yun firmly believes that this situation is impossible.

After all, Lin Yun has seen so many races, and the only one who can be truly indomitable is probably the human race.

So he is more willing to believe that in the face of many challenges, the human race will become stronger than before, break through themselves again and again, and show a power that completely surpasses itself.

"Your idealistic ideas have been generated many times a long time ago."

"But the facts before us have proved again and again that your idea itself is wrong. If the human race wants to become stronger, it must constantly improve itself."

Xuntianji sneered.

But it is obvious that Wan Daoyi is not too interested in continuing to talk to them now. Who knows what means Xuntianji has arranged?

So what Wan Daoyi has to do now is to deal with him before Xun Tianji makes any movement.

"You want to attack me with your strength? It's a bit too simple."

Although the previous battle with Lin Yun also consumed a lot of energy, Xun Tianji is not so easy to deal with at this moment.

Xun Tianji roared directly, and then shot out a string of beads.

These beads scattered around in the air and quickly formed a large-scale formation.

At the same time, Xun Tianji took a step forward.

"Today is the time to put an end to all this, and the field will be unfolded."

As the voice fell.

The surroundings instantly turned into a world of ice and snow.

And Lin Yun could even feel the bone-chilling cold, which made him shrink back.

Wan Daoyi, who was standing next to Lin Yun, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at this time.

"This old guy actually has such a method."

"We can't let him go now. If you don't want to die, you have only one choice, cooperation. In any case, what Xuntianji is doing now is quite disadvantageous to the whole Luoyang."

"As for the grudge between you and me, we can talk about it later."

Wan Daoyi looked at Lin Yun and it was obvious that he was afraid that Lin Yun would choose to turn against him at this critical moment. .

"The Hall of Heroes is so powerful, you have been able to hide for so long, are you still worried that you can't deal with a small Xuntianji?"

"With your strength, you should be able to easily deal with this opponent by yourself."

Lin Yun saw Wan Daoyi like this, and just laughed contemptuously. In the end, everything Wan Daoyi showed now was just a disguise.

But in fact, for this guy, all the problems are still under his control.

"Whether I have such ability or not, cooperation between the two sides is obviously the wisest choice now. Otherwise, if we really have to fight, it will be too late if something goes wrong."

Wan Daoyi was also very anxious. Seeing the look of Xuntianji, he was going to fight them to death. If the two of them couldn't make any decision, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lin Yun laughed when he saw Wan Daoyi like this.

"I can promise you that I will target Xuntianji for the time being, but don't think that your stupid idea can be realized."

"If the Hall of Heroes doesn't want to confront Qingdao head-on, it's best not to have such a weird idea. I don't care how powerful you are. Even if you have accumulated so many years of damage, you may not be able to make me bow my head."

When Lin Yun said this, the meaning was very simple. Now he can of course choose to cooperate with Wan Daoyi.

But if Wan Daoyi is a little dishonest, he will solve the problem in other ways.

After hearing Lin Yun's words, many thoughts flashed through Wan Daoyi's mind. According to his previous understanding of Lin Yun, what this guy said was definitely not groundless.

If Lin Yun was not completely sure, he would not dare to answer so arrogantly here.

And there is only one possibility for Lin Yun to make such an arrangement. The person standing in front of him should be very aware of his current situation.

Lin Yun can cooperate with him, which means that he is not worried about any other impact that may be caused by the Hall of Heroes.

"Is this kid's current strength really so strong that he can be so indifferent to everything happening around him?"

Although he has made a lot of psychological preparations, there is no doubt that Lin Yun's current state still makes Wan Daoyi feel unbelievable.

But under such a situation, it is indeed difficult for him to do anything more about Lin Yun's state.

At this moment, Lin Yun's attention has also shifted to the field opened by the Sky Survey Machine.

At this time, there are naturally several other strong men in this field.

When several people stood here, each of them looked a little uneasy.

Perhaps they did not expect that at such a critical moment, the Sky Survey Machine would use this method to solve the problem.

At the same time, it is also trying to expand its own field

But the result is no response.

"You should give up your meager means. Everything here should be under my rules."

"You cannot expand your own territory."

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