Although the rule of the spiritual world is that the weak eat the strong, the King of Lies obviously does not think so.

The reason why these people will eventually be punished with a curse.

It's a pity that so far, few people have been able to see through the true purpose of the Lying Emperor.

Xu Changqing was shocked when he saw this scene.

This lying emperor really doesn't seem to care about this so-called human race.

Lin Yun was relatively calm at this time, and there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

"Okay, now it's time to move on to the next level."

After everyone was still shocked by the cruelty here, Lin Yun had already started to move on.

There are still many things going on outside, and Lin Yun has no time to waste. After such a long rest, it is enough for him to cope with the next situation.

What others didn't know was that Lin Yun had released a large number of soul-eating insects.

And those practitioners who were originally dead will also be transformed into Lin Yun's puppets.

At this moment he alone is an army.

Wei Quyan followed Lin Yun closely. The tragic scene just now was still vivid in her mind.

She originally thought that it would be a piece of cake to deal with this situation with her own abilities.

But after it actually happened, I realized that I was nothing.

"Did Senior Brother Lin already know that this would be the result? Those who want to steal the treasure will eventually pay the price."

Lin Yun shook his head.

"I only found out after it happened."

The panel will change, so until these people have no evil thoughts, Lin Yun cannot be sure what will happen next.

What really changes all this is the scene when they are about to leave here.

Human greed was born in that one thought.

And when their state of mind is affected, their own thoughts will also undergo earth-shaking changes.

Everyone will pay a heavy price for their past wrong decisions. Lin Yun has never doubted this.

Everyone passed through the magnificent hall.

What appeared in front of them next was a prosperous city.

It's a pity that this city has long been deserted.

But it can still be seen from the prosperous scene on the streets that there should have been many human beings living and working here in peace and contentment.

Unfortunately, for some reason, all this has long since ceased to exist.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a scene in this small world. I really don't know what the lie emperor did back then."

Nanshan Wentian sighed with emotion, and then stood beside Lin Yun.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, how have you considered what I said before?"

"The cooperation between you and me will be invincible in the world. You also know the abilities of our Nanshan family. As long as you are willing to join our Nanshan family, your future will advance by leaps and bounds with your talent in cultivation."

Lin Yun glanced at Nanshan Wentian.

"The strength of the Nanshan family is indeed good, but I want to know how many emperor-level experts there are in your family?"

"Obviously, my future goal is not just to step into the realm of the earth, but to a higher realm of creation."

"I want to know if the Nanshan family can really afford to provide for me?"

Faced with Lin Yun's doubts, Nanshan Wentian laughed heartily. He was not afraid of Lin Yun's request, but he was afraid that Lin Yun would not say anything.

"It's natural for Fellow Daoist Lin to have such a good idea."

"To be honest, our Nanshan family has been so low-key these years. It's not because we don't have the ability, but because we don't want others to know."

"Your Excellency is really qualified to take that step. When the time comes, even if you have all the power of my Nanshan family, I will definitely wish you to take that step."

Nanshan Wentian was really not kidding about this.

If Lin Yun can really reach the realm of creation, they will definitely cooperate with him fully.

But the premise is that Lin Yun must join their Nanshan family from the bottom of his heart.

If the family can produce such a master, their family's glory can be guaranteed to last for thousands of years.

Lin Yun saw these guys' wishful thinking, but he didn't take it to heart at this time.

Of course he knew what Nanshan Wentian would do next, and he also knew what Nanshan meant by asking so many questions.

But at this moment, Lin Yun still acted very relaxed.

"It can be decided in a minute and a half. Please wait a little longer for Young Master Nanshan. After I have an idea, I can talk to Young Master Nanshan in detail."

Lin Yun looked at the city in front of him.

I don’t know when this little world was born.

Just looking at this city, it seems like everything that happened here seems like yesterday.

Another quarter of an hour passed like this, and everyone found that they could not leave here at all.

"What's going on? We've been walking for a long time, why are we still on this street?"

Someone asked curiously.

At the same time, more and more people find themselves walking for a long time and still walking in the same place.

Even Lin Yun was observing the surroundings curiously.

At the same time, powerful spiritual consciousness was also quickly exploring the surroundings.

But the strange thing is that no matter how fast Lin Yun's consciousness is, he can never reach the final boundary.

But this feeling gave Lin Yun an indescribable familiarity, as if he had been in a similar situation at some point.

"What's going on? Why can't I find out anything about this place?"

Lin Yun muttered in a low voice, and stopped at this moment, looking around curiously, and began to touch the surrounding buildings.

He knew that there must be something wrong with this city, but what was the reason? It is still unknown.

Chong Qingniao said curiously: "Like you, I also feel that the situation here seems a little familiar."

Lin Yun was not talking, but thinking seriously.

At this time, his eyes suddenly changed.


"There are time rules here."

Lin Yun remembered everything that happened to him in the mirror world.

The feeling there is exactly the same as here, which means that they are now likely to be trapped in a time loop.

And if you want to leave here, you have to find the rules here.

Then Lin Yun told Nanshan Wentian and Xu Changqing around him about his thoughts.

Nanshan Wentian shook his head after listening.

"We admit that the False Emperor is very strong. The False Emperor does not seem to have mastered this ability, unless he did not die, but faked his death."

The False Emperor's past is enough to explain everything, so naturally no one believes this situation.

But Lin Yun is very sure.

"If you want to leave here, you must break the time loop."

"You must also admit that the False Emperor really has this ability."

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