These few people in front of him are powerful. They are able to serve as the guardians of the entire Shenhua Realm. Naturally, they have their own unique characteristics.

Now that they are standing in front of Dongwu Demon Lord, they are not panicking at all. For them, since things have come to this point, they can only stand up.

As a demon lord, Dongwu Demon Lord is naturally powerful and ruthless, but at this moment, no one has ever thought of retreating.

For them, at this point, the cause and effect have already been clearly explained, and the next step is to rely on their own abilities to solve all this.

"It seems that you, the guardians of Shenhua Realm, have not realized what you are doing at all."

For Dongwu Demon Lord, these guys in front of him are undoubtedly wasting time. With these people, they can never be his opponents.

For Dongwu Demon Lord, it is even easier to deal with these people, and there is no need to worry about any unexpected situations that may occur later.

As long as these guardians guarding here are killed, all the problems that follow can be solved smoothly.

For Dongwu Demon Lord, if he wants to seize the lower world, the only thing he needs to worry about may be these guardians standing in front of him.

As the guardians of this world, they naturally have the most top-notch strength.

It is not common to see strong people in the realm of good fortune, especially in places like the lower world.

But the sudden appearance of so many strong people in the realm of good fortune this time is enough to show that the situation in the lower world is already precarious.

Xun Tianji and Wan Daoyi did not expect that they could cause such a big trouble, and they did not expect that there are so many strong people in the realm of good fortune in the lower world today.

What Xun Tianji does not understand is that these people's strength has obviously reached this level, and they can completely ascend to the upper world, but they don't know why they want to stay here.

Don't they know that being trapped here forever means that they will never be able to improve again, and their lives will be over.

But what should Xun Tianji say now? After all, he finally opened the entrance to the upper world and wanted to completely cut off the so-called connection between heaven and earth.

But he did not expect that he would release a terrifying demon king.

"The protectors have been in Shenhua Realm for so many years, and everything they have done is naturally to ensure the peace of the lower world."

"Now that the passage between the upper and lower worlds has been opened again, what we have to do is to guard this passage. I think the Demon Lord should not want to be delayed on this battlefield, and wait until the Heavenly Court and the Demon Court attack you together."

The leading protector is still quite smart. He knows what the Demon Lord Dongwu is afraid of now.

Although the current situation is quite unfavorable to them, in fact, the Demon Lord Dongwu still has weaknesses.

The strength of the demon clan is indeed strong, but it can't take any advantage when facing the Heavenly Court and the demon boat at the same time.

Moreover, the demon clan's purpose from the very beginning was very simple, hoping to rule all forces.

When they had such an idea, naturally there were different results.

The demon clan is destined to have no way to coexist peacefully with the Heavenly Court and the demon clan, and there are various contradictions between the two sides.

So from the perspective of the current Demon Lord Dongwu, if he is forcibly delayed on this battlefield and cannot leave here, it means that he is likely to encounter greater troubles next.

"Just a few guardians, you really think you are so powerful. Do you think you can stop me with just a few of you?"

When Dong Wu Mojun looked at the people in front of him, his tone was even more disdainful. Although these guys in front of him seemed very strong, they were actually a little bit behind him.

Not to mention that there are four demon kings in the upper world, and Dong Wu Mojun is the best among them.

If he can really rule the whole area of ​​the lower world, it will be a great achievement.

By the time the Heavenly Court and the Demon Court react, it may be too late, so he doesn't need to worry about any unexpected changes that may happen later.

"This demon king is very powerful, and it seems that he doesn't take what we said just now to heart."

"Whether these few guardians can solve this matter is not a problem that can be seen clearly now."

Lin Yun also muttered in a low voice. Of course, he knew that Xun Tianji and Wan Daoyi would definitely cause a big disaster.

However, Lin Yun did not expect that the other party could actually summon Dong Wu Mo Jun directly to this world, and Dong Wu Mo Jun's strength was too strong, even these protectors probably had no chance of winning.

The two sides fought each other as soon as they disagreed. For Dong Wu Mo Jun, the best way to solve the problem was to suppress these protectors directly.

At this moment, Dong Wu Mo Jun's strength also showed his terrifying aura, which immediately made Lin Yun and others step back slightly.

But then, the aftereffect of the explosion made the three people half-kneel on the ground. Xun Tianji was already injured, and at this time he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even Lin Yun's blood was surging at this time, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a while.

"Such a strong aura, such a strong pressure, is this the demon king of the upper demon clan?"

Lin Yun did not expect that one day he would be able to meet such a strong enemy, and he could also feel a hint of power from the other party's breath.

Liu Bei whispered on the side: "This kind of powerful existence is beyond our imagination. The cultivation system of the upper world is likely to be more perfect than ours."

To be honest, even Liu Bei did not expect that they would be able to face such a powerful existence at this moment.

In any case, the current situation is completely different from what they thought before, and the few people present have no idea what will happen next.

At this moment, several guardians also fought with Dong Wu Mo Jun.

It must be said that the strength of these guardians is indeed strong, and they are also very experienced in combat. Even in the face of such a powerful existence as the Demon Lord, they can still resist.

Wan Daoyi also came to Lin Yun at this time: "Our plan has completely failed, and now we might as well leave here first."

Although he had some doubts about Lin Yun in his heart, everyone knew about this matter at this time. The most critical issue was the Sky Survey Machine.

Since the upper and lower worlds have been successfully opened, then his only choice is to escape.

And Lin Yun just glanced at Wan Daoyi and said nothing more.

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