Lin Yun originally thought that several guardians should be able to withstand the attack of Dong Wu Mo Jun.

After all, the fight between the guardians and Dong Wu Mo Jun did not seem to be particularly difficult, and they could still hold on.

And Wan Daoyi even thought that he was no longer needed on this battlefield, so he prepared to escape with Lin Yun.

But what happened in the next moment surprised everyone. Dong Wu Mo Jun, who was not very strong in combat, waved his hand at this moment.

The invisible pressure fell on everyone, especially the guardians, because they were closer, so they were directly hit at this moment.

Several people fell directly from mid-air, hit the ground hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths.

"You bastards really make me unhappy."

"I have given you many opportunities to choose, but you still make such wrong decisions. It seems that what I have to do now is to completely destroy you."

The mentality of Dongwu Demon Lord standing here is completely different from before. Facing these people, he has made up his mind to wipe them out from this world.

Originally, he thought that such a battle might not last long and would end, but what he never expected was that it lasted for so long and there was no result.

Dongwu Demon Lord also knew that the longer this battle lasted, the more disadvantageous it would be for him. He must solve these troublemakers in the lower world as soon as possible.

At the same time, a deafening drum sound came from behind. The demon army had already assembled and was ready to descend into this world at this moment.

Lin Yun also slowly stood up at this time and took a look at Wan Daoyi beside him.

"Master Wan, you don't think you can stay out of it now."

The reason why Lin Yun said this was that he was worried that Wan Daoyi would choose to escape directly at this time.

After all, for Wan Daoyi, this battle has long been meaningless, and the best choice now is to escape from here first.

But facing Wan Daoyi, Lin Yun is obviously more aware of the current situation.

They should cooperate with each other and try their best to stop these enemies from continuing to wreak havoc.

"This level of battle is no longer something you and I can control. Do you really think that we can solve these troubles with our abilities?"

The ancient battlefield itself is a very special existence. It is not easy to open the connection between the two places.

But if it continues like this, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wan Daoyi certainly wants to solve this problem.

But his own strength is not strong enough, and when facing these things, he certainly has no choice.

"Whether we can solve this problem or not, and whether we have the means or not, we always have to try it now."

Unlike Wan Daoyi, Lin Yun will not think so much now. Of course, he also knows that this matter is not so easy to do.

Since the other party is the famous demon army in the entire upper world, its strength must be very terrifying.

And his demon army is even more invincible.

But even so, they can't choose to retreat easily now, otherwise the tens of millions of people behind them will be slaughtered at will.

Lin Yun slowly raised the Chaoyang Sword in his hand.

Facing the powerful pressure of Dong Wu Demon Lord, he slowly stood up at this moment.

Everyone's attention was focused on Lin Yun, even the extremely powerful Demon Lord.

When several guardians looked at Lin Yun, there was a touch of shock in their eyes.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Lin Yun at this moment could withstand the pressure of the Demon Lord.

In their opinion, this young man has great potential. As long as he can be cultivated, this young man will become a more powerful existence in the future.

At this moment, several guardians also covered their chests and laughed at Lin Yun in the distance.

"I didn't expect that at the most critical moment for us, we could actually see such a brilliant future."

"It seems that their choice was indeed correct. Since the problem cannot be solved in a short time, let's put it on for a longer time."

As they spoke, the wills of several people became stronger, and at this time they stood up like Lin Yun.


"In a place like the lower world, you can actually find a young man with such a strong spiritual sense. It's just a pity that you met me here."

"If I can refine a young man like you into a puppet, it will be a great help to me."

Dong Wu Mojun saw through Lin Yun's spiritual sense at a glance. It is very likely that he has reached the extreme.

And such a young man can achieve even more terrifying achievements in the future.

So now the best way for him is to completely subdue this young man and turn him into his own puppet.

So now Dong Wu Mojun also directly left the guardian beside him, ready to force Lin Yun to suppress this young man completely, and several guardians of course guessed what Dong Wu Mojun was thinking.

The next moment, several guardians stood in front of Lin Yun, staring at the Demon Lord Dong Wu in front of him.

"It's not too late for you to leave now, but you won't be able to leave later."

"Once the demon army behind you arrives, this realm will revive all the sealed ancient beasts here. Can your current strength easily suppress these guys?"

After hearing the words of several protectors, Dongwu Demon Lord fell silent at this time, and the previous big demon stood beside Lin Yun.

It was because of his attention to Lin Yun that Dongwu Demon Lord saw the big demon beside Lin Yun.

For some reason, Dongwu Demon Lord also felt inexplicably familiar with the big demon beside Lin Yun.

At this moment, Lin Yun could also feel the anxiety and tension on the battlefield. He might be involved in a bigger vortex at any time, so he didn't dare to say a word.

"If this guy recognizes me, then you are really finished."

The big demon glanced at Lin Yun and said lightly.

It is obvious that the big demon and Dongwu Demon Lord did know each other a long time ago, and because of this, Dongwu Demon Lord would feel familiar when he saw the big demon.

Lin Yun saw all this and didn't say anything more.

"Can these few protectors solve the problem of Dong Wu Mo Jun? The demon army behind him is also a problem."

With the power gathered by Shenhua Realm, Lin Yun didn't know whether they were really sure to fight against the other party.

And the next words of the big demon also completely destroyed Lin Yun's last hope.

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