Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1363 This is not an accident

Lin Yun is now very confident about what will happen next.

Chong Qingniao is right. If someone finds out that they are here, it will be a real problem.

However, Lin Yun's consciousness has already spread around, and he is always paying attention to every move around him.

So if there is any movement, he can detect it at the first time, so he doesn't need to worry about any unexpected troubles.

"I don't know where you got your confidence from, but you said that no one has noticed your existence now, so let's take it as it is."

"But these two shadow spiders are really hard to deal with right now. The runes on them are not that simple."

Chong Qingniao can also see that the combat effectiveness of these two shadow spiders is very strong, for Lin Yun.

If you don't expose your own strength and other means, it is difficult to get rid of these two shadow spiders.

And looking at the madness of these two shadow spiders in the battle just now, it is obvious that they will never stop before killing their prey.

So this has created a stalemate, and even Lin Yun now has no particularly good way to deal with this situation.

It was just that Lin Yun could still keep a little calm at this time, thinking about whether he could find a flaw in it.

"Originally, I could use other means to deceive the other party, but now it seems that these shadow spiders have completely fallen into madness. I am afraid that these means will have no effect on these guys."

"So today we can only kill them."

Maybe Lin Yun really needed to go all out just now to kill these shadow spiders.

The black runes on these spiders are too tricky for ordinary practitioners. But Lin Yun directly attached the Chaos Flame in secret at this time.

When have these shadow spiders seen such means? So when they came to their senses, they were already hit by Lin Yun's Chaos Flame.

The terrifying Chaos Flame spread in an instant, and in the blink of an eye it had covered the entire trend of the shadow spiders.

At the same time, the black runes on their bodies also flickered at this moment, and a steady stream of power was released from those black words to fight against the Chaos Flame.

Perhaps for them, this is the best way to save the two spiders now, but unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, they are still a little behind Lin Yun.

The endless Chaos Flame quickly suppressed the evil spirit.

As the Chaos Flame that can burn everything, it is of course impossible to be restricted by this small black rune at this time.

So when the black rune appeared, it not only failed to block the attack of the Chaos Flame, but also made the Chaos Flame spread more at that moment.

Facing the increasingly fierce Chaos Flame, it is obvious that these black runes have no particularly good way. Everything they can do has been tried before.

Soon, the two shadow spiders kept screaming under the burning of the Chaos Flame.

In Lin Yun's sight, the two shadow spiders were struggling all the time.

But they could not escape the punishment of the Chaos Flame after all, and soon the runes on their outer shells were completely burned clean.

Dong Wenyuan saw the whole process.

He didn't know what had just happened, but he had only one thought in his mind, that is, Lin Yun was really amazing.

Dong Wenyuan was also well-informed, and he had witnessed many scenes with his own eyes.

But compared with Lin Yun, these situations were simply earth-shaking changes.

When all this was settled, Dong Wenyuan immediately came to Lin Yun.

"Thank you so much, senior. If it weren't for your help, I really don't know what would happen next."

"No one thought that the mysterious shadow spiders could be seen here."

Dong Wenyuan still felt a little sorry when he said this, after all, these shadow spiders had been destroyed.

Seeing that Dong Wenyuan had already opened his mouth and wanted to continue talking, Lin Yun directly raised his hand to block this guy's mouth, and then took Dong Wenyuan to another direction without thinking.

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart now, but I don't have much time to explain so much to you, just follow me obediently."

"You will soon know what the situation is."

Lin Yun took Dong Wenyuan to a remote jungle, where they could just see the place where they had just fought.

Although Dong Wenyuan was still very confused, after all, they had successfully killed the shadow spider and should have reunited with their companions now. Why did Lin Yun take him to hide here?

However, Lin Yun did not explain too much about this, just let Dong Wenyuan watch quietly.

Sure enough, just after the two hid for a quarter of an hour, they saw a group of people in the distance rushing here at a very fast speed.

One of them was Yu Lina, who was in Dong Wenyuan's mind, but looking at Yu Lina's current state, it was obvious that she had not suffered any damage, and even a little dust could not stick to her body.

"What's going on? It stands to reason that he should die here."

Yu Lina took the initiative to step forward, looking at the blood on the ground and the bodies of the two shadow spiders, her eyes were also huge.

Originally, he thought that these two shadow spiders were enough to kill Dong Wenyuan, but he didn't expect that they would fail at this level. What he didn't expect was that these two shadows had turned into ashes.

Only some relatively solid parts were left that had not been completely burned.

At this time, a young man next to Yu Lina came forward.

"Nana, don't worry about the blood on the ground? That kid must be seriously injured now. I don't know where he ran away. As long as we can continue to chase him and kill him, it's only a matter of time."

At this time, it can be concluded that Yu Lina ambushed Dong Wenyuan with several people under her.

Lin Yun also confirmed this through the panel, and at this time he looked at Dong Wenyuan beside him curiously.

As a result, Lin Yun saw Dong Wenyuan clenching his fists and looking at Yu Lina and the young man in the distance with an angry face.

The opponent's team has more than 20 people, and they are searching for clues here.

It seems that they must kill Dong Wenyuan before they can stop.

At this time, Dong Wenyuan was almost vomiting blood out of anger.

He didn't expect that Yu Lina, whom he treated sincerely, actually wanted to kill him.

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