Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1313 Cruel Rules of Survival

Now the second test has been successfully solved.

But Lin Yun did not mean to relax at all, according to his previous understanding.

The subsequent tests will become more and more difficult. For them, whether they can leave here alive depends on whether they can play their own advantages in the subsequent tests.

"Everyone should not relax now, cheer up."

"The next is the more critical moment."

Everyone continued to move forward, and soon a magnificent hall appeared in front of them.

The moment they saw this hall, the first thing that came to everyone's mind was that they could harvest treasures here.

And the fact is indeed so.

When everyone stepped into this hall, a deafening roar sounded in everyone's mind, which made them deafened.

That is to say, Lin Yun's consciousness is relatively strong and was not affected too much.

Others were dizzy at this moment and almost fainted.

A moment later, they saw a man with his back to them in front of them. This man was wearing a black robe.

His figure was hidden in the mist.

And this man's voice was ethereal.

"Since everyone present here can pass the first two tests, it means that you do have unique talents. However, if you go further, the test will be much more difficult than before."

"If anyone wants to leave after seeing the difficulty of this road, now is a good choice. There are many treasures here."

"You can choose to take these treasures and leave."

"Now all of you have ten hours to consider."

The previous continuous battles were also quite stressful for Lin Yun.

Giving him so much time now is a good opportunity to rest and recover his strength.

But Lin Yun is not naive to think that the treasures here are really that easy to get.

Look at the people next to him. After hearing the answer from this voice, they all showed greed.

This is the disadvantage of human practitioners.

Even if they are close to their fathers, they may have different opinions in front of interests.

On the other hand, Lin Yun was very calm.

"Brother Lin, don't you want to go forward and pick some treasures?"

"Choose some treasures, even if you continue to move forward, I'm afraid no one will say anything."

Wei Quyan came to Lin Yun and asked curiously.

On the surface, she hoped that Lin Yun could pick some treasures to leave here to get fairness.

But in fact, Wei Quyan also wanted to get some treasures, but she didn't dare to act easily, so she wanted Lin Yun to be the leader.

Lin Yun naturally saw through Wei Quyan's thoughts, and just laughed casually at this time.

"My purpose of coming here this time is not to get these treasures, so these things are nothing in my eyes."

Lin Yun hopes that he can find the way to become an emperor as soon as possible.

And in the previous several battles, Lin Yun felt something.

But this hazy feeling is really a bit elusive, even now he still can't find any way to break through.

Obviously, Lin Yun still has a long way to go to break through.

Although Wei Quyan was a little disappointed when she saw Lin Yun answering like this, she didn't show it at this time.

"Brother Lin is indeed a man who does great things. If it were someone else, he would definitely not be able to withstand the temptation at this time."

Just after Wei Quyan finished speaking.

She saw that Lu Zhengyi had taken the initiative to step forward and quietly took away a treasure.

The treasure looked like a cloak, but no one knew what its function was.

Lin Yun certainly saw it, but he didn't remind her.

In this way, time passed little by little, and soon it was ten hours later.

At this time, there were more than 600 people in the hall.

If it weren't for Lin Yun, I'm afraid these people would have died in the test long ago.

But it was also because of this that they realized how weak their strength was.

If they continued to move forward, they would probably die.

Only a powerful master like Lin Yun could still fight in such a dangerous situation.

And ordinary practitioners like them had better learn to stop when they see the good.

As a result, nearly two-thirds of the people chose to withdraw in a hurry at this time.

This time, the Emperor's Tomb was more difficult to deal with than they had imagined.

It was only when these people were about to leave here that they unexpectedly discovered that the entrance was farther away than they had imagined.

And Lin Yun was still sitting there motionless.

Xu Changqing asked: "Don't you want to say something at this time?"

"Maybe this is also a test between you and me."

Human nature is greedy.

At this moment, before reaching the exit, some people began to eye the treasures in the hands of their companions.

So in Xu Changqing's view, although a large number of people chose to withdraw this time, there are probably not many who can really leave this small world.

Next, they will face a more brutal elimination.

"These treasures are nothing, and there are probably not many who can be successfully taken out in the end."

Lin Yun said contemptuously.

All those who can come here are for the last inheritance of the False Emperor. As for these so-called treasures, they are really nothing.

In fact, it was not much different from what Lin Yun and Xu Changqing had guessed.

When these people came to the exit, there was a sudden vibration, and it turned into a melee of hundreds of people in an instant.

In this battle, the weak will die instantly, and the lucky ones can take the opportunity to leave here.

But most people don't have such good luck.

So, in order to survive, they can only use all their tricks.

As for the treasures in their hands, they all played their due roles.

But unfortunately, in such a chaotic battle, no one can guarantee that they are sure to survive.

Lin Yun saw all this, and his expression was calm.

The strong prey on the weak, this is the rule of the cultivation world after all.

Although these people have worked hard for a long time, they still can't escape the punishment.

This situation did not last long, and these practitioners had died cleanly.

And Lin Yun slowly stood up at this time.

Just when others thought that they could occupy their treasures after killing their companions, they unexpectedly found that these treasures returned to the hall quickly after losing their owners.

The practitioners with blood on their hands also screamed.

Although they were still alive, Lin Yun knew that their cultivation would never be able to improve in their lifetime.

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